Changeset - r10233:f4b6f7cfa2ac
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rubidium - 16 years ago 2008-10-13 03:26:48
(svn r14461) -Document: add some doxygen comments (Albert)
8 files changed with 60 insertions and 12 deletions:
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@@ -9,15 +9,16 @@
#include "core/enum_type.hpp"
#include "core/geometry_type.hpp"
#include "zoom_type.h"

typedef uint32 SpriteID;      ///< The number of a sprite, without mapping bits and colortables

/** Combination of a palette sprite and a 'real' sprite */
struct PalSpriteID {
	SpriteID sprite;
	SpriteID pal;
	SpriteID sprite;  ///< The 'real' sprite
	SpriteID pal;     ///< The palette (use \c PAL_NONE) if not needed)
typedef int32 CursorID;

enum WindowKeyCodes {
	WKC_SHIFT = 0x8000,
	WKC_CTRL  = 0x4000,
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@@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ const byte _tileh_to_sprite[32] = {
	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0,  0, 17,  0, 15, 18, 0,

SnowLine *_snow_line = NULL;

 * Applys a foundation to a slope.
 * Applies a foundation to a slope.
 * @pre      Foundation and slope must be valid combined.
 * @param f  The #Foundation.
 * @param s  The #Slope to modify.
 * @return   Increment to the tile Z coordinate.
@@ -470,12 +470,18 @@ void DoClearSquare(TileIndex tile)
TrackStatus GetTileTrackStatus(TileIndex tile, TransportType mode, uint sub_mode, DiagDirection side)
	return _tile_type_procs[GetTileType(tile)]->get_tile_track_status_proc(tile, mode, sub_mode, side);

 * Change the owner of a tile
 * @param tile      Tile to change
 * @param old_owner Current owner of the tile
 * @param new_owner New owner of the tile
void ChangeTileOwner(TileIndex tile, Owner old_owner, Owner new_owner)
	_tile_type_procs[GetTileType(tile)]->change_tile_owner_proc(tile, old_owner, new_owner);

void GetAcceptedCargo(TileIndex tile, AcceptedCargo ac)
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@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@

/** @file landscape_type.h Types related to the landscape. */


typedef byte LandscapeID;
typedef byte LandscapeID; ///< Landscape type. @see LandscapeType

/* Landscape types */
enum {
/** Landscape types */
enum LandscapeType {
	LT_ARCTIC     = 1,
	LT_TROPIC     = 2,
	LT_TOYLAND    = 3,

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@@ -20,25 +20,27 @@
#define IS_CUSTOM_SPRITE(sprite) ((sprite) >= SPR_SIGNALS_BASE)

/* The following describes bunch of sprites to be drawn together in a single 3D
 * bounding box. Used especially for various multi-sprite buildings (like
 * depots or stations): */

/** A tile child sprite and palette to draw for stations etc, with 3D bounding box */
struct DrawTileSeqStruct {
	int8 delta_x; // 0x80 is sequence terminator
	int8 delta_x; ///< \c 0x80 is sequence terminator
	int8 delta_y;
	int8 delta_z;
	byte size_x;
	byte size_y;
	byte size_z;
	PalSpriteID image;

/** Ground palette sprite of a tile, together with its child sprites */
struct DrawTileSprites {
	PalSpriteID ground;
	const DrawTileSeqStruct *seq;
	PalSpriteID ground;           ///< Palette and sprite for the ground
	const DrawTileSeqStruct *seq; ///< Array of child sprites. Terminated with a terminator entry

 * This structure is the same for both Industries and Houses.
 * Buildings here reference a general type of construction
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/* $Id$ */

/** @file station_land.h Sprites to use and how to display them for station tiles. */

 * Constructor macro for an image without a palette in a DrawTileSeqStruct array.
 * @param dx  Offset in x direction
 * @param dy  Offset in y direction
 * @param dz  Offset in z direction
 * @param sx  Size in x direction
 * @param sy  Size in y direction
 * @param sz  Size in z direction
 * @param img Sprite to draw
#define TILE_SEQ_LINE(dx, dy, dz, sx, sy, sz, img) { dx, dy, dz, sx, sy, sz, {img, PAL_NONE} },
 * Constructor macro for an image with a palette in a DrawTileSeqStruct array.
 * @param dx  Offset in x direction
 * @param dy  Offset in y direction
 * @param dz  Offset in z direction
 * @param sx  Size in x direction
 * @param sy  Size in y direction
 * @param sz  Size in z direction
 * @param img Sprite to draw
 * @param pal Paleltte sprite
#define TILE_SEQ_LINE_PAL(dx, dy, dz, sx, sy, sz, img, pal) { dx, dy, dz, sx, sy, sz, {img, pal} },
/** Constructor macro for a terminating DrawTileSeqStruct entry in an array */
#define TILE_SEQ_END() { (byte)0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0} }

static const DrawTileSeqStruct _station_display_nothing[] = {

@@ -992,12 +1014,17 @@ static const DrawTileSeqStruct _station_


 * Constructor macro of a DrawTileSprites structure
 * @param img   Ground sprite without palette of the tile
 * @param dtss  Sequence child sprites of the tile
#define TILE_SPRITE_LINE(img, dtss) { {img, PAL_NONE}, dtss },

static const DrawTileSprites _station_display_datas_rail[] = {
	TILE_SPRITE_LINE(SPR_RAIL_TRACK_X,               _station_display_datas_0)
	TILE_SPRITE_LINE(SPR_RAIL_TRACK_Y,               _station_display_datas_1)
	TILE_SPRITE_LINE(SPR_RAIL_TRACK_X,               _station_display_datas_2)
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@@ -99,12 +99,15 @@ typedef Foundation GetFoundationProc(Til
 * @param z_new     TileZ after terraforming.
 * @param tileh_new Slope after terraforming.
 * @return Error code or extra cost for terraforming (like clearing land, building foundations, etc., but not the terraforming itself.)
typedef CommandCost TerraformTileProc(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint z_new, Slope tileh_new);

