diff --git a/elrail.c b/elrail.c
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elrail.c
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+/** @file elrail.c
+ * This file deals with displaying wires and pylons for electric railway systems.
+Tile Types
+We have two different types of tiles in the drawing code:
+Normal Railway Tiles (NRTs) which can have more than one track on it, and
+Special Railways tiles (SRTs) which have only one track (like crossings, depots
+stations, etc).
+Location Categories
+All tiles are categorized into three location groups (TLG):
+Group 0: Tiles with both an even X coordinate and an even Y coordinate
+Group 1: Tiles with an even X and an odd Y coordinate
+Group 2: Tiles with an odd X and an even Y coordinate
+Group 3: Tiles with both an odd X and Y coordnate.
+Pylon Points
+Control Points
+A Pylon Control Point (PCP) is a position where a wire (or rather two)
+is mounted onto a pylon.
+Each NRT does contain 4 PCPs which are mapped to a byte
+variable and are represented by the DiagDirection enum:
+A wire that ends on the PCP has a dark ending, otherwise the end is bright.
+Now on each edge there are two PCPs: One from each adjacent tile. Both PCPs are merged
+using an OR matrix (i. e. if one tile needs a PCP at the postion in question, both
+tiles get it).
Position Points
+A Pylon Position Point (PPP) is a position where a pylon is located on the ground.
+Each PCP owns 8 in (45 degree steps) PPPs that are located around it. PPPs are numbered
+0 to 7 with 0 starting north and numbering in clockwise direction. Each track bit has PPPs
+that are impossible (because the pylon would be situated on the track), preferred (because
+the pylon would be rectangular to the track). PPPs are represented by the Direction enum.
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "openttd.h"
+#include "tile.h"
+#include "viewport.h"
+#include "functions.h" /* We should REALLY get rid of this goddamn file, as it is butt-ugly */
+#include "variables.h" /* ... same here */
+#include "rail.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "tunnel_map.h"
+#include "road_map.h"
+#include "bridge_map.h"
+#include "bridge.h"
+#include "rail_map.h"
+#include "table/sprites.h"
+#include "table/elrail_data.h"
+static inline TLG GetTLG(TileIndex t)
+ return (HASBIT(TileX(t), 0) << 1) + HASBIT(TileY(t), 0);
+/** Finds which Rail Bits are present on a given tile. For bridge tiles,
+ * returns track bits under the bridge
+ */
+static TrackBits GetRailTrackBitsUniversal(TileIndex t, byte *override)
+ switch (GetTileType(t)) {
+ case MP_RAILWAY:
+ if (GetRailType(t) != RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) return 0;
+ switch (GetRailTileType(t)) {
+ return GetTrackBits(t);
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (IsTunnel(t)) {
+ if (GetRailType(t) != RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) return 0;
+ if (override != NULL) *override = 1 << GetTunnelDirection(t);
+ return (_m[t].m5 & 1) ? TRACK_BIT_Y : TRACK_BIT_X;
+ } else {
+ if (GetRailType(t) != RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) return 0;
+ if (
+ IsBridgeMiddle(t) &&
+ IsTransportUnderBridge(t) &&
+ GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(t) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
+ return GetRailBitsUnderBridge(t);
+ } else {
+ if (override != NULL && DistanceMax(t, GetOtherBridgeEnd(t)) > 1) *override = 1 << GetBridgeRampDirection(t);
+ return GetBridgeAxis(t) == AXIS_X ? TRACK_BIT_X : TRACK_BIT_Y;
+ }
+ }
+ case MP_STREET:
+ if ((_m[t].m4 & 0xF) != RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) return 0;
+ return GetCrossingRailBits(t);
+ case MP_STATION:
+ if (GetRailType(t) != RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) return 0;
+ return _m[t].m5 & 1 ? TRACK_BIT_Y : TRACK_BIT_X;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+/** Draws wires and, if required, pylons on a given tile
+ * @param ti The Tileinfo to draw the tile for
+ * @todo Currently, each pylon is drawn twice (once for each neighbouring tiles use OwnedPPPonPCP for this)
+ */
+static void DrawCatenaryRailway(const TileInfo *ti)
+ /* Pylons are placed on a tile edge, so we need to take into account
+ the track configuration of 2 adjacent tiles. trackconfig[0] stores the
+ current tile (home tile) while [1] holds the neighbour */
+ TrackBits trackconfig[TS_END];
+ bool isflat[TS_END];
+ /* Note that ti->tileh has already been adjusted for Foundations */
+ uint tileh[TS_END] = {ti->tileh, 0};
+ TLG tlg = GetTLG(ti->tile);
+ byte PCPstatus = 0;
+ byte OverridePCP = 0;
+ byte PPPpreferred[DIAGDIR_END] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
+ byte PPPallowed[DIAGDIR_END] = {AllowedPPPonPCP[0], AllowedPPPonPCP[1], AllowedPPPonPCP[2], AllowedPPPonPCP[3]};
+ byte PPPbuffer[DIAGDIR_END];
+ DiagDirection i;
+ Track t;
+ /* Find which rail bits are present, and select the override points.
