Changeset - r28643:dde0de537357
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Peter Nelson - 11 months ago 2024-01-07 19:32:41
Change: Towns generate cargo based on town production effect.

This replaces the fixed handling of passengers and mail.
2 files changed with 72 insertions and 40 deletions:
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@@ -541,9 +541,52 @@ static void TownGenerateCargo(Town *t, C
	amount = ScaleByCargoScale(amount, true);

	/* Actually generate cargo and update town statistics. */
	uint moved = MoveGoodsToStation(ct, amount, SourceType::Town, t->index, stations.GetStations());
	t->supplied[ct].new_max += amount;
	t->supplied[ct].new_act += moved;
	t->supplied[ct].new_act += MoveGoodsToStation(ct, amount, SourceType::Town, t->index, stations.GetStations());;

 * Generate cargo for a house using the original algorithm.
 * @param t The current town.
 * @param tpe The town production effect.
 * @param rate The town's product rate for this production.
 * @param stations Available stations for this house.
static void TownGenerateCargoOriginal(Town *t, TownProductionEffect tpe, uint8_t rate, StationFinder &stations)
	for (const CargoSpec *cs : CargoSpec::town_production_cargoes[tpe]) {
		uint32_t r = Random();
		if (GB(r, 0, 8) < rate) {
			CargoID cid = cs->Index();
			uint amt = GB(r, 0, 8) / 8 + 1;

			TownGenerateCargo(t, cid, amt, stations, true);

 * Generate cargo for a house using the binominal algorithm.
 * @param t The current town.
 * @param tpe The town production effect.
 * @param rate The town's product rate for this production.
 * @param stations Available stations for this house.
static void TownGenerateCargoBinominal(Town *t, TownProductionEffect tpe, uint8_t rate, StationFinder &stations)
	for (const CargoSpec *cs : CargoSpec::town_production_cargoes[tpe]) {
		CargoID cid = cs->Index();
		uint32_t r = Random();

		/* Make a bitmask with up to 32 bits set, one for each potential pax. */
		int genmax = (rate + 7) / 8;
		uint32_t genmask = (genmax >= 32) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : ((1 << genmax) - 1);

		/* Mask random value by potential pax and count number of actual pax. */
		uint amt = CountBits(r & genmask);

		TownGenerateCargo(t, cid, amt, stations, true);

@@ -600,15 +643,8 @@ static void TileLoop_Town(TileIndex tile
		switch (_settings_game.economy.town_cargogen_mode) {
				/* Original (quadratic) cargo generation algorithm */
				if (GB(r, 0, 8) < hs->population) {
					uint amt = GB(r, 0, 8) / 8 + 1;
					TownGenerateCargo(t, CT_PASSENGERS, amt, stations, true);

				if (GB(r, 8, 8) < hs->mail_generation) {
					uint amt = GB(r, 8, 8) / 8 + 1;
					TownGenerateCargo(t, CT_MAIL, amt, stations, true);
				TownGenerateCargoOriginal(t, TPE_PASSENGERS, hs->population, stations);
				TownGenerateCargoOriginal(t, TPE_MAIL, hs->mail_generation, stations);

@@ -616,20 +652,8 @@ static void TileLoop_Town(TileIndex tile
				/* Reduce generation rate to a 1/4, using tile bits to spread out distribution.
				 * As tick counter is incremented by 256 between each call, we ignore the lower 8 bits. */
				if (GB(TimerGameTick::counter, 8, 2) == GB(tile.base(), 0, 2)) {
					/* Make a bitmask with up to 32 bits set, one for each potential pax */
					int genmax = (hs->population + 7) / 8;
					uint32_t genmask = (genmax >= 32) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : ((1 << genmax) - 1);
					/* Mask random value by potential pax and count number of actual pax */
					uint amt = CountBits(r & genmask);
					/* Adjust and apply */
					TownGenerateCargo(t, CT_PASSENGERS, amt, stations, true);

					/* Do the same for mail, with a fresh random */
					r = Random();
					genmax = (hs->mail_generation + 7) / 8;
					genmask = (genmax >= 32) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : ((1 << genmax) - 1);
					amt = CountBits(r & genmask);
					TownGenerateCargo(t, CT_MAIL, amt, stations, true);
					TownGenerateCargoBinominal(t, TPE_PASSENGERS, hs->population, stations);
					TownGenerateCargoBinominal(t, TPE_MAIL, hs->mail_generation, stations);

@@ -731,10 +755,14 @@ static void AddProducedCargo_Town(TileIn
	} else {
		if (hs->population > 0) {
			for (const CargoSpec *cs : CargoSpec::town_production_cargoes[TPE_PASSENGERS]) {
		if (hs->mail_generation > 0) {
			for (const CargoSpec *cs : CargoSpec::town_production_cargoes[TPE_MAIL]) {
@@ -1883,8 +1911,12 @@ void UpdateTownRadius(Town *t)
void UpdateTownMaxPass(Town *t)
	t->supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].old_max = ScaleByCargoScale(t->cache.population >> 3, true);
	t->supplied[CT_MAIL].old_max = ScaleByCargoScale(t->cache.population >> 4, true);
	for (const CargoSpec *cs : CargoSpec::town_production_cargoes[TPE_PASSENGERS]) {
		t->supplied[cs->Index()].old_max = ScaleByCargoScale(t->cache.population >> 3, true);
	for (const CargoSpec *cs : CargoSpec::town_production_cargoes[TPE_MAIL]) {
		t->supplied[cs->Index()].old_max = ScaleByCargoScale(t->cache.population >> 4, true);

static void UpdateTownGrowthRate(Town *t);
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@@ -408,17 +408,17 @@ public: += GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL);

		StringID str_last_period = TimerGameEconomy::UsingWallclockUnits() ? STR_TOWN_VIEW_CARGO_LAST_MINUTE_MAX : STR_TOWN_VIEW_CARGO_LAST_MONTH_MAX;
		SetDParam(0, 1 << CT_PASSENGERS);
		SetDParam(1, this->town->supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].old_act);
		SetDParam(2, this->town->supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].old_max);
		DrawString(tr, str_last_period); += GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL);

		SetDParam(0, 1 << CT_MAIL);
		SetDParam(1, this->town->supplied[CT_MAIL].old_act);
		SetDParam(2, this->town->supplied[CT_MAIL].old_max);
		DrawString(tr, str_last_period); += GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL);
		for (auto tpe : {TPE_PASSENGERS, TPE_MAIL}) {
			for (const CargoSpec *cs : CargoSpec::town_production_cargoes[tpe]) {
				CargoID cid = cs->Index();
				SetDParam(0, 1ULL << cid);
				SetDParam(1, this->town->supplied[cid].old_act);
				SetDParam(2, this->town->supplied[cid].old_max);
				DrawString(tr, str_last_period); += GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL);

		bool first = true;
		for (int i = TAE_BEGIN; i < TAE_END; i++) {
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ public:
	uint GetDesiredInfoHeight(int width) const
		uint aimed_height = 3 * GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL);
		uint aimed_height = static_cast<uint>(1 + CargoSpec::town_production_cargoes[TPE_PASSENGERS].size() + CargoSpec::town_production_cargoes[TPE_MAIL].size()) * GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL);

		bool first = true;
		for (int i = TAE_BEGIN; i < TAE_END; i++) {
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