Changeset - r17099:f140f6165f35
[Not reviewed]
0 24 0
rubidium - 14 years ago 2011-01-18 23:09:43
(svn r21846) -Codechange: move documentation towards the code to make it more likely to be updated [o-s].
24 files changed with 360 insertions and 409 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
Show inline comments
@@ -16,23 +16,8 @@
#include "company_type.h"
#include "object_type.h"

 * Update the CompanyHQ to the state associated with the given score
 * @param tile  The (northern) tile of the company HQ, or INVALID_TILE.
 * @param score The current (performance) score of the company.
void UpdateCompanyHQ(TileIndex tile, uint score);

 * Actually build the object.
 * @param type  The type of object to build.
 * @param tile  The tile to build the northern tile of the object on.
 * @param owner The owner of the object.
 * @param town  Town the tile is related with.
 * @param view  The view for the object.
 * @pre All preconditions for building the object at that location
 *      are met, e.g. slope and clearness of tiles are checked.
void BuildObject(ObjectType type, TileIndex tile, CompanyID owner = OWNER_NONE, struct Town *town = NULL, uint8 view = 0);

void PlaceProc_Object(TileIndex tile);
Show inline comments
@@ -35,11 +35,6 @@ struct Object : ObjectPool::PoolItem<&_o
	/** Make sure the right destructor is called as well! */
	~Object() {}

	 * Get the object associated with a tile.
	 * @param tile The tile to fetch the object for.
	 * @return The object.
	static Object *GetByTile(TileIndex tile);

Show inline comments
@@ -43,6 +43,11 @@ ObjectPool _object_pool("Object");
uint16 Object::counts[NUM_OBJECTS];

 * Get the object associated with a tile.
 * @param tile The tile to fetch the object for.
 * @return The object.
/* static */ Object *Object::GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
	return Object::Get(GetObjectIndex(tile));
@@ -55,6 +60,16 @@ void InitializeObjects()

 * Actually build the object.
 * @param type  The type of object to build.
 * @param tile  The tile to build the northern tile of the object on.
 * @param owner The owner of the object.
 * @param town  Town the tile is related with.
 * @param view  The view for the object.
 * @pre All preconditions for building the object at that location
 *      are met, e.g. slope and clearness of tiles are checked.
void BuildObject(ObjectType type, TileIndex tile, CompanyID owner, Town *town, uint8 view)
	const ObjectSpec *spec = ObjectSpec::Get(type);
@@ -113,6 +128,11 @@ static void IncreaseAnimationStage(TileI
/** We encode the company HQ size in the animation stage. */
#define IncreaseCompanyHQSize IncreaseAnimationStage

 * Update the CompanyHQ to the state associated with the given score
 * @param tile  The (northern) tile of the company HQ, or INVALID_TILE.
 * @param score The current (performance) score of the company.
void UpdateCompanyHQ(TileIndex tile, uint score)
	if (tile == INVALID_TILE) return;
Show inline comments
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
OrderBackupPool _order_backup_pool("BackupOrder");

/** Free everything that is allocated. */
@@ -34,6 +35,11 @@ OrderBackup::~OrderBackup()

 * Create an order backup for the given vehicle.
 * @param v    The vehicle to make a backup of.
 * @param user The user that is requesting the backup.
OrderBackup::OrderBackup(const Vehicle *v, uint32 user)
	this->user             = user;
@@ -62,6 +68,10 @@ OrderBackup::OrderBackup(const Vehicle *

 * Restore the data of this order to the given vehicle.
 * @param v The vehicle to restore to.
void OrderBackup::DoRestore(Vehicle *v)
	/* If we have a custom name, process that */
@@ -84,6 +94,12 @@ void OrderBackup::DoRestore(Vehicle *v)
	DoCommand(0, this->group, v->index, DC_EXEC, CMD_ADD_VEHICLE_GROUP);

 * Create an order backup for the given vehicle.
 * @param v    The vehicle to make a backup of.
 * @param user The user that is requesting the backup.
 * @note Will automatically remove any previous backups of this user.
/* static */ void OrderBackup::Backup(const Vehicle *v, uint32 user)
	/* Don't use reset as that broadcasts over the network to reset the variable,
@@ -95,6 +111,12 @@ void OrderBackup::DoRestore(Vehicle *v)
	new OrderBackup(v, user);

 * Restore the data of this order to the given vehicle.
 * @param v    The vehicle to restore to.
 * @param user The user that built the vehicle, thus wants to restore.
 * @note After restoration the backup will automatically be removed.
/* static */ void OrderBackup::Restore(Vehicle *v, uint32 user)
	OrderBackup *ob;
@@ -106,6 +128,12 @@ void OrderBackup::DoRestore(Vehicle *v)

 * Reset an OrderBackup given a tile and user.
 * @param tile The tile associated with the OrderBackup.
 * @param user The user associated with the OrderBackup.
 * @note Must not be used from the GUI!
/* static */ void OrderBackup::ResetOfUser(TileIndex tile, uint32 user)
	OrderBackup *ob;
@@ -131,6 +159,12 @@ CommandCost CmdClearOrderBackup(TileInde
	return CommandCost();

 * Reset an user's OrderBackup if needed.
 * @param user The user associated with the OrderBackup.
 * @pre _network_server.
 * @note Must not be used from a command.
/* static */ void OrderBackup::ResetUser(uint32 user)
@@ -145,6 +179,12 @@ CommandCost CmdClearOrderBackup(TileInde

