File diff r5340:373ab51af938 → r5341:da1042f5c4c9
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		/* Find the matching GRF file */
		f = FindGRFConfig(c.grfid, c.md5sum);
		if (f == NULL) continue; // The GRF is unknown to this server

		/* If the reply might exceed the size of the packet, only reply
		 * the current list and do not send the other data */
		packet_len += sizeof(c.grfid) + sizeof(c.md5sum) + min(strlen(f->name) + 1, NETWORK_GRF_NAME_LENGTH);
		 * the current list and do not send the other data.
		 * The name could be an empty string, if so take the filename. */
		packet_len += sizeof(c.grfid) + sizeof(c.md5sum) +
				min(strlen((f->name != NULL && strlen(f->name) > 0) ? f->name : f->filename) + 1, NETWORK_GRF_NAME_LENGTH);
		if (packet_len > SEND_MTU - 4) { // 4 is 3 byte header + grf count in reply
		in_reply[in_reply_count] = f;
	if (in_reply_count == 0) return;

	packet = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_UDP_SERVER_NEWGRFS);
	NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, in_reply_count);
	for (i = 0; i < in_reply_count; i++) {
		ttd_strlcpy(name, in_reply[i]->name, sizeof(name));
		NetworkSend_GRFIdentifier(packet, in_reply[i]);

		/* The name could be an empty string, if so take the filename */
		ttd_strlcpy(name, (in_reply[i]->name != NULL && strlen(in_reply[i]->name) > 0) ?
				in_reply[i]->name : in_reply[i]->filename, sizeof(name));
	 	NetworkSend_GRFIdentifier(packet, in_reply[i]);
		NetworkSend_string(packet, name);

	NetworkSendUDP_Packet(_udp_server_socket, packet, client_addr);
		GRFConfig c;

		NetworkRecv_GRFIdentifier(p, &c);
		NetworkRecv_string(&_udp_cs, p, name, sizeof(name));

		/* An empty name is not possible under normal circumstances
		 * and causes problems when showing the NewGRF list. */
		if (strlen(name) == 0) continue;

		/* Finds the fake GRFConfig for the just read GRF ID and MD5sum tuple.
		 * If it exists and not resolved yet, then name of the fake GRF is
		 * overwritten with the name from the reply. */
		unknown_name = FindUnknownGRFName(c.grfid, c.md5sum, false);
		if (unknown_name != NULL && strcmp(unknown_name, UNKNOWN_GRF_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) == 0) {
			ttd_strlcpy(unknown_name, name, NETWORK_GRF_NAME_LENGTH);