File diff r5115:7edde0aba70e → r5116:6ab72109f482
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@@ -1131,25 +1131,24 @@ STR_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE                   
STR_CHEATS                                                      :{WHITE}Cheats
STR_CHEATS_TIP                                                  :{BLACK}Checkboxes indicate if you have used this cheat before
STR_CHEATS_WARNING                                              :{BLACK}Warning! You are about to betray your fellow competitors. Keep in mind that such a disgrace will be remembered for eternity.
STR_CHEAT_MONEY                                                 :{LTBLUE}Increase money by {CURRENCY64}
STR_CHEAT_CHANGE_PLAYER                                         :{LTBLUE}Playing as player: {ORANGE}{COMMA}
STR_CHEAT_EXTRA_DYNAMITE                                        :{LTBLUE}Magic bulldozer (remove industries, unmovables): {ORANGE}{STRING}
STR_CHEAT_CROSSINGTUNNELS                                       :{LTBLUE}Tunnels may cross each other: {ORANGE}{STRING}
STR_CHEAT_BUILD_IN_PAUSE                                        :{LTBLUE}Build while in pause mode: {ORANGE}{STRING}
STR_CHEAT_NO_JETCRASH                                           :{LTBLUE}Jetplanes will not crash (frequently) on small airports: {ORANGE} {STRING}
STR_CHEAT_SWITCH_CLIMATE                                        :{LTBLUE}Switch climate: {ORANGE} {STRING}
STR_CHEAT_CHANGE_DATE                                           :{LTBLUE}Change date: {ORANGE} {DATE_SHORT}
STR_CHEAT_SETUP_PROD                                            :{LTBLUE}Enable modifying production values: {ORANGE}{STRING}
STR_CHEAT_ALLOW_CONVRAIL                                        :{LTBLUE}Allow electric engines to run on normal rail

STR_HEADING_FOR_WAYPOINT                                        :{LTBLUE}Heading for {WAYPOINT}
STR_HEADING_FOR_WAYPOINT_VEL                                    :{LTBLUE}Heading for {WAYPOINT}, {VELOCITY}

STR_GO_TO_WAYPOINT                                              :Go via {WAYPOINT}
STR_GO_NON_STOP_TO_WAYPOINT                                     :Go non-stop via {WAYPOINT}

STR_WAYPOINTNAME_CITY                                           :Waypoint {TOWN}
STR_WAYPOINTNAME_CITY_SERIAL                                    :Waypoint {TOWN} #{COMMA}
STR_LANDINFO_WAYPOINT                                           :Waypoint

STR_WAYPOINT                                                    :{WHITE}Waypoint