 * Reset the OrderBackups from GUI/game logic.
 * @param tile     The tile of the order backup.
 * @param from_gui Whether the call came from the GUI, i.e. whether
 *                 it must be synced over the network.
/* static */ void OrderBackup::Reset(TileIndex t, bool from_gui)
	/* The user has CLIENT_ID_SERVER as default when network play is not active,
@@ -177,6 +217,10 @@ CommandCost CmdClearOrderBackup(TileInde

 * Clear the group of all backups having this group ID.
 * @param group The group to clear.
/* static */ void OrderBackup::ClearGroup(GroupID group)
	OrderBackup *ob;
@@ -185,6 +229,13 @@ CommandCost CmdClearOrderBackup(TileInde

 * Clear/update the (clone) vehicle from an order backup.
 * @param v The vehicle to clear.
 * @pre v != NULL
 * @note If it is not possible to set another vehicle as clone
 *       "example", then this backed up order will be removed.
/* static */ void OrderBackup::ClearVehicle(const Vehicle *v)
	assert(v != NULL);
Show inline comments
@@ -51,77 +51,21 @@ private:

	/** Creation for savegame restoration. */
	OrderBackup() {}

	 * Create an order backup for the given vehicle.
	 * @param v    The vehicle to make a backup of.
	 * @param user The user that is requesting the backup.
	OrderBackup(const Vehicle *v, uint32 user);

	 * Restore the data of this order to the given vehicle.
	 * @param v The vehicle to restore to.
	void DoRestore(Vehicle *v);

	/** Free everything that is allocated. */

	 * Create an order backup for the given vehicle.
	 * @param v    The vehicle to make a backup of.
	 * @param user The user that is requesting the backup.
	 * @note Will automatically remove any previous backups of this user.
	static void Backup(const Vehicle *v, uint32 user);

	 * Restore the data of this order to the given vehicle.
	 * @param v    The vehicle to restore to.
	 * @param user The user that built the vehicle, thus wants to restore.
	 * @note After restoration the backup will automatically be removed.
	static void Restore(Vehicle *v, uint32 user);

	 * Reset an OrderBackup given a tile and user.
	 * @param tile The tile associated with the OrderBackup.
	 * @param user The user associated with the OrderBackup.
	 * @note Must not be used from the GUI!
	static void ResetOfUser(TileIndex tile, uint32 user);

	 * Reset an user's OrderBackup if needed.
	 * @param user The user associated with the OrderBackup.
	 * @pre _network_server.
	 * @note Must not be used from a command.
	static void ResetUser(uint32 user);

	 * Reset the OrderBackups from GUI/game logic.
	 * @param tile     The tile of the order backup.
	 * @param from_gui Whether the call came from the GUI, i.e. whether
	 *                 it must be synced over the network.
	static void Reset(TileIndex tile = INVALID_TILE, bool from_gui = true);

	 * Clear the group of all backups having this group ID.
	 * @param group The group to clear.
	static void ClearGroup(GroupID group);

	 * Clear/update the (clone) vehicle from an order backup.
	 * @param v The vehicle to clear.
	 * @pre v != NULL
	 * @note If it is not possible to set another vehicle as clone
	 *       "example", then this backed up order will be removed.
	static void ClearVehicle(const Vehicle *v);

Show inline comments
@@ -53,10 +53,6 @@ public:
	Order() : refit_cargo(CT_NO_REFIT) {}
	~Order() {}

	 * Create an order based on a packed representation of that order.
	 * @param packed the packed representation.
	Order(uint32 packed);

@@ -72,61 +68,15 @@ public:
	inline OrderType GetType() const { return (OrderType)GB(this->type, 0, 4); }

	 * 'Free' the order
	 * @note ONLY use on "current_order" vehicle orders!
	void Free();

	 * Makes this order a Go To Station order.
	 * @param destination the station to go to.
	void MakeGoToStation(StationID destination);

	 * Makes this order a Go To Depot order.
	 * @param destination   the depot to go to.
	 * @param order         is this order a 'default' order, or an overriden vehicle order?
	 * @param non_stop_type how to get to the depot?
	 * @param action        what to do in the depot?
	 * @param cargo         the cargo type to change to.
	 * @param subtype       the subtype to change to.
	void MakeGoToDepot(DepotID destination, OrderDepotTypeFlags order, OrderNonStopFlags non_stop_type = ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_INTERMEDIATE_STATIONS, OrderDepotActionFlags action = ODATF_SERVICE_ONLY, CargoID cargo = CT_NO_REFIT, byte subtype = 0);

	 * Makes this order a Go To Waypoint order.
	 * @param destination the waypoint to go to.
	void MakeGoToWaypoint(StationID destination);

	 * Makes this order a Loading order.
	 * @param ordered is this an ordered stop?
	void MakeLoading(bool ordered);

	 * Makes this order a Leave Station order.
	void MakeLeaveStation();

	 * Makes this order a Dummy order.
	void MakeDummy();

	 * Makes this order an conditional order.
	 * @param order the order to jump to.
	void MakeConditional(VehicleOrderID order);

	 * Makes this order an automatic order.
	 * @param destination the station to go to.
	void MakeAutomatic(StationID destination);

