Changeset - r2168:e2d4a81ef7a9
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tron - 19 years ago 2005-07-22 18:19:06
(svn r2682) Static, casts, misc.
2 files changed with 46 insertions and 45 deletions:
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@@ -57,20 +57,17 @@ extern void ShutdownDirectMusic (void);
extern bool LoadMIDI (char *directory, char *filename);
extern void PlaySegment (void);
extern void StopSegment (void);
extern bool IsSegmentPlaying (void);
extern void SetVolume (long);

bool seeking = false;
static bool seeking = false;

static const char * DMusicMidiStart(const char * const *parm)
	if (InitDirectMusic() == true)

  return("Unable to initialize DirectMusic");
	return InitDirectMusic() ? NULL : "Unable to initialize DirectMusic";

static void DMusicMidiStop(void)
@@ -82,14 +79,13 @@ static void DMusicMidiPlaySong(const cha
	char file[MAX_PATH];

	// split full path into directory and file components
	ttd_strlcpy(dir, filename, MAX_PATH);
	pos = strrchr(dir, '\\') + 1;
	ttd_strlcpy(file, pos, MAX_PATH);
	//strchr(file, ' ')[0] = 0;
	*pos = 0;
	*pos = '\0';

	LoadMIDI(dir, file);
	seeking = true;

@@ -97,20 +93,18 @@ static void DMusicMidiStopSong(void)

static bool DMusicMidiIsSongPlaying(void)
	if ((IsSegmentPlaying() == 0) && (seeking == true)) // Not the nicest code, but there is a
		return(true);                                   // short delay before playing actually
                                                        // starts. OpenTTD makes no provision for
	if (IsSegmentPlaying() == 1)                        // this.
		seeking = false;
	/* Not the nicest code, but there is a short delay before playing actually 
	 * starts. OpenTTD makes no provision for this. */
	if (!IsSegmentPlaying() && seeking) return true;
	if (IsSegmentPlaying()) seeking = false;


	return IsSegmentPlaying();

static void DMusicMidiSetVolume(byte vol)
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@@ -51,28 +51,30 @@

#include <dmksctrl.h>
#include <dmusici.h>
#include <dmusicc.h>
#include <dmusicf.h>

#define VARIANT int
#define MSGBOX(output)	DEBUG(misc, 0) ("DirectMusic driver: %s\n", output); //MessageBox(NULL, output, "dxmci",MB_OK);

#define MSGBOX(output)	DEBUG(misc, 0) ("DirectMusic driver: %s\n", output); //MessageBox(NULL, output, "dxmci",MB_OK);
#define MULTI_TO_WIDE( x,y )  MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP,MB_PRECOMPOSED, y,-1,x,_MAX_PATH);
static void MultiToWide(WCHAR* to, const char* from)
	MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, from, -1, to, _MAX_PATH);

// the performance object controls manipulation of  the segments
IDirectMusicPerformance *performance = NULL;
static IDirectMusicPerformance *performance = NULL;

// the segment object is where the MIDI data is stored for playback
IDirectMusicSegment *segment = NULL;
static IDirectMusicSegment *segment = NULL;

// the loader bject can load many types of DMusic related files
IDirectMusicLoader *loader = NULL;
static IDirectMusicLoader *loader = NULL;

// whether we've initialized COM or not (when deciding whether to shut down)
int COMInitialized = 0;
static int COMInitialized = 0;


extern "C" bool LoadLibraryList(void **proc, const char *dll);

// Use lazy linking
struct ProcPtrs {
@@ -124,17 +126,18 @@ bool InitDirectMusic (void)
		COMInitialized = 1;

	// Create the performance object via CoCreateInstance
	if (FAILED(_proc.CoCreateInstance(
			(LPVOID *)&performance))) {
			))) {
		MSGBOX ("Failed to create the performance object");
		return false;

	// Initialize it
	if (FAILED(performance->Init(NULL, NULL, NULL))) {
@@ -148,16 +151,19 @@ bool InitDirectMusic (void)
		return false;

	// now we'll create the loader object. This will be used to load the
	// midi file for our demo. Again, we need to use CoCreateInstance
	// and pass the appropriate ID parameters
	if (FAILED(_proc.CoCreateInstance((REFCLSID)CLSID_DirectMusicLoader,
			(LPVOID *)&loader))) {
	if (FAILED(_proc.CoCreateInstance(
			))) {
		MSGBOX("Failed to create loader object");
		return false;

	// that's it for initialization. If we made it this far we
	// were successful.
@@ -170,87 +176,88 @@ void ReleaseSegment (void)
	if (NULL != segment) {
		segment->Release ();
		segment = NULL;

void ShutdownDirectMusic (void)
	// release everything but the segment, which the performance
	// will release automatically (and it'll crash if it's been
	// released already)

	if (NULL != loader) {
		loader->Release ();
		loader = NULL;

	if (NULL != performance)
	if (NULL != performance) {
 		performance->CloseDown ();
		performance->Release ();
		performance = NULL;

	if (COMInitialized) {
		COMInitialized = 0;

// Load MIDI file for playing
bool LoadMIDI (char *directory, char *filename)
bool LoadMIDI(const char *directory, const char *filename)
	WCHAR w_directory[_MAX_PATH];	// utf-16 version of the directory name.
	WCHAR w_filename[_MAX_PATH];	// utf-16 version of the file name

	if (NULL == performance)
		return false;

	MultiToWide(w_directory, directory);

	if (FAILED(loader->SetSearchDirectory((REFGUID) GUID_DirectMusicAllTypes,
				w_directory, FALSE))) {
	if (FAILED(loader->SetSearchDirectory(
				GUID_DirectMusicAllTypes, w_directory, FALSE
			))) {
		MSGBOX("LoadMIDI: SetSearchDirectory failed");
		return false;

	// set up the loader object info
	ZeroMemory (&obj_desc, sizeof (obj_desc));
	obj_desc.dwSize = sizeof (obj_desc);

	MultiToWide(w_filename, filename);
	obj_desc.guidClass = CLSID_DirectMusicSegment;

	wcscpy (obj_desc.wszFileName,w_filename);
	obj_desc.dwValidData = DMUS_OBJ_CLASS | DMUS_OBJ_FILENAME;

	// release the existing segment if we have any
	if (NULL != segment)

	// and make a new segment
	if (FAILED(loader->GetObject(&obj_desc,
			(LPVOID *) &segment))) {
	if (FAILED(loader->GetObject(
				&obj_desc, IID_IDirectMusicSegment, (LPVOID*)&segment
			))) {
		MSGBOX("LoadMIDI: Get object failed");
		return FALSE;
		return false;

	// next we need to tell the segment what kind of data it contains. We do this
	// with the IDirectMusicSegment::SetParam function.
	if (FAILED(segment->SetParam((REFGUID)GUID_StandardMIDIFile,
			0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, (LPVOID)performance))) {
	if (FAILED(segment->SetParam(
				GUID_StandardMIDIFile, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, performance
			))) {
		MSGBOX("LoadMIDI: SetParam (MIDI file) failed");
		return false;

	// finally, we need to tell the segment to 'download' the instruments
	if (FAILED(segment->SetParam((REFGUID)GUID_Download,
			0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, (LPVOID)performance))) {
	if (FAILED(segment->SetParam(GUID_Download, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, performance))) {
		MSGBOX("LoadMIDI: Failed to download instruments");
		return false;

	// at this point, the MIDI file is loaded and ready to play!
	return true;
@@ -279,16 +286,16 @@ void StopSegment (void)

// Find out whether playing has started or stopped
bool IsSegmentPlaying (void)
	if (NULL == performance || NULL == segment)
		return FALSE;
		return false;

	// IsPlaying return S_OK if the segment is currently playing
	return performance->IsPlaying(segment, NULL) == S_OK ? TRUE : FALSE;
	return performance->IsPlaying(segment, NULL) == S_OK;

void SetVolume(long vol)
	long db;

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