 * Set of callback functions for performing tile operations of a given tile type.
 * @see TileType */
struct TileTypeProcs {
	DrawTileProc *draw_tile_proc;
	GetSlopeZProc *get_slope_z_proc;
	ClearTileProc *clear_tile_proc;
	GetAcceptedCargoProc *get_accepted_cargo_proc;
	GetTileDescProc *get_tile_desc_proc;
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@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ enum {
	MAX_TILE_HEIGHT     = 15,                    ///< Maximum allowed tile height
	MAX_SNOWLINE_HEIGHT = (MAX_TILE_HEIGHT - 2), ///< Maximum allowed snowline height


 * The different type of a tile.
 * The different types of tiles.
 * Each tile belongs to one type, according whatever is build on it.
 * @note A railway with a crossing street is marked as MP_ROAD.
enum TileType {
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@@ -80,12 +80,13 @@ struct ChildScreenSpriteToDraw {
	const SubSprite *sub;           ///< only draw a rectangular part of the sprite
	int32 x;
	int32 y;
	int next;                       ///< next child to draw (-1 at the end)

/** Parent sprite that should be drawn */
struct ParentSpriteToDraw {
	SpriteID image;                 ///< sprite to draw
	SpriteID pal;                   ///< palette to use
	const SubSprite *sub;           ///< only draw a rectangular part of the sprite

	int32 x;                        ///< screen X coordinate of sprite
@@ -102,13 +103,13 @@ struct ParentSpriteToDraw {
	int zmax;                       ///< maximal world Z coordinate of bounding box

	int first_child;                ///< the first child to draw.
	bool comparison_done;           ///< Used during sprite sorting: true if sprite has been compared with all other sprites

/* Enumeration of multi-part foundations */
/** Enumeration of multi-part foundations */
enum FoundationPart {
	FOUNDATION_PART_NONE     = 0xFF,  ///< Neither foundation nor groundsprite drawn yet.
	FOUNDATION_PART_NORMAL   = 0,     ///< First part (normal foundation or no foundation)
	FOUNDATION_PART_HALFTILE = 1,     ///< Second part (halftile foundation)
@@ -116,19 +117,20 @@ enum FoundationPart {
typedef SmallVector<TileSpriteToDraw, 64> TileSpriteToDrawVector;
typedef SmallVector<StringSpriteToDraw, 4> StringSpriteToDrawVector;
typedef SmallVector<ParentSpriteToDraw, 64> ParentSpriteToDrawVector;
typedef SmallVector<ParentSpriteToDraw*, 64> ParentSpriteToSortVector;
typedef SmallVector<ChildScreenSpriteToDraw, 16> ChildScreenSpriteToDrawVector;

/** Data structure storing rendering information */
struct ViewportDrawer {
	DrawPixelInfo dpi;

	StringSpriteToDrawVector string_sprites_to_draw;
	TileSpriteToDrawVector tile_sprites_to_draw;
	ParentSpriteToDrawVector parent_sprites_to_draw;
	ParentSpriteToSortVector parent_sprites_to_sort;
	ParentSpriteToSortVector parent_sprites_to_sort; ///< Parent sprite pointer array used for sorting
	ChildScreenSpriteToDrawVector child_screen_sprites_to_draw;

	int *last_child;

	byte combine_sprites;

@@ -353,12 +355,18 @@ ViewPort *IsPtInWindowViewport(const Win
			IsInsideMM(y, vp->top, vp->top + vp->height))
		return vp;

	return NULL;

 * Translate screen coordinate in a viewport to a tile coordinate
 * @param vp  Viewport that contains the (\a x, \a y) screen coordinate
 * @param x   Screen x coordinate
 * @param y   Screen y coordinate
 * @return Tile coordinate */
static Point TranslateXYToTileCoord(const ViewPort *vp, int x, int y)
	Point pt;
	int a,b;
	uint z;

@@ -1283,12 +1291,13 @@ static void ViewportDrawTileSprites(cons
	for (const TileSpriteToDraw *ts = tstdv->Begin(); ts != tsend; ++ts) {
		Point pt = RemapCoords(ts->x, ts->y, ts->z);
		DrawSprite(ts->image, ts->pal, pt.x, pt.y, ts->sub);

/** Sort parent sprites pointer array */
static void ViewportSortParentSprites(ParentSpriteToSortVector *psdv)
	ParentSpriteToDraw **psdvend = psdv->End();
	ParentSpriteToDraw **psd = psdv->Begin();
	while (psd != psdvend) {
		ParentSpriteToDraw *ps = *psd;
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