@@ -164,12 +114,6 @@ public:
	inline byte GetRefitSubtype() const { return this->refit_subtype; }

	 * Make this depot order also a refit order.
	 * @param cargo   the cargo type to change to.
	 * @param subtype the subtype to change to.
	 * @pre IsType(OT_GOTO_DEPOT).
	void SetRefit(CargoID cargo, byte subtype = 0);

	/** How must the consist be loaded? */
@@ -225,38 +169,11 @@ public:
		return true;

	 * Assign the given order to this one.
	 * @param other the data to copy (except next pointer).
	void AssignOrder(const Order &other);

	 * Does this order have the same type, flags and destination?
	 * @param other the second order to compare to.
	 * @return true if the type, flags and destination match.
	bool Equals(const Order &other) const;

	 * Pack this order into a 32 bits integer, or actually only
	 * the type, flags and destination.
	 * @return the packed representation.
	 * @note unpacking is done in the constructor.
	uint32 Pack() const;

	 * Pack this order into a 16 bits integer as close to the TTD
	 * representation as possible.
	 * @return the TTD-like packed representation.
	uint16 MapOldOrder() const;

	 * Converts this order from an old savegame's version;
	 * it moves all bits to the new location.
	void ConvertFromOldSavegame();

@@ -296,11 +213,6 @@ public:
	/** Destructor. Invalidates OrderList for re-usage by the pool. */
	~OrderList() {}

	 * Recomputes everything.
	 * @param chain first order in the chain
	 * @param v one of vehicle that is using this orderlist
	void Initialize(Order *chain, Vehicle *v);

@@ -309,11 +221,6 @@ public:
	inline Order *GetFirstOrder() const { return this->first; }

	 * Get a certain order of the order chain.
	 * @param index zero-based index of the order within the chain.
	 * @return the order at position index.
	Order *GetOrderAt(int index) const;

@@ -334,24 +241,8 @@ public:
	inline VehicleOrderID GetNumManualOrders() const { return this->num_manual_orders; }

	 * Insert a new order into the order chain.
	 * @param new_order is the order to insert into the chain.
	 * @param index is the position where the order is supposed to be inserted.
	void InsertOrderAt(Order *new_order, int index);

	 * Remove an order from the order list and delete it.
	 * @param index is the position of the order which is to be deleted.
	void DeleteOrderAt(int index);

	 * Move an order to another position within the order list.
	 * @param from is the zero-based position of the order to move.
	 * @param to is the zero-based position where the order is moved to.
	void MoveOrder(int from, int to);

@@ -372,17 +263,7 @@ public:
	inline uint GetNumVehicles() const { return this->num_vehicles; }

	 * Checks whether a vehicle is part of the shared vehicle chain.
	 * @param v is the vehicle to search in the shared vehicle chain.
	bool IsVehicleInSharedOrdersList(const Vehicle *v) const;

	 * Gets the position of the given vehicle within the shared order vehicle list.
	 * @param v is the vehicle of which to get the position
	 * @return position of v within the shared vehicle chain.
	int GetPositionInSharedOrderList(const Vehicle *v) const;

@@ -393,17 +274,8 @@ public:
	inline void AddVehicle(Vehicle *v) { ++this->num_vehicles; }

	 * Removes the vehicle from the shared order list.
	 * @note This is supposed to be called when the vehicle is still in the chain
	 * @param v vehicle to remove from the list
	void RemoveVehicle(Vehicle *v);

	 * Checks whether all orders of the list have a filled timetable.
	 * @return whether all orders have a filled timetable.
	bool IsCompleteTimetable() const;

@@ -424,16 +296,8 @@ public:
	void UpdateOrderTimetable(Ticks delta) { this->timetable_duration += delta; }

	 * Free a complete order chain.
	 * @param keep_orderlist If this is true only delete the orders, otherwise also delete the OrderList.
	 * @note do not use on "current_order" vehicle orders!
	void FreeChain(bool keep_orderlist = false);

	 * Checks for internal consistency of order list. Triggers assertion if something is wrong.
	void DebugCheckSanity() const;

Show inline comments
@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ INSTANTIATE_POOL_METHODS(Order)
OrderListPool _orderlist_pool("OrderList");

 * 'Free' the order
 * @note ONLY use on "current_order" vehicle orders!
void Order::Free()
	this->type  = OT_NOTHING;
@@ -50,6 +54,10 @@ void Order::Free()
	this->next  = NULL;

 * Makes this order a Go To Station order.
 * @param destination the station to go to.
void Order::MakeGoToStation(StationID destination)
	this->type = OT_GOTO_STATION;
@@ -57,6 +65,15 @@ void Order::MakeGoToStation(StationID de
	this->dest = destination;

 * Makes this order a Go To Depot order.
 * @param destination   the depot to go to.
 * @param order         is this order a 'default' order, or an overriden vehicle order?
 * @param non_stop_type how to get to the depot?
 * @param action        what to do in the depot?
 * @param cargo         the cargo type to change to.
 * @param subtype       the subtype to change to.
void Order::MakeGoToDepot(DepotID destination, OrderDepotTypeFlags order, OrderNonStopFlags non_stop_type, OrderDepotActionFlags action, CargoID cargo, byte subtype)
	this->type = OT_GOTO_DEPOT;
@@ -67,6 +84,10 @@ void Order::MakeGoToDepot(DepotID destin
	this->SetRefit(cargo, subtype);

 * Makes this order a Go To Waypoint order.
 * @param destination the waypoint to go to.
void Order::MakeGoToWaypoint(StationID destination)
	this->type = OT_GOTO_WAYPOINT;
@@ -74,24 +95,38 @@ void Order::MakeGoToWaypoint(StationID d
	this->dest = destination;

 * Makes this order a Loading order.
 * @param ordered is this an ordered stop?
void Order::MakeLoading(bool ordered)
	this->type = OT_LOADING;
	if (!ordered) this->flags = 0;

 * Makes this order a Leave Station order.
void Order::MakeLeaveStation()
	this->type = OT_LEAVESTATION;
	this->flags = 0;

 * Makes this order a Dummy order.
void Order::MakeDummy()
	this->type = OT_DUMMY;
	this->flags = 0;

 * Makes this order an conditional order.
 * @param order the order to jump to.
void Order::MakeConditional(VehicleOrderID order)
	this->type = OT_CONDITIONAL;
@@ -99,18 +134,33 @@ void Order::MakeConditional(VehicleOrder
	this->dest = 0;

 * Makes this order an automatic order.
 * @param destination the station to go to.
void Order::MakeAutomatic(StationID destination)
	this->type = OT_AUTOMATIC;
	this->dest = destination;

 * Make this depot order also a refit order.
 * @param cargo   the cargo type to change to.
 * @param subtype the subtype to change to.
 * @pre IsType(OT_GOTO_DEPOT).
void Order::SetRefit(CargoID cargo, byte subtype)
	this->refit_cargo = cargo;
	this->refit_subtype = subtype;

 * Does this order have the same type, flags and destination?
 * @param other the second order to compare to.
 * @return true if the type, flags and destination match.
bool Order::Equals(const Order &other) const
	/* In case of go to nearest depot orders we need "only" compare the flags
@@ -128,11 +178,22 @@ bool Order::Equals(const Order &other) c
	return this->type == other.type && this->flags == other.flags && this->dest == other.dest;

 * Pack this order into a 32 bits integer, or actually only
 * the type, flags and destination.
 * @return the packed representation.
 * @note unpacking is done in the constructor.
uint32 Order::Pack() const
	return this->dest << 16 | this->flags << 8 | this->type;

 * Pack this order into a 16 bits integer as close to the TTD
 * representation as possible.
 * @return the TTD-like packed representation.
uint16 Order::MapOldOrder() const
	uint16 order = this->GetType();
@@ -155,6 +216,10 @@ uint16 Order::MapOldOrder() const
	return order;

 * Create an order based on a packed representation of that order.
 * @param packed the packed representation.
Order::Order(uint32 packed)
	this->type    = (OrderType)GB(packed,  0,  8);
@@ -191,6 +256,7 @@ void InvalidateVehicleOrder(const Vehicl
 * Assign data to an order (from another order)
 *   This function makes sure that the index is maintained correctly
 * @param other the data to copy (except next pointer).
void Order::AssignOrder(const Order &other)
@@ -206,6 +272,11 @@ void Order::AssignOrder(const Order &oth
	this->travel_time = other.travel_time;

 * Recomputes everything.
 * @param chain first order in the chain
 * @param v one of vehicle that is using this orderlist
void OrderList::Initialize(Order *chain, Vehicle *v)
	this->first = chain;
@@ -230,6 +301,11 @@ void OrderList::Initialize(Order *chain,
	for (const Vehicle *u = v->NextShared(); u != NULL; u = u->NextShared()) ++this->num_vehicles;

 * Free a complete order chain.
 * @param keep_orderlist If this is true only delete the orders, otherwise also delete the OrderList.
 * @note do not use on "current_order" vehicle orders!
void OrderList::FreeChain(bool keep_orderlist)
	Order *next;
@@ -248,6 +324,11 @@ void OrderList::FreeChain(bool keep_orde

 * Get a certain order of the order chain.
 * @param index zero-based index of the order within the chain.
 * @return the order at position index.
Order *OrderList::GetOrderAt(int index) const
	if (index < 0) return NULL;
@@ -260,6 +341,11 @@ Order *OrderList::GetOrderAt(int index) 
	return order;

 * Insert a new order into the order chain.
 * @param new_order is the order to insert into the chain.
 * @param index is the position where the order is supposed to be inserted.
void OrderList::InsertOrderAt(Order *new_order, int index)
	if (this->first == NULL) {
@@ -285,6 +371,10 @@ void OrderList::InsertOrderAt(Order *new


 * Remove an order from the order list and delete it.
 * @param index is the position of the order which is to be deleted.
void OrderList::DeleteOrderAt(int index)
	if (index >= this->num_orders) return;
@@ -305,6 +395,11 @@ void OrderList::DeleteOrderAt(int index)
	delete to_remove;

 * Move an order to another position within the order list.
 * @param from is the zero-based position of the order to move.
 * @param to is the zero-based position where the order is moved to.
void OrderList::MoveOrder(int from, int to)
	if (from >= this->num_orders || to >= this->num_orders || from == to) return;
@@ -332,12 +427,21 @@ void OrderList::MoveOrder(int from, int 

 * Removes the vehicle from the shared order list.
 * @note This is supposed to be called when the vehicle is still in the chain
 * @param v vehicle to remove from the list
void OrderList::RemoveVehicle(Vehicle *v)
	if (v == this->first_shared) this->first_shared = v->NextShared();

