File diff r2232:e57ed01defe1 → r2233:8ada8e8f788d
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@@ -139,6 +139,30 @@ typedef enum SignalStates {
} SignalState;

/** This struct contains all the info that is needed to draw and construct tracks.
typedef struct RailtypeInfo {
	struct {
		SpriteID track_y;      ///< single piece of rail in Y direction, with ground
		SpriteID track_ns;     ///< two pieces of rail in North and South corner (East-West direction)
		SpriteID ground;       ///< ground sprite for a 3-way switch
		SpriteID single_y;     ///< single piece of rail in Y direction, without ground
		SpriteID single_x;     ///< single piece of rail in X direction
		SpriteID single_n;     ///< single piece of rail in the northern corner
		SpriteID single_s;     ///< single piece of rail in the southern corner
		SpriteID single_e;     ///< single piece of rail in the eastern corner
		SpriteID single_w;     ///< single piece of rail in the western corner
	} base_sprites;

	/** sprite number difference between a piece of track on a snowy ground and the corresponding one on normal ground */
	SpriteID snow_offset;

	/** bitmask to the OTHER railtypes that can be used by an engine of THIS railtype */
	byte compatible_railtypes;
} RailtypeInfo;

RailtypeInfo railtypes[RAILTYPE_END];

// these are the maximums used for updating signal blocks, and checking if a depot is in a pbs block
enum {
	NUM_SSD_ENTRY = 256, // max amount of blocks
@@ -500,6 +524,17 @@ static inline TransportType GetCrossingT

 * Returns a pointer to the Railtype information for a given railtype
 * @param railtype the rail type which the information is requested for
 * @return The pointer to the RailtypeInfo
static inline RailtypeInfo *GetRailTypeInfo(RailType railtype)
	assert(railtype < RAILTYPE_END);
	return &railtypes[railtype];

 * Checks if an engine of the given RailType can drive on a tile with a given
 * RailType. This would normally just be an equality check, but for electric
 * rails (which also support non-electric engines).
@@ -509,13 +544,7 @@ static inline TransportType GetCrossingT
static inline bool IsCompatibleRail(RailType enginetype, RailType tiletype)
	static const bool EquivRailTypes[RAILTYPE_END][RAILTYPE_END] = {
	{ true, false, false },
	{ false, true, false },
	{ false, false, true },

	return EquivRailTypes[enginetype][tiletype];
	return HASBIT(GetRailTypeInfo(enginetype)->compatible_railtypes, tiletype);

#endif // RAIL_H