+ We don't draw a pylon:
+ 1) INSIDE a tunnel (we wouldn't see it anyway)
+ 2) on the "far" end of a bridge head (the one that connects to bridge middle),
+ because that one is drawn on the bridge. Exception is for length 0 bridges
+ which have no middle tiles */
+ trackconfig[TS_HOME] = GetRailTrackBitsUniversal(ti->tile, &OverridePCP);
+ /* If a track bit is present that is not in the main direction, the track is level */
+ if (IsTunnelTile(ti->tile)) tileh[TS_HOME] = 0;
+ if (IsBridgeTile(ti->tile) && IsBridgeRamp(ti->tile)) {
+ if (tileh[TS_HOME] != 0) {
+ tileh[TS_HOME] = 0;
+ } else {
+ switch (GetBridgeRampDirection(ti->tile)) {
+ case DIAGDIR_NE: tileh[TS_HOME] = 12; break;
+ case DIAGDIR_SE: tileh[TS_HOME] = 6; break;
+ case DIAGDIR_SW: tileh[TS_HOME] = 3; break;
+ case DIAGDIR_NW: tileh[TS_HOME] = 9; break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = DIAGDIR_NE; i < DIAGDIR_END; i++) {
+ extern const TileIndexDiffC _tileoffs_by_dir[];
+ TileIndex neighbour = ti->tile + TileOffsByDir(i);
+ uint foundation = 0;
+ int k;
+ /* Here's one of the main headaches. GetTileSlope does not correct for possibly
+ existing foundataions, so we do have to do that manually later on.*/
+ tileh[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = GetTileSlope(neighbour, NULL);
+ trackconfig[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = GetRailTrackBitsUniversal(neighbour, NULL);
+ /* We cycle through all the existing tracks at a PCP and see what
+ PPPs we want to have, or may not have at all */
+ for (k = 0; k < TRACKS_AT_PCP; k++) {
+ /* Next to us, we have a bridge head, don't worry about that one, if it shows away from us */
+ if (
+ trackorigin[i][k] == TS_NEIGHBOUR &&
+ IsBridgeTile(neighbour) && IsBridgeRamp(neighbour) &&
+ GetBridgeRampDirection(neighbour) == ReverseDiagDir(i)
+ ) continue;
+ if (HASBIT(trackconfig[trackorigin[i][k]], PPPtracks[i][k])) {
+ DiagDirection PCPpos = (trackorigin[i][k] == 0) ? i : ReverseDiagDir(i);
+ PCPstatus |= 1 << i; /* This PCP is in use */
+ PPPpreferred[i] &= PreferredPPPofTrackBitAtPCP[PPPtracks[i][k]][PCPpos];
+ PPPallowed[i] &= ~DisallowedPPPofTrackBitAtPCP[PPPtracks[i][k]][PCPpos];
+ }
+ }
+ /* Deactivate all PPPs if PCP is not used */
+ PPPpreferred[i] *= HASBIT(PCPstatus, i);
+ PPPallowed[i] *= HASBIT(PCPstatus, i);
+ /* Station on a non-flat tile means foundation. add one height level and adjust tileh */
+ if (IsTileType(neighbour, MP_STATION) && tileh[TS_NEIGHBOUR] != 0) tileh[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = 0;
+ /* Read the foundataions if they are present, and adjust the tileh */
+ if (IsTileType(neighbour, MP_RAILWAY)) foundation = GetRailFoundation(tileh[TS_NEIGHBOUR], trackconfig[TS_NEIGHBOUR]);
+ if (IsBridgeTile(neighbour) && IsBridgeRamp(neighbour)) foundation = GetBridgeFoundation(tileh[TS_NEIGHBOUR], GetBridgeAxis(neighbour));
+ if (foundation != 0) {
+ if (foundation < 15) {
+ tileh[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = 0;
+ } else {
+ tileh[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = _inclined_tileh[foundation - 15];