 * Checks whether a vehicle is part of the shared vehicle chain.
 * @param v is the vehicle to search in the shared vehicle chain.
bool OrderList::IsVehicleInSharedOrdersList(const Vehicle *v) const
	for (const Vehicle *v_shared = this->first_shared; v_shared != NULL; v_shared = v_shared->NextShared()) {
@@ -347,6 +451,11 @@ bool OrderList::IsVehicleInSharedOrdersL
	return false;

 * Gets the position of the given vehicle within the shared order vehicle list.
 * @param v is the vehicle of which to get the position
 * @return position of v within the shared vehicle chain.
int OrderList::GetPositionInSharedOrderList(const Vehicle *v) const
	int count = 0;
@@ -354,6 +463,10 @@ int OrderList::GetPositionInSharedOrderL
	return count;

 * Checks whether all orders of the list have a filled timetable.
 * @return whether all orders have a filled timetable.
bool OrderList::IsCompleteTimetable() const
	for (Order *o = this->first; o != NULL; o = o->next) {
@@ -364,6 +477,9 @@ bool OrderList::IsCompleteTimetable() co
	return true;

 * Checks for internal consistency of order list. Triggers assertion if something is wrong.
void OrderList::DebugCheckSanity() const
	VehicleOrderID check_num_orders = 0;
@@ -1524,6 +1640,13 @@ void DeleteVehicleOrders(Vehicle *v, boo

 * Clamp the service interval to the correct min/max. The actual min/max values
 * depend on whether it's in percent or days.
 * @param interval proposed service interval
 * @param company_id the owner of the vehicle
 * @return Clamped service interval
uint16 GetServiceIntervalClamped(uint interval, CompanyID company_id)
	return (Company::Get(company_id)->settings.vehicle.servint_ispercent) ? Clamp(interval, MIN_SERVINT_PERCENT, MAX_SERVINT_PERCENT) : Clamp(interval, MIN_SERVINT_DAYS, MAX_SERVINT_DAYS);
Show inline comments
@@ -32,13 +32,6 @@ void DrawOrderString(const Vehicle *v, c
#define MIN_SERVINT_DAYS    30
#define MAX_SERVINT_DAYS   800

 * Clamp the service interval to the correct min/max. The actual min/max values
 * depend on whether it's in percent or days.
 * @param interval proposed service interval
 * @param company_id the owner of the vehicle
 * @return Clamped service interval
uint16 GetServiceIntervalClamped(uint interval, CompanyID company_id);

#endif /* ORDER_FUNC_H */
Show inline comments
@@ -149,6 +149,9 @@ extern const TrackdirBits _uphill_trackd
	TRACKDIR_BIT_X_NE | TRACKDIR_BIT_Y_SE, ///< 30 SLOPE_STEEP_E -> inclined for diagonal track

 * Return the rail type of tile, or INVALID_RAILTYPE if this is no rail tile.
RailType GetTileRailType(TileIndex tile)
	switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
@@ -174,16 +177,34 @@ RailType GetTileRailType(TileIndex tile)

 * Finds out if a company has a certain railtype available
 * @param company the company in question
 * @param railtype requested RailType
 * @return true if company has requested RailType available
bool HasRailtypeAvail(const CompanyID company, const RailType railtype)
	return HasBit(Company::Get(company)->avail_railtypes, railtype);

 * Validate functions for rail building.
 * @param rail the railtype to check.
 * @return true if the current company may build the rail.
bool ValParamRailtype(const RailType rail)
	return rail < RAILTYPE_END && HasRailtypeAvail(_current_company, rail);

 * Returns the "best" railtype a company can build.
 * As the AI doesn't know what the BEST one is, we have our own priority list
 * here. When adding new railtypes, modify this function
 * @param company the company "in action"
 * @return The "best" railtype a company has available
RailType GetBestRailtype(const CompanyID company)
	if (HasRailtypeAvail(company, RAILTYPE_MAGLEV)) return RAILTYPE_MAGLEV;
@@ -226,6 +247,11 @@ RailTypes AddDateIntroducedRailTypes(Rai
	return rts == current ? rts : AddDateIntroducedRailTypes(rts, date);

 * Get the rail types the given company can build.
 * @param c the company to get the rail types for.
 * @return the rail types.
RailTypes GetCompanyRailtypes(CompanyID company)
	RailTypes rts = RAILTYPES_NONE;
@@ -248,6 +274,11 @@ RailTypes GetCompanyRailtypes(CompanyID 
	return AddDateIntroducedRailTypes(rts, _date);

 * Get the rail type for a given label.
 * @param label the railtype label.
 * @return the railtype.
RailType GetRailTypeByLabel(RailTypeLabel label)
	/* Loop through each rail type until the label is found */
Show inline comments
@@ -360,59 +360,18 @@ int TicksToLeaveDepot(const Train *v);
Foundation GetRailFoundation(Slope tileh, TrackBits bits);


 * Finds out if a company has a certain railtype available
 * @param company the company in question
 * @param railtype requested RailType
 * @return true if company has requested RailType available
bool HasRailtypeAvail(const CompanyID company, const RailType railtype);

 * Validate functions for rail building.
 * @param rail the railtype to check.
 * @return true if the current company may build the rail.
bool ValParamRailtype(const RailType rail);

