@@ -39,22 +39,20 @@ class FallbackParagraphLayout : public P
/** Visual run contains data about the bit of text with the same font. */
class FallbackVisualRun : public ParagraphLayouter::VisualRun {
std::vector<GlyphID> glyphs; ///< The glyphs we're drawing.
std::vector<float> positions; ///< The positions of the glyphs.
std::vector<int> glyph_to_char; ///< The char index of the glyphs.
Font *font; ///< The font used to layout these.
GlyphID *glyphs; ///< The glyphs we're drawing.
float *positions; ///< The positions of the glyphs.
int *glyph_to_char; ///< The char index of the glyphs.
int glyph_count; ///< The number of glyphs.
FallbackVisualRun(Font *font, const char32_t *chars, int glyph_count, int char_offset, int x);
FallbackVisualRun(FallbackVisualRun &&other) noexcept;
~FallbackVisualRun() override;
const Font *GetFont() const override;
int GetGlyphCount() const override;
const GlyphID *GetGlyphs() const override;
const float *GetPositions() const override;
int GetLeading() const override;
const int *GetGlyphToCharMap() const override;
const Font *GetFont() const override { return this->font; }
int GetGlyphCount() const override { return static_cast<int>(this->glyphs.size()); }
const GlyphID *GetGlyphs() const override { return this->glyphs.data(); }
const float *GetPositions() const override { return this->positions.data(); }
int GetLeading() const override { return this->GetFont()->fc->GetHeight(); }
const int *GetGlyphToCharMap() const override { return this->glyph_to_char.data(); }
/** A single line worth of VisualRuns. */
@@ -112,19 +110,19 @@ public:
* @param x The initial x position for this run.
FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::FallbackVisualRun(Font *font, const char32_t *chars, int char_count, int char_offset, int x) :
font(font), glyph_count(char_count)
const bool isbuiltin = font->fc->IsBuiltInFont();
this->glyphs = MallocT<GlyphID>(this->glyph_count);
this->glyph_to_char = MallocT<int>(this->glyph_count);
/* Positions contains the location of the begin of each of the glyphs, and the end of the last one. */
this->positions = MallocT<float>(this->glyph_count * 2 + 2);
this->positions.resize(char_count * 2 + 2);
this->positions[0] = x;
for (int i = 0; i < this->glyph_count; i++) {
this->glyphs[i] = font->fc->MapCharToGlyph(chars[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < char_count; i++) {
const GlyphID &glyph_id = this->glyphs.emplace_back(font->fc->MapCharToGlyph(chars[i]));
if (isbuiltin) {
this->positions[2 * i + 1] = font->fc->GetAscender(); // Apply sprite font's ascender.
} else if (chars[i] >= SCC_SPRITE_START && chars[i] <= SCC_SPRITE_END) {
@@ -132,85 +130,11 @@ FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualR
} else {
this->positions[2 * i + 1] = 0; // No ascender adjustment.
this->positions[2 * i + 2] = this->positions[2 * i] + font->fc->GetGlyphWidth(this->glyphs[i]);
this->glyph_to_char[i] = char_offset + i;
this->positions[2 * i + 2] = this->positions[2 * i] + font->fc->GetGlyphWidth(glyph_id);
this->glyph_to_char.push_back(char_offset + i);
/** Move constructor for visual runs.*/
FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::FallbackVisualRun(FallbackVisualRun &&other) noexcept : font(other.font), glyph_count(other.glyph_count)
this->positions = other.positions;
this->glyph_to_char = other.glyph_to_char;
this->glyphs = other.glyphs;
other.positions = nullptr;
other.glyph_to_char = nullptr;
other.glyphs = nullptr;
/** Free all data. */
* Get the font associated with this run.
* @return The font.
const Font *FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::GetFont() const
return this->font;
* Get the number of glyphs in this run.
* @return The number of glyphs.
int FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::GetGlyphCount() const
return this->glyph_count;
* Get the glyphs of this run.
* @return The glyphs.
const GlyphID *FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::GetGlyphs() const
return this->glyphs;
* Get the positions of this run.
* @return The positions.
const float *FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::GetPositions() const
return this->positions;
* Get the glyph-to-character map for this visual run.
* @return The glyph-to-character map.
const int *FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::GetGlyphToCharMap() const
return this->glyph_to_char;
* Get the height of this font.
* @return The height of the font.
int FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::GetLeading() const
return this->GetFont()->fc->GetHeight();
* Get the height of the line.
* @return The maximum height of the line.
Status change: