File diff r5490:b5a0bec31fa9 → r5491:cfdecfc3cf79
Show inline comments
@@ -2145,50 +2145,62 @@ showhelp() {
	echo ""
	echo "System types:"
	echo "  --build=BUILD                  configure for building on BUILD [guessed]"
	echo "  --host=HOST                    cross-compile to build programs to run on HOST [BUILD]"
	echo "  --host=HOST                    cross-compile to build programs to run"
	echo "                                 on HOST [BUILD]"
	echo "  --windres=WINDRES              the windres to use [HOST-windres]"
	echo "  --strip=STRIP                  the strip to use [HOST-strip]"
	echo "  --lipo=LIPO                    the lipo to use (OSX ONLY) [HOST-lipo]"
	echo "  --os=OS                        the OS we are compiling for [DETECT]"
	echo "                                 DETECT/UNIX/OSX/FREEBSD/MORPHOS/BEOS/SUNOS/CYGWIN/MINGW"
	echo "  --endian=ENDIAN                set the endian of the HOST (AUTO/LE/BE) [AUTO]"
	echo "  --revision=rXXXX               overwrite the revision detection. Use with care!"
	echo "                                 DETECT/UNIX/OSX/FREEBSD/MORPHOS/BEOS/"
	echo "                                 SUNOS/CYGWIN/MINGW"
	echo "  --endian=ENDIAN                set the endian of the HOST (AUTO/LE/BE)"
	echo "  --revision=rXXXX               overwrite the revision detection."
	echo "                                 Use with care!"
	echo ""
	echo "Paths:"
	echo "  --prefix-dir=dir               specifies the prefix for all installed files [/usr/local]"
	echo "  --binary-dir=dir               location of the binary. Will be prefixed with the"
	echo "                                 prefix-dir [games]"
	echo "  --data-dir=dir                 location of data files (lang, data, gm, scenario)."
	echo "                                 Will be prefixed with the prefix-dir [share/games/openttd]"
	echo "  --icon-dir=dir                 location of icons. Will be prefixed with the"
	echo "                                 prefix-dir [share/pixmaps]"
	echo "  --prefix-dir=dir               specifies the prefix for all installed"
	echo "                                 files [/usr/local]"
	echo "  --binary-dir=dir               location of the binary. Will be prefixed"
	echo "                                 with the prefix-dir [games]"
	echo "  --data-dir=dir                 location of data files (lang, data, gm)."
	echo "                                 Will be prefixed with the prefix-dir"
	echo "                                 [share/games/openttd]"
	echo "  --icon-dir=dir                 location of icons. Will be prefixed"
	echo "                                 with the prefix-dir [share/pixmaps]"
	echo "  --personal-dir=dir             location of the personal directory []"
	echo "  --install-dir=dir              specifies the root to install to. Useful to install"
	echo "                                 into jails [/]"
	echo "  --install-dir=dir              specifies the root to install to."
	echo "                                 Useful to install into jails [/]"
	echo ""
# TODO: The Following 3 tags will be removed when the 'search path patch' is applied
	echo "  --second-data-dir=dir          specifies a second directory for the data files"
	echo "  --custom-lang-dir=dir          specifies a custom directory for the language files"
	echo "  --enable-install               make a binary that uses the specified data-dir and icon-dir"
	echo "  --second-data-dir=dir          specifies a second directory for the"
	echo "                                 data files"
	echo "  --custom-lang-dir=dir          specifies a custom directory for the"
	echo "                                 language files"
	echo "  --enable-install               make a binary that uses the specified"
	echo "                                 data-dir and icon-dir"
	echo ""
	echo "Features and packages:"
	echo "  --enable-debug[=LVL]           enable debug-mode (LVL=[0123], 0 is release) [LVL=0]"
	echo "  --enable-profiling             enables profiling (can be mixed with --enable-debug)"
	echo "  --enable-dedicated             compile a dedicated server (without video-drivers)"
	echo "  --enable-static                enable static compile (doesn't work for all HOSTs)"
	echo "  --enable-debug[=LVL]           enable debug-mode (LVL=[0123], 0 is release)"
	echo "  --enable-profiling             enables profiling"
	echo "  --enable-dedicated             compile a dedicated server (without video)"
	echo "  --enable-static                enable static compile (doesn't work for"
	echo "                                 all HOSTs)"
	echo "  --enable-translator            enable extra output for translators"
	echo "  --enable-universal             enable universal builds (OSX ONLY)"
	echo "  --enable-osx-g5                enables optimalizations for G5 (OSX ONLY)"
	echo "  --disable-network              disable network support"
	echo "  --disable-assert               disable asserts (on error, program just continues)"
	echo "  --disable-assert               disable asserts (continue on errors)"
	echo "  --disable-strip                disable any possible stripping"
	echo "  --without-osx-sysroot          disable the automatic adding of sysroot (OSX ONLY)"
	echo "  --without-application-bundle   disable generation of application bundle (OSX ONLY)"
	echo "  --without-osx-sysroot          disable the automatic adding of sysroot "
	echo "                                 (OSX ONLY)"
	echo "  --without-application-bundle   disable generation of application bundle"
	echo "                                 (OSX ONLY)"
	echo "  --with-direct-music            enable direct music support (Win32 ONLY)"
	echo "  --with-sort=sort               define a non-default location for sort"
	echo "  --with-midi=midi               define which midi-player to use"
	echo "  --with-midi-arg=arg            define which args to use for the midi-player"
	echo "  --with-cocoa                   enables COCOA video driver (OSX ONLY) support"
	echo "  --with-midi-arg=arg            define which args to use for the"
	echo "                                 midi-player"
	echo "  --with-cocoa                   enables COCOA video driver (OSX ONLY)"
	echo "  --with-sdl[=sdl-config]        enables SDL video driver support"
	echo "  --with-zlib[=zlib.a]           enables zlib support"
	echo "  --with-png[=libpng-config]     enables libpng support"
@@ -2204,8 +2216,9 @@ showhelp() {
	echo "  CXX                            C++ compiler command"
	echo "  CFLAGS                         C compiler flags"
	echo "  WINDRES                        windres command"
	echo "  LDFLAGS                        linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries"
	echo "                                 in a nonstandard directory <lib dir>"
	echo "  LDFLAGS                        linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you"
	echo "                                 have libraries in a nonstandard"
	echo "                                 directory <lib dir>"
	echo ""
	echo "Use these variables to override the choices made by 'configure' or to help"
	echo "it to find libraries and programs with nonstandard names/locations."