Changeset - r28784:f88622e76511
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frosch - 2 months ago 2024-02-18 15:30:54
Fix: Shadows of individual character glyphs could be drawn over other characters (#12115)
1 file changed with 37 insertions and 44 deletions:
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@@ -575,59 +575,52 @@ static int DrawLayoutLine(const Paragrap

	const uint shadow_offset = ScaleGUITrad(1);

	TextColour colour = TC_BLACK;
	bool draw_shadow = false;
	for (int run_index = 0; run_index < line.CountRuns(); run_index++) {
		const ParagraphLayouter::VisualRun &run = line.GetVisualRun(run_index);
		const auto &glyphs = run.GetGlyphs();
		const auto &positions = run.GetPositions();
		const Font *f = run.GetFont();

		FontCache *fc = f->fc;
		colour = f->colour;
	/* Draw shadow, then foreground */
	for (bool do_shadow : { true, false }) {
		TextColour colour = TC_BLACK;
		for (int run_index = 0; run_index < line.CountRuns(); run_index++) {
			const ParagraphLayouter::VisualRun &run = line.GetVisualRun(run_index);
			const auto &glyphs = run.GetGlyphs();
			const auto &positions = run.GetPositions();
			const Font *f = run.GetFont();

		DrawPixelInfo *dpi = _cur_dpi;
		int dpi_left  = dpi->left;
		int dpi_right = dpi->left + dpi->width - 1;

		draw_shadow = fc->GetDrawGlyphShadow() && (colour & TC_NO_SHADE) == 0 && colour != TC_BLACK;
			FontCache *fc = f->fc;
			colour = f->colour;
			if (do_shadow && (!fc->GetDrawGlyphShadow() || (colour & TC_NO_SHADE) != 0 || colour == TC_BLACK)) continue;
			SetColourRemap(do_shadow ? TC_BLACK : colour);

		for (int i = 0; i < run.GetGlyphCount(); i++) {
			GlyphID glyph = glyphs[i];
			DrawPixelInfo *dpi = _cur_dpi;
			int dpi_left  = dpi->left;
			int dpi_right = dpi->left + dpi->width - 1;

			/* Not a valid glyph (empty) */
			if (glyph == 0xFFFF) continue;
			for (int i = 0; i < run.GetGlyphCount(); i++) {
				GlyphID glyph = glyphs[i];

			int begin_x = positions[i].x     + left - offset_x;
			int end_x   = positions[i + 1].x + left - offset_x  - 1;
			int top     = positions[i].y + y;
				/* Not a valid glyph (empty) */
				if (glyph == 0xFFFF) continue;

			/* Truncated away. */
			if (truncation && (begin_x < min_x || end_x > max_x)) continue;
				int begin_x = positions[i].x     + left - offset_x;
				int end_x   = positions[i + 1].x + left - offset_x  - 1;
				int top     = positions[i].y + y;

			const Sprite *sprite = fc->GetGlyph(glyph);
			/* Check clipping (the "+ 1" is for the shadow). */
			if (begin_x + sprite->x_offs > dpi_right || begin_x + sprite->x_offs + sprite->width /* - 1 + 1 */ < dpi_left) continue;
				/* Truncated away. */
				if (truncation && (begin_x < min_x || end_x > max_x)) continue;

			if (draw_shadow && (glyph & SPRITE_GLYPH) == 0) {
				GfxMainBlitter(sprite, begin_x + shadow_offset, top + shadow_offset, BM_COLOUR_REMAP);
			GfxMainBlitter(sprite, begin_x, top, BM_COLOUR_REMAP);
				const Sprite *sprite = fc->GetGlyph(glyph);
				/* Check clipping (the "+ 1" is for the shadow). */
				if (begin_x + sprite->x_offs > dpi_right || begin_x + sprite->x_offs + sprite->width /* - 1 + 1 */ < dpi_left) continue;

				if (do_shadow && (glyph & SPRITE_GLYPH) != 0) continue;

	if (truncation) {
		int x = (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL) ? left : (right - 3 * dot_width);
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++, x += dot_width) {
			if (draw_shadow) {
				GfxMainBlitter(dot_sprite, x + shadow_offset, y + shadow_offset, BM_COLOUR_REMAP);
				GfxMainBlitter(sprite, begin_x + (do_shadow ? shadow_offset : 0), top + (do_shadow ? shadow_offset : 0), BM_COLOUR_REMAP);
			GfxMainBlitter(dot_sprite, x, y, BM_COLOUR_REMAP);

		if (truncation) {
			int x = (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL) ? left : (right - 3 * dot_width);
			for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++, x += dot_width) {
				GfxMainBlitter(dot_sprite, x + (do_shadow ? shadow_offset : 0), y + (do_shadow ? shadow_offset : 0), BM_COLOUR_REMAP);

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