+ }
+ }
+ /* Convert the real tileh into a pseudo-tileh for the track */
+ if (IsTunnelTile(neighbour)) tileh[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = 0;
+ if (IsBridgeTile(neighbour) && IsBridgeRamp(neighbour)) {
+ if (tileh[TS_NEIGHBOUR] != 0) {
+ tileh[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = 0;
+ } else {
+ switch (GetBridgeRampDirection(neighbour)) {
+ case DIAGDIR_NE: tileh[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = 12; break;
+ case DIAGDIR_SE: tileh[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = 6; break;
+ case DIAGDIR_SW: tileh[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = 3; break;
+ case DIAGDIR_NW: tileh[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = 9; break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* If we have a straight (and level) track, we want a pylon only every 2 tiles
+ Delete the PCP if this is the case. */
+ /* Level means that the slope is the same, or the track is flat */
+ if (tileh[TS_HOME] == tileh[TS_NEIGHBOUR] || (isflat[TS_HOME] && isflat[TS_NEIGHBOUR])) {
+ for (k = 0; k < NUM_IGNORE_GROUPS; k++)
+ if (PPPpreferred[i] == IgnoredPCP[k][tlg][i]) PCPstatus &= ~(1 << i);
+ }
+ /* Now decide where we draw our tiles. First try the preferred PPPs, but they may not exist.
+ In that case, we try the any of the allowed ones. if they don't exist either, don't draw
+ anything */
+ if (PPPpreferred[i] != 0) {
+ /* Some of the preferred PPPs (the ones in direct extension of the track bit)
+ have been used as an "end of line" marker. As these are not ALLOWED, this operation
+ cancles them out */
+ PPPbuffer[i] = PPPpreferred[i] & PPPallowed[i];
+ /* We haven't any buffer yet, so try something else. Fixes 90° curves */
+ if (PPPbuffer[i] == 0) PPPbuffer[i] = PPPallowed[i];
+ } else {
+ PPPbuffer[i] = PPPallowed[i];
+ }
+ if (PPPbuffer[i] != 0 && HASBIT(PCPstatus, i) && !HASBIT(OverridePCP, i)) {
+ for (k = 0; k < DIR_END; k++) {
+ byte temp = PPPorder[i][GetTLG(ti->tile)][k];
+ if (HASBIT(PPPbuffer[i], temp)) {
+ uint x = ti->x + x_pcp_offsets[i] + x_ppp_offsets[temp];
+ uint y = ti->y + y_pcp_offsets[i] + y_ppp_offsets[temp];
+ /* Don't build the pylon if it would be outside the tile */
+ if (!HASBIT(OwnedPPPonPCP[i], temp)) {
+ /* We have a neighour that will draw it, bail out */
+ if (trackconfig[TS_NEIGHBOUR] != 0) break;
+ continue; /* No neighbour, go looking for a better position */
+ }
+ AddSortableSpriteToDraw(pylons_normal[temp], x, y, 1, 1, 10,
+ GetSlopeZ(ti->x + x_pcp_offsets[i], ti->y + y_pcp_offsets[i]));
+ break; /* We already have drawn a pylon, bail out */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Drawing of pylons is finished, now draw the wires */
+ for (t = 0; t < TRACK_END; t++) {
+ if (HASBIT(trackconfig[TS_HOME], t)) {
+ byte PCPconfig = HASBIT(PCPstatus, PCPpositions[t][0]) +
+ (HASBIT(PCPstatus, PCPpositions[t][1]) << 1);
+ const SortableSpriteStruct *sss;
+ int tileh_selector = !(tileh[TS_HOME] % 3) * tileh[TS_HOME] / 3; /* tileh for the slopes, 0 otherwise */
+ if ( /* We are not drawing a wire under a low bridge */
