Changeset - r28810:dd35d3d734ac
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Peter Nelson - 9 months ago 2024-02-25 08:35:57
Fix d3c673e: Don't defer OnResize() after ReInit() (#12174)

Some windows resize themselves during painting and issue ReInit(). In this case deferred OnResize() causes a visible glitch as the event is handled on the next redraw.
2 files changed with 10 insertions and 6 deletions:
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@@ -975,25 +975,25 @@ void Window::ReInit(int rx, int ry, bool
	int dy = (this->resize.step_height == 0) ? 0 : window_height - this->height;
	/* dx and dy has to go by step.. calculate it.
	 * The cast to int is necessary else dx/dy are implicitly casted to unsigned int, which won't work. */
	if (this->resize.step_width  > 1) dx -= dx % (int)this->resize.step_width;
	if (this->resize.step_height > 1) dy -= dy % (int)this->resize.step_height;

	if (reposition) {
		Point pt = this->OnInitialPosition(this->nested_root->smallest_x, this->nested_root->smallest_y, window_number);
		this->InitializePositionSize(pt.x, pt.y, this->nested_root->smallest_x, this->nested_root->smallest_y);
		this->FindWindowPlacementAndResize(this->window_desc->GetDefaultWidth(), this->window_desc->GetDefaultHeight());

	ResizeWindow(this, dx, dy);
	ResizeWindow(this, dx, dy, true, false);
	/* ResizeWindow() does this->SetDirty() already, no need to do it again here. */

 * Set the shaded state of the window to \a make_shaded.
 * @param make_shaded If \c true, shade the window (roll up until just the title bar is visible), else unshade/unroll the window to its original size.
 * @note The method uses #Window::ReInit(), thus after the call, the whole window should be considered changed.
void Window::SetShaded(bool make_shaded)
	if (this->shade_select == nullptr) return;

@@ -1438,26 +1438,26 @@ void Window::FindWindowPlacementAndResiz
		int enlarge_x = std::max(std::min(def_width  - this->width,  _screen.width - this->width),  0);
		int enlarge_y = std::max(std::min(def_height - this->height, free_height   - this->height), 0);

		/* X and Y has to go by step.. calculate it.
		 * The cast to int is necessary else x/y are implicitly casted to
		 * unsigned int, which won't work. */
		if (this->resize.step_width  > 1) enlarge_x -= enlarge_x % (int)this->resize.step_width;
		if (this->resize.step_height > 1) enlarge_y -= enlarge_y % (int)this->resize.step_height;

		ResizeWindow(this, enlarge_x, enlarge_y);
		/* ResizeWindow() calls this->OnResize(). */
	} else {
		/* Schedule OnResize; that way the scrollbars and matrices get initialized. */
		/* Always call OnResize; that way the scrollbars and matrices get initialized. */

	int nx = this->left;
	int ny = this->top;

	if (nx + this->width > _screen.width) nx -= (nx + this->width - _screen.width);

	const Window *wt = FindWindowById(WC_MAIN_TOOLBAR, 0);
	ny = std::max(ny, (wt == nullptr || this == wt || this->top == 0) ? 0 : wt->height);
	nx = std::max(nx, 0);

	if (this->viewport != nullptr) {
@@ -2015,25 +2015,25 @@ static void EnsureVisibleCaption(Window 

 * Resize the window.
 * Update all the widgets of a window based on their resize flags
 * Both the areas of the old window and the new sized window are set dirty
 * ensuring proper redrawal.
 * @param w       Window to resize
 * @param delta_x Delta x-size of changed window (positive if larger, etc.)
 * @param delta_y Delta y-size of changed window
 * @param clamp_to_screen Whether to make sure the whole window stays visible
void ResizeWindow(Window *w, int delta_x, int delta_y, bool clamp_to_screen)
void ResizeWindow(Window *w, int delta_x, int delta_y, bool clamp_to_screen, bool schedule_resize)
	if (delta_x != 0 || delta_y != 0) {
		if (clamp_to_screen) {
			/* Determine the new right/bottom position. If that is outside of the bounds of
			 * the resolution clamp it in such a manner that it stays within the bounds. */
			int new_right  = w->left + w->width  + delta_x;
			int new_bottom = w->top  + w->height + delta_y;
			if (new_right  >= (int)_screen.width)  delta_x -= Ceil(new_right  - _screen.width,  std::max(1U, w->nested_root->resize_x));
			if (new_bottom >= (int)_screen.height) delta_y -= Ceil(new_bottom - _screen.height, std::max(1U, w->nested_root->resize_y));

@@ -2042,25 +2042,29 @@ void ResizeWindow(Window *w, int delta_x
		uint new_yinc = std::max(0, (w->nested_root->resize_y == 0) ? 0 : (int)(w->nested_root->current_y - w->nested_root->smallest_y) + delta_y);
		assert(w->nested_root->resize_x == 0 || new_xinc % w->nested_root->resize_x == 0);
		assert(w->nested_root->resize_y == 0 || new_yinc % w->nested_root->resize_y == 0);

		w->nested_root->AssignSizePosition(ST_RESIZE, 0, 0, w->nested_root->smallest_x + new_xinc, w->nested_root->smallest_y + new_yinc, _current_text_dir == TD_RTL);
		w->width  = w->nested_root->current_x;
		w->height = w->nested_root->current_y;

	EnsureVisibleCaption(w, w->left, w->top);

	/* Schedule OnResize to make sure everything is initialised correctly if it needs to be. */
	if (schedule_resize) {
	} else {

 * Return the top of the main view available for general use.
 * @return Uppermost vertical coordinate available.
 * @note Above the upper y coordinate is often the main toolbar.
int GetMainViewTop()
	Window *w = FindWindowById(WC_MAIN_TOOLBAR, 0);
	return (w == nullptr) ? 0 : w->top + w->height;
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@@ -17,25 +17,25 @@

Window *FindWindowById(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number);
Window *FindWindowByClass(WindowClass cls);
Window *GetMainWindow();
void ChangeWindowOwner(Owner old_owner, Owner new_owner);

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<StrongTypedefBase, T>::value, int> = 0>
Window *FindWindowById(WindowClass cls, T number)
	return FindWindowById(cls, number.base());

void ResizeWindow(Window *w, int x, int y, bool clamp_to_screen = true);
void ResizeWindow(Window *w, int x, int y, bool clamp_to_screen = true, bool schedule_resize = true);
int PositionMainToolbar(Window *w);
int PositionStatusbar(Window *w);
int PositionNewsMessage(Window *w);
int PositionNetworkChatWindow(Window *w);

int GetMainViewTop();
int GetMainViewBottom();

void InitWindowSystem();
void UnInitWindowSystem();
void ResetWindowSystem();
void SetupColoursAndInitialWindow();
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