 * Returns the "best" railtype a company can build.
 * As the AI doesn't know what the BEST one is, we have our own priority list
 * here. When adding new railtypes, modify this function
 * @param company the company "in action"
 * @return The "best" railtype a company has available
RailType GetBestRailtype(const CompanyID company);

RailTypes AddDateIntroducedRailTypes(RailTypes current, Date date);

 * Get the rail types the given company can build.
 * @param c the company to get the rail types for.
 * @return the rail types.
RailType GetBestRailtype(const CompanyID company);
RailTypes GetCompanyRailtypes(const CompanyID c);

 * Get the rail type for a given label.
 * @param label the railtype label.
 * @return the railtype.
RailType GetRailTypeByLabel(RailTypeLabel label);

 * Reset all rail type information to its default values.
void ResetRailTypes();

 * Resolve sprites of custom rail types
void InitRailTypes();

 * Allocate a new rail type label
RailType AllocateRailType(RailTypeLabel label);

#endif /* RAIL_H */
Show inline comments
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ RailtypeInfo _railtypes[RAILTYPE_END];
assert_compile(sizeof(_original_railtypes) <= sizeof(_railtypes));

 * Initialize rail type information.
 * Reset all rail type information to its default values.
void ResetRailTypes()
@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ void ResolveRailTypeGUISprites(RailtypeI

 * Resolve sprites of custom rail types
void InitRailTypes()
	for (RailType rt = RAILTYPE_BEGIN; rt != RAILTYPE_END; rt++) {
@@ -84,6 +87,9 @@ void InitRailTypes()

 * Allocate a new rail type label
RailType AllocateRailType(RailTypeLabel label)
	for (RailType rt = RAILTYPE_BEGIN; rt != RAILTYPE_END; rt++) {
Show inline comments
@@ -490,9 +490,6 @@ static inline bool HasOnewaySignalBlocki


 * Return the rail type of tile, or INVALID_RAILTYPE if this is no rail tile.
RailType GetTileRailType(TileIndex tile);

/** The ground 'under' the rail */
Show inline comments
@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ static bool IsPossibleCrossing(const Til
		GetFoundationSlope(tile, NULL) == SLOPE_FLAT);

 * Clean up unneccesary RoadBits of a planed tile.
 * @param tile current tile
 * @param org_rb planed RoadBits
 * @return optimised RoadBits
RoadBits CleanUpRoadBits(const TileIndex tile, RoadBits org_rb)
	if (!IsValidTile(tile)) return ROAD_NONE;
@@ -91,6 +97,12 @@ RoadBits CleanUpRoadBits(const TileIndex
	return org_rb;

 * Finds out, whether given company has all given RoadTypes available
 * @param company ID of company
 * @param rts RoadTypes to test
 * @return true if company has all requested RoadTypes available
bool HasRoadTypesAvail(const CompanyID company, const RoadTypes rts)
	RoadTypes avail_roadtypes;
@@ -105,11 +117,21 @@ bool HasRoadTypesAvail(const CompanyID c
	return (rts & ~avail_roadtypes) == 0;

 * Validate functions for rail building.
 * @param rt road type to check.
 * @return true if the current company may build the road.
bool ValParamRoadType(const RoadType rt)
	return HasRoadTypesAvail(_current_company, RoadTypeToRoadTypes(rt));

 * Get the road types the given company can build.
 * @param company the company to get the roadtypes for.
 * @return the road types.
RoadTypes GetCompanyRoadtypes(CompanyID company)
	RoadTypes rt = ROADTYPES_NONE;
Show inline comments
@@ -148,26 +148,8 @@ static inline RoadBits AxisToRoadBits(Ax
	return a == AXIS_X ? ROAD_X : ROAD_Y;

 * Finds out, whether given company has all given RoadTypes available
 * @param company ID of company
 * @param rts RoadTypes to test
 * @return true if company has all requested RoadTypes available
bool HasRoadTypesAvail(const CompanyID company, const RoadTypes rts);

 * Validate functions for rail building.
 * @param rt road type to check.
 * @return true if the current company may build the road.
bool ValParamRoadType(const RoadType rt);

 * Get the road types the given company can build.
 * @param company the company to get the roadtypes for.
 * @return the road types.
RoadTypes GetCompanyRoadtypes(const CompanyID company);

void UpdateLevelCrossing(TileIndex tile, bool sound = true);
Show inline comments
@@ -15,21 +15,10 @@
#include "tile_cmd.h"
#include "road_type.h"

 * Clean up unneccesary RoadBits of a planed tile.
 * @param tile current tile
 * @param org_rb planed RoadBits
 * @return optimised RoadBits
RoadBits CleanUpRoadBits(const TileIndex tile, RoadBits org_rb);

CommandCost CheckAllowRemoveRoad(TileIndex tile, RoadBits remove, Owner owner, RoadType rt, DoCommandFlag flags, bool town_check = true);

 * Draw the catenary for tram road bits
 * @param ti   information about the tile (position, slope)
 * @param tram the roadbits to draw the catenary for
void DrawTramCatenary(const TileInfo *ti, RoadBits tram);

#endif /* ROAD_INTERNAL_H */
Show inline comments
@@ -14,6 +14,22 @@
#include "tunnelbridge_map.h"