+ IsBridgeTile(ti->tile) &&
+ IsBridgeMiddle(ti->tile) &&
+ !(_display_opt & DO_TRANS_BUILDINGS) &&
+ GetBridgeHeight(t) <= TilePixelHeight(t)
+ ) return;
+ assert(PCPconfig != 0); /* We have a pylon on neither end of the wire, that doesn't work (since we have no sprites for that) */
+ assert(!IsSteepTileh(tileh[TS_HOME]));
+ sss = &CatenarySpriteData[Wires[tileh_selector][t][PCPconfig]];
+ AddSortableSpriteToDraw( sss->image, ti->x + sss->x_offset, ti->y + sss->y_offset,
+ sss->x_size, sss->y_size, sss->z_size, GetSlopeZ(ti->x + min(sss->x_offset, 15), ti->y + min(sss->y_offset, 15)) + sss->z_offset);
+ }
+ }
+static void DrawCatenaryOnBridge(const TileInfo *ti)
+ TileIndex start = GetOtherBridgeEnd(GetSouthernBridgeEnd(ti->tile));
+ uint length = GetBridgeLength(GetSouthernBridgeEnd(ti->tile), GetOtherBridgeEnd(GetSouthernBridgeEnd(ti->tile)));
+ uint num = DistanceMax(ti->tile, start);
+ const SortableSpriteStruct *sss;
+ Axis axis = GetBridgeAxis(ti->tile);
+ TLG tlg = GetTLG(ti->tile);
+ CatenarySprite offset = axis == AXIS_X ? 0 : WIRE_Y_FLAT_BOTH - WIRE_X_FLAT_BOTH;
+ if ((length % 2) && num == length) {
+ sss = &CatenarySpriteData[WIRE_X_FLAT_BOTH + offset];
+ } else {
+ sss = &CatenarySpriteData[WIRE_X_FLAT_SW + (num % 2) + offset];
+ }
+ if (num % 2) {
+ if (axis == AXIS_X) {
+ AddSortableSpriteToDraw( pylons_bridge[0 + HASBIT(tlg, 0)], ti->x, ti->y + 4 + 8 * HASBIT(tlg, 0), 1, 1, 10, GetBridgeHeight(ti->tile) + 8);
+ } else {
+ AddSortableSpriteToDraw( pylons_bridge[2 + HASBIT(tlg, 1)], ti->x + 4 + 8 * HASBIT(tlg, 1), ti->y, 1, 1, 10, GetBridgeHeight(ti->tile) + 8);
+ }
+ }
+ if (DistanceMax(ti->tile, start) == length) { /* need a pylon here (the southern end) */
+ if (axis == AXIS_X) {
+ AddSortableSpriteToDraw( pylons_bridge[0 + HASBIT(tlg, 0)], ti->x + 16, ti->y + 4 + 8 * HASBIT(tlg, 0), 1, 1, 10, GetBridgeHeight(ti->tile) + 8);
+ } else {
+ AddSortableSpriteToDraw( pylons_bridge[2 + HASBIT(tlg, 1)], ti->x + 4 + 8 * HASBIT(tlg, 1), ti->y + 16, 1, 1, 10, GetBridgeHeight(ti->tile) + 8);
+ }
+ }
+ AddSortableSpriteToDraw( sss->image, ti->x + sss->x_offset, ti->y + sss->y_offset,
+ sss->x_size, sss->y_size, sss->z_size, GetBridgeHeight(ti->tile) + sss->z_offset + 8);
+void DrawCatenary(const TileInfo *ti)
+ switch (GetTileType(ti->tile)) {
+ case MP_RAILWAY:
+ if (GetRailTileType(ti->tile) == RAIL_TYPE_DEPOT_WAYPOINT && GetRailTileSubtype(ti->tile) == RAIL_SUBTYPE_DEPOT) {
+ const SortableSpriteStruct *sss = &CatenarySpriteData[WIRE_DEPOT_SW + ReverseDiagDir(GetRailDepotDirection(ti->tile))];
+ AddSortableSpriteToDraw( sss->image, ti->x + sss->x_offset, ti->y + sss->y_offset,
+ sss->x_size, sss->y_size, sss->z_size, GetSlopeZ(ti->x, ti->y) + sss->z_offset);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Fall through */
+ if (IsBridgeTile(ti->tile) && IsBridgeMiddle(ti->tile) && GetRailTypeOnBridge(ti->tile) == RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) DrawCatenaryOnBridge(ti);
+ /* Fall further */
+ case MP_STREET: case MP_STATION:
+ DrawCatenaryRailway(ti);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }