Changeset - r17183:eeb17c6a8920
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rubidium - 14 years ago 2011-01-31 20:27:33
(svn r21932) -Document: some tidbits related to vehicles
6 files changed with 79 insertions and 35 deletions:
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@@ -20,21 +20,25 @@
 *  - electric sparks for trains
 *  - explosions
 *  - bulldozer (road works)
 *  - bubbles (industry)
struct EffectVehicle : public SpecializedVehicle<EffectVehicle, VEH_EFFECT> {
	uint16 animation_state;
	byte animation_substate;
	uint16 animation_state;  ///< State primarily used to change the graphics/behaviour.
	byte animation_substate; ///< Sub state to time the change of the graphics/behaviour.

	/** We don't want GCC to zero our struct! It already is zeroed and has an index! */
	EffectVehicle() : SpecializedVehicleBase() {}
	/** We want to 'destruct' the right class. */
	virtual ~EffectVehicle() {}

	void UpdateDeltaXY(Direction direction);
	bool Tick();

 * Iterate over disaster vehicles.
 * @param var The variable used to iterate over.

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@@ -470,12 +470,17 @@ static uint FixVehicleInclination(Vehicl
	if (middle_z < entry_z) return 1U << GVF_GOINGDOWN_BIT;

	/* middle_z > entry_z, we are going upwards. */
	return 1U << GVF_GOINGUP_BIT;

 * Perform a (large) amount of savegame conversion *magic* in order to
 * load older savegames and to fill the caches for various purposes.
 * @return True iff conversion went without a problem.
bool AfterLoadGame()

	TileIndex map_size = MapSize();

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@@ -160,12 +160,17 @@ static void FixOldTowns()

static StringID *_old_vehicle_names;

 * Convert the old style vehicles into something that resembles
 * the old new style savegames. Then #AfterLoadGame can handle
 * the rest of the conversion.
void FixOldVehicles()
	Vehicle *v;

		if ((size_t)v->next == 0xFFFF) {
@@ -1209,12 +1214,18 @@ static const OldChunks vehicle_chunk[] =
	OCL_CNULL( OC_TTO, 24 ), ///< junk
	OCL_CNULL( OC_TTD, 20 ), ///< junk at end of struct (TTDPatch has some data in it)


 * Load the vehicles of an old style savegame.
 * @param ls  State (buffer) of the currently loaded game.
 * @param num The number of vehicles to load.
 * @return True iff loading went without problems.
bool LoadOldVehicle(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
	/* Read the TTDPatch flags, because we need some info from it */

	for (uint i = 0; i < _old_vehicle_multiplier; i++) {
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@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@
#include "../effectvehicle_base.h"

#include "saveload.h"

#include <map>

 * Link front and rear multiheaded engines to each other
 * This is done when loading a savegame
void ConnectMultiheadedTrains()
	Train *v;
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@@ -60,13 +60,13 @@
VehicleID _new_vehicle_id;
uint16 _returned_refit_capacity;      ///< Stores the capacity after a refit operation.
uint16 _returned_mail_refit_capacity; ///< Stores the mail capacity after a refit operation (Aircraft only).
byte _age_cargo_skip_counter;         ///< Skip aging of cargo?


/* Initialize the vehicle-pool */
/** The pool with all our precious vehicles. */
VehiclePool _vehicle_pool("Vehicle");

 * Function to tell if a vehicle needs to be autorenewed
 * @param *c The vehicle owner
@@ -1802,15 +1802,19 @@ void Vehicle::DeleteUnreachedAutoOrders(
		/* Delete order effectively deletes order, so get the next before deleting it. */
		order = order->next;
		DeleteOrder(this, this->cur_order_index);

 * Prepare everything to begin the loading when arriving at a station.
 * @pre IsTileType(this->tile, MP_STATION) || this->type == VEH_SHIP.
void Vehicle::BeginLoading()
	assert(IsTileType(tile, MP_STATION) || type == VEH_SHIP);
	assert(IsTileType(this->tile, MP_STATION) || this->type == VEH_SHIP);

	if (this->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION) &&
			this->current_order.GetDestination() == this->last_station_visited) {

		/* Now cur_order_index points to the destination station, and we can start loading */
@@ -1851,22 +1855,26 @@ void Vehicle::BeginLoading()

	this->cur_speed = 0;