 * Returns the RoadBits on an arbitrary tile
 * Special behaviour:
 * - road depots: entrance is treated as road piece
 * - road tunnels: entrance is treated as road piece
 * - bridge ramps: start of the ramp is treated as road piece
 * - bridge middle parts: bridge itself is ignored
 * If straight_tunnel_bridge_entrance is set a ROAD_X or ROAD_Y
 * for bridge ramps and tunnel entrances is returned depending
 * on the orientation of the tunnel or bridge.
 * @param tile the tile to get the road bits for
 * @param rt   the road type to get the road bits form
 * @param straight_tunnel_bridge_entrance whether to return straight road bits for tunnels/bridges.
 * @return the road bits of the given tile
RoadBits GetAnyRoadBits(TileIndex tile, RoadType rt, bool straight_tunnel_bridge_entrance)
	if (!HasTileRoadType(tile, rt)) return ROAD_NONE;
Show inline comments
@@ -536,22 +536,6 @@ static inline DiagDirection GetRoadDepot


 * Returns the RoadBits on an arbitrary tile
 * Special behaviour:
 * - road depots: entrance is treated as road piece
 * - road tunnels: entrance is treated as road piece
 * - bridge ramps: start of the ramp is treated as road piece
 * - bridge middle parts: bridge itself is ignored
 * If straight_tunnel_bridge_entrance is set a ROAD_X or ROAD_Y
 * for bridge ramps and tunnel entrances is returned depending
 * on the orientation of the tunnel or bridge.
 * @param tile the tile to get the road bits for
 * @param rt   the road type to get the road bits form
 * @param straight_tunnel_bridge_entrance whether to return straight road bits for tunnels/bridges.
 * @return the road bits of the given tile
RoadBits GetAnyRoadBits(TileIndex tile, RoadType rt, bool straight_tunnel_bridge_entrance = false);


Show inline comments
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@

#include "saveload.h"

 * Converts this order from an old savegame's version;
 * it moves all bits to the new location.
void Order::ConvertFromOldSavegame()
	uint8 old_flags = this->flags;
Show inline comments
@@ -22,11 +22,15 @@
SignPool _sign_pool("Sign");

 * Creates a new sign
Sign::Sign(Owner owner)
	this->owner = owner;

/** Destroy the sign */
Show inline comments
@@ -28,12 +28,7 @@ struct Sign : SignPool::PoolItem<&_sign_
	byte         z;
	OwnerByte    owner; // placed by this company. Anyone can delete them though. OWNER_NONE for gray signs from old games.

	 * Creates a new sign
	Sign(Owner owner = INVALID_OWNER);

	/** Destroy the sign */

	void UpdateVirtCoord();
Show inline comments
@@ -155,6 +155,11 @@ void Station::AddFacility(StationFacilit
	this->build_date = _date;

 * Marks the tiles of the station as dirty.
 * @ingroup dirty
void Station::MarkTilesDirty(bool cargo_change) const
	TileIndex tile = this->train_station.tile;
Show inline comments
@@ -199,11 +199,6 @@ public:

	void AddFacility(StationFacility new_facility_bit, TileIndex facil_xy);

	 * Marks the tiles of the station as dirty.
	 * @ingroup dirty
	void MarkTilesDirty(bool cargo_change) const;

	void UpdateVirtCoord();
Show inline comments
@@ -48,6 +48,20 @@ static int CDECL vseprintf(char *str, co
	return min((int)diff, vsnprintf(str, diff + 1, format, ap));

 * Appends characters from one string to another.
 * Appends the source string to the destination string with respect of the
 * terminating null-character and the maximum size of the destination
 * buffer.
 * @note usage ttd_strlcat(dst, src, lengthof(dst));
 * @note lengthof() applies only to fixed size arrays
 * @param dst The buffer containing the target string
 * @param src The buffer containing the string to append
 * @param size The maximum size of the destination buffer
void ttd_strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
	assert(size > 0);
@@ -60,6 +74,20 @@ void ttd_strlcat(char *dst, const char *


 * Copies characters from one buffer to another.
 * Copies the source string to the destination buffer with respect of the
 * terminating null-character and the maximum size of the destination
 * buffer.
 * @note usage ttd_strlcpy(dst, src, lengthof(dst));
 * @note lengthof() applies only to fixed size arrays
 * @param dst The destination buffer
 * @param src The buffer containing the string to copy
 * @param size The maximum size of the destination buffer
void ttd_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
	assert(size > 0);
@@ -70,6 +98,22 @@ void ttd_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *


 * Appends characters from one string to another.
 * Appends the source string to the destination string with respect of the
 * terminating null-character and and the last pointer to the last element
 * in the destination buffer. If the last pointer is set to NULL no
 * boundary check is performed.
 * @note usage: strecat(dst, src, lastof(dst));
 * @note lastof() applies only to fixed size arrays
 * @param dst The buffer containing the target string
 * @param src The buffer containing the string to append
 * @param last The pointer to the last element of the destination buffer
 * @return The pointer to the terminating null-character in the destination buffer
char *strecat(char *dst, const char *src, const char *last)
	assert(dst <= last);
@@ -82,6 +126,22 @@ char *strecat(char *dst, const char *src


 * Copies characters from one buffer to another.
 * Copies the source string to the destination buffer with respect of the
 * terminating null-character and the last pointer to the last element in
 * the destination buffer. If the last pointer is set to NULL no boundary
 * check is performed.
 * @note usage: strecpy(dst, src, lastof(dst));
 * @note lastof() applies only to fixed size arrays
 * @param dst The destination buffer
 * @param src The buffer containing the string to copy
 * @param last The pointer to the last element of the destination buffer
 * @return The pointer to the terminating null-character in the destination buffer
char *strecpy(char *dst, const char *src, const char *last)
	assert(dst <= last);
@@ -115,6 +175,14 @@ char *CDECL str_fmt(const char *str, ...


