File diff r2678:3d60d5968a26 → r2679:f470c2fb8804
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@@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ STR_TRAIN_AUTORENEW_FAILED              
STR_ROADVEHICLE_AUTORENEW_FAILED                                :{WHITE}Autorenew failed on road vehicle {COMMA} (money limit)
STR_SHIP_AUTORENEW_FAILED                                       :{WHITE}Autorenew failed on ship {COMMA} (money limit)
STR_AIRCRAFT_AUTORENEW_FAILED                                   :{WHITE}Autorenew failed on aircraft {COMMA} (money limit)
STR_TRAIN_TOO_LONG_AFTER_REPLACEMENT							:{WHITE}Train {COMMA} is too long after replacement
STR_TRAIN_TOO_LONG_AFTER_REPLACEMENT                            :{WHITE}Train {COMMA} is too long after replacement

STR_CONFIG_PATCHES                                              :{BLACK}Configure Patches
STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_TIP                                          :{BLACK}Configure the patches
@@ -2755,8 +2755,8 @@ STR_REPLACE_HELP_START_BUTTON           
STR_REPLACE_HELP_RAILTYPE                                       :{BLACK}Choose the railtype you want to replace engines for
STR_REPLACE_HELP_REPLACE_INFO_TAB                               :{BLACK}Displays which engine the left selected engine is being replaced with, if any
STR_REPLACE_HELP                                                :{BLACK}This allows you to replace one engine type with another type, when trains of the original type enter a depot
STR_REPLACE_REMOVE_WAGON_HELP									:{BLACK}Setting this to "On" will make autoreplace remove wagons from trains to make them keep their length if they exceed length of the shortest station in their orders.{}It will remove as many wagons as needed starting from the front
STR_REPLACE_REMOVE_WAGON                                        :{BLACK}Wagon removal: {ORANGE}{SKIP}{STRING}
STR_REPLACE_REMOVE_WAGON_HELP                                   :{BLACK}Setting this to "On" will make autoreplace remove wagons from trains to make them keep their length if they exceed length of the shortest station in their orders.{}It will remove as many wagons as needed starting from the front

STR_SHORT_DATE                                                  :{WHITE}{DATE_TINY}
STR_SIGN_LIST_CAPTION                                           :{WHITE}Sign List - {COMMA} Sign{P "" s}