 * Perform all actions when leaving a station.
 * @pre this->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING)
void Vehicle::LeaveStation()

	delete this->cargo_payment;

	/* Only update the timetable if the vehicle was supposed to stop here. */
	if (current_order.GetNonStopType() != ONSF_STOP_EVERYWHERE) UpdateVehicleTimetable(this, false);
	if (this->current_order.GetNonStopType() != ONSF_STOP_EVERYWHERE) UpdateVehicleTimetable(this, false);

	Station *st = Station::Get(this->last_station_visited);


	if (this->type == VEH_TRAIN && !(this->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED)) {
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@@ -153,33 +153,35 @@ public:

	/* Used for timetabling. */
	uint32 current_order_time;          ///< How many ticks have passed since this order started.
	int32 lateness_counter;             ///< How many ticks late (or early if negative) this vehicle is.
	Date timetable_start;               ///< When the vehicle is supposed to start the timetable.

	/* Boundaries for the current position in the world and a next hash link.
	 * NOSAVE: All of those can be updated with VehiclePositionChanged() */
	Rect coord;
	Vehicle *next_hash, **prev_hash;
	Vehicle *next_new_hash, **prev_new_hash;
	Vehicle **old_new_hash;
	Rect coord;                         ///< NOSAVE: Graphical bounding box of the vehicle, i.e. what to redraw on moves.

	Vehicle *next_hash;                 ///< NOSAVE: Next vehicle in the visual location hash.
	Vehicle **prev_hash;                ///< NOSAVE: Previous vehicle in the visual location hash.

	Vehicle *next_new_hash;             ///< NOSAVE: Next vehicle in the tile location hash.
	Vehicle **prev_new_hash;            ///< NOSAVE: Previous vehicle in the tile location hash.
	Vehicle **old_new_hash;             ///< NOSAVE: Cache of the current hash chain.

	SpriteID colourmap;                 ///< NOSAVE: cached colour mapping

	/* Related to age and service time */
	Year build_year;
	Year build_year;                    ///< Year the vehicle has been built.
	Date age;                           ///< Age in days
	Date max_age;                       ///< Maximum age
	Date date_of_last_service;
	Date service_interval;
	Date date_of_last_service;          ///< Last date the vehicle had a service at a depot.
	Date service_interval;              ///< The interval for (automatic) servicing; either in days or %.
	uint16 reliability;                 ///< Reliability.
	uint16 reliability_spd_dec;         ///< Reliability decrease speed.
	byte breakdown_ctr;                 ///< Counter for managing breakdown events. @see Vehicle::HandleBreakdown
	byte breakdown_delay;               ///< Counter for managing breakdown length.
	byte breakdowns_since_last_service;
	byte breakdown_chance;
	byte breakdowns_since_last_service; ///< Counter for the amount of breakdowns.
	byte breakdown_chance;              ///< Current chance of breakdowns.

	int32 x_pos;                        ///< x coordinate.
	int32 y_pos;                        ///< y coordinate.
	byte z_pos;                         ///< z coordinate.
	DirectionByte direction;            ///< facing

@@ -190,30 +192,27 @@ public:
	SpriteID cur_image;                 ///< sprite number for this vehicle
	byte x_extent;                      ///< x-extent of vehicle bounding box
	byte y_extent;                      ///< y-extent of vehicle bounding box
	byte z_extent;                      ///< z-extent of vehicle bounding box
	int8 x_offs;                        ///< x offset for vehicle sprite
	int8 y_offs;                        ///< y offset for vehicle sprite
	EngineID engine_type;
	EngineID engine_type;               ///< The type of engine used for this vehicle.

	TextEffectID fill_percent_te_id;    ///< a text-effect id to a loading indicator object
	UnitID unitnumber;                  ///< unit number, for display purposes only

	uint16 cur_speed;                   ///< current speed
	byte subspeed;                      ///< fractional speed
	byte acceleration;                  ///< used by train & aircraft
	uint32 motion_counter;
	byte progress;
	uint32 motion_counter;              ///< counter to occasionally play a vehicle sound.
	byte progress;                      ///< The percentage (if divided by 256) this vehicle already crossed the tile unit.

	/* for randomized variational spritegroups
	 * bitmask used to resolve them; parts of it get reseeded when triggers
	 * of corresponding spritegroups get matched */
	byte random_bits;
	byte waiting_triggers;              ///< triggers to be yet matched
	byte random_bits;                   ///< Bits used for determining which randomized variational spritegroups to use when drawing.
	byte waiting_triggers;              ///< Triggers to be yet matched before rerandomizing the random bits.

	StationID last_station_visited;
	StationID last_station_visited;     ///< The last station we stopped at.

	CargoID cargo_type;                 ///< type of cargo this vehicle is carrying
	byte cargo_subtype;                 ///< Used for livery refits (NewGRF variations)
	uint16 cargo_cap;                   ///< total capacity
	VehicleCargoList cargo;             ///< The cargo this vehicle is carrying

@@ -225,21 +224,18 @@ public:
	Order current_order;                ///< The current order (+ status, like: loading)
	VehicleOrderID cur_order_index;     ///< The index to the current order

	union {
		OrderList *list;            ///< Pointer to the order list for this vehicle
		Order     *old;             ///< Only used during conversion of old save games
	} orders;
	} orders;                           ///< The orders currently assigned to the vehicle.

	byte vehicle_flags;                 ///< Used for gradual loading and other miscellaneous things (@see VehicleFlags enum)

	/** Ticks to wait before starting next cycle. */
	uint16 load_unload_ticks;

	uint16 load_unload_ticks;	          ///< Ticks to wait before starting next cycle.
	GroupID group_id;                   ///< Index of group Pool array

	byte subtype;                       ///< subtype (Filled with values from #EffectVehicles/#TrainSubTypes/#AircraftSubTypes)

	NewGRFCache grf_cache;              ///< Cache of often used calculated NewGRF values
	VehicleCache vcache;                ///< Cache of often used vehicle values.

	Vehicle(VehicleType type = VEH_INVALID);
@@ -733,13 +729,23 @@ public:
		while (v != NULL && v->IsArticulatedPart()) v = v->Previous();

		return v;

 * Iterate over all vehicles from a given point.
 * @param var   The variable used to iterate over.
 * @param start The vehicle to start the iteration at.
#define FOR_ALL_VEHICLES_FROM(var, start) FOR_ALL_ITEMS_FROM(Vehicle, vehicle_index, var, start)

 * Iterate over all vehicles.
 * @param var The variable used to iterate over.

 * Class defining several overloaded accessors so we don't
 * have to cast vehicle types that often
@@ -893,30 +899,39 @@ struct SpecializedVehicle : public Vehic
		SpriteID old_image = this->cur_image;
		this->cur_image = ((T *)this)->T::GetImage(this->direction);
		if (moved || this->cur_image != old_image) VehicleMove(this, true);

 * Iterate over all vehicles of a particular type.
 * @param name The type of vehicle to iterate over.
 * @param var  The variable used to iterate over.
#define FOR_ALL_VEHICLES_OF_TYPE(name, var) FOR_ALL_ITEMS_FROM(name, vehicle_index, var, 0) if (var->type == name::EXPECTED_TYPE)

 * Disasters, like submarines, skyrangers and their shadows, belong to this class.
struct DisasterVehicle : public SpecializedVehicle<DisasterVehicle, VEH_DISASTER> {
	uint16 image_override;
	VehicleID big_ufo_destroyer_target;
	SpriteID image_override;            ///< Override for the default disaster vehicle sprite.
	VehicleID big_ufo_destroyer_target; ///< The big UFO that this destroyer is supposed to bomb.

	/** We don't want GCC to zero our struct! It already is zeroed and has an index! */
	DisasterVehicle() : SpecializedVehicleBase() {}
	/** We want to 'destruct' the right class. */
	virtual ~DisasterVehicle() {}

	void UpdateDeltaXY(Direction direction);
	bool Tick();

 * Iterate over disaster vehicles.
 * @param var The variable used to iterate over.

/** Generates sequence of free UnitID numbers */
struct FreeUnitIDGenerator {
	bool *cache;  ///< array of occupied unit id numbers
	UnitID maxid; ///< maximum ID at the moment of constructor call
@@ -926,9 +941,10 @@ struct FreeUnitIDGenerator {
	UnitID NextID();

	/** Releases allocated memory */
	~FreeUnitIDGenerator() { free(this->cache); }

/** Sentinel for an invalid coordinate. */
static const int32 INVALID_COORD = 0x7fffffff;

#endif /* VEHICLE_BASE_H */
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