File diff r2158:c6fcd114db94 → r2159:2c706fe6b0a7
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@@ -137,24 +137,38 @@ static inline TileIndex AddTileIndexDiff
		return TileXY(x, y);

// Functions to calculate distances
uint DistanceManhattan(TileIndex, TileIndex); // also known as L1-Norm. Is the shortest distance one could go over diagonal tracks (or roads)
uint DistanceSquare(TileIndex, TileIndex); // euclidian- or L2-Norm squared
uint DistanceMax(TileIndex, TileIndex); // also known as L-Infinity-Norm
uint DistanceMaxPlusManhattan(TileIndex, TileIndex); // Max + Manhattan
uint DistanceTrack(TileIndex, TileIndex); // Returns the shortest distance one could go over tracks
uint DistanceFromEdge(TileIndex); // shortest distance from any edge of the map


#define BEGIN_TILE_LOOP(var,w,h,tile)                      \
	{                                                        \
		int h_cur = h;                                         \
		uint var = tile;                                       \
		do {                                                   \
			int w_cur = w;                                       \
			do {

#define END_TILE_LOOP(var,w,h,tile)                        \
			} while (++var, --w_cur != 0);                       \
		} while (var += TileDiffXY(0, 1) - (w), --h_cur != 0); \


static inline TileIndexDiff TileOffsByDir(uint dir)
	extern const TileIndexDiffC _tileoffs_by_dir[4];

	assert(dir < lengthof(_tileoffs_by_dir));
	return ToTileIndexDiff(_tileoffs_by_dir[dir]);

/* Approximation of the length of a straight track, relative to a diagonal
 * track (ie the size of a tile side). #defined instead of const so it can
 * stay integer. (no runtime float operations) Is this needed?
 * Watch out! There are _no_ brackets around here, to prevent intermediate