 * Scans the string for valid characters and if it finds invalid ones,
 * replaces them with a question mark '?' (if not ignored)
 * @param str the string to validate
 * @param last the last valid character of str
 * @param allow_newlines whether newlines should be allowed or ignored
 * @param ignore whether to ignore or replace with a question mark
void str_validate(char *str, const char *last, bool allow_newlines, bool ignore)
	/* Assume the ABSOLUTE WORST to be in str as it comes from the outside. */
@@ -169,6 +237,13 @@ void str_validate(char *str, const char 
	*dst = '\0';

 * Checks whether the given string is valid, i.e. contains only
 * valid (printable) characters and is properly terminated.
 * @param str  The string to validate.
 * @param last The last character of the string, i.e. the string
 *             must be terminated here or earlier.
bool StrValid(const char *str, const char *last)
	/* Assume the ABSOLUTE WORST to be in str as it comes from the outside. */
@@ -193,6 +268,7 @@ bool StrValid(const char *str, const cha
	return *str == '\0';

/** Scans the string for colour codes and strips them */
void str_strip_colours(char *str)
	char *dst = str;
Show inline comments
@@ -29,101 +29,20 @@
#include "core/bitmath_func.hpp"
#include "string_type.h"

 * Appends characters from one string to another.
 * Appends the source string to the destination string with respect of the
 * terminating null-character and the maximum size of the destination
 * buffer.
 * @note usage ttd_strlcat(dst, src, lengthof(dst));
 * @note lengthof() applies only to fixed size arrays
 * @param dst The buffer containing the target string
 * @param src The buffer containing the string to append
 * @param size The maximum size of the destination buffer
void ttd_strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size);

 * Copies characters from one buffer to another.
 * Copies the source string to the destination buffer with respect of the
 * terminating null-character and the maximum size of the destination
 * buffer.
 * @note usage ttd_strlcpy(dst, src, lengthof(dst));
 * @note lengthof() applies only to fixed size arrays
 * @param dst The destination buffer
 * @param src The buffer containing the string to copy
 * @param size The maximum size of the destination buffer
void ttd_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size);

 * Appends characters from one string to another.
 * Appends the source string to the destination string with respect of the
 * terminating null-character and and the last pointer to the last element
 * in the destination buffer. If the last pointer is set to NULL no
 * boundary check is performed.
 * @note usage: strecat(dst, src, lastof(dst));
 * @note lastof() applies only to fixed size arrays
 * @param dst The buffer containing the target string
 * @param src The buffer containing the string to append
 * @param last The pointer to the last element of the destination buffer
 * @return The pointer to the terminating null-character in the destination buffer
char *strecat(char *dst, const char *src, const char *last);

 * Copies characters from one buffer to another.
 * Copies the source string to the destination buffer with respect of the
 * terminating null-character and the last pointer to the last element in
 * the destination buffer. If the last pointer is set to NULL no boundary
 * check is performed.
 * @note usage: strecpy(dst, src, lastof(dst));
 * @note lastof() applies only to fixed size arrays
 * @param dst The destination buffer
 * @param src The buffer containing the string to copy
 * @param last The pointer to the last element of the destination buffer
 * @return The pointer to the terminating null-character in the destination buffer
char *strecpy(char *dst, const char *src, const char *last);

int CDECL seprintf(char *str, const char *last, const char *format, ...) WARN_FORMAT(3, 4);

char *CDECL str_fmt(const char *str, ...) WARN_FORMAT(1, 2);

 * Scans the string for valid characters and if it finds invalid ones,
 * replaces them with a question mark '?' (if not ignored)
 * @param str the string to validate
 * @param last the last valid character of str
 * @param allow_newlines whether newlines should be allowed or ignored
 * @param ignore whether to ignore or replace with a question mark
void str_validate(char *str, const char *last, bool allow_newlines = false, bool ignore = false);

/** Scans the string for colour codes and strips them */
void str_strip_colours(char *str);

/** Convert the given string to lowercase, only works with ASCII! */
void strtolower(char *str);

 * Checks whether the given string is valid, i.e. contains only
 * valid (printable) characters and is properly terminated.
 * @param str  The string to validate.
 * @param last The last character of the string, i.e. the string
 *             must be terminated here or earlier.
bool StrValid(const char *str, const char *last);

@@ -152,16 +71,8 @@ static inline size_t ttd_strnlen(const c
	return t - str;

/** Convert the md5sum number to a 'hexadecimal' string, return next pos in buffer */
char *md5sumToString(char *buf, const char *last, const uint8 md5sum[16]);

 * Only allow certain keys. You can define the filter to be used. This makes
 *  sure no invalid keys can get into an editbox, like BELL.
 * @param key character to be checked
 * @param afilter the filter to use
 * @return true or false depending if the character is printable/valid or not
bool IsValidChar(WChar key, CharSetFilter afilter);

size_t Utf8Decode(WChar *c, const char *s);
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