File diff r18374:ea9fdd784480 → r18375:af3d1f9949fb
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@@ -168,90 +168,91 @@ extract OpenTTD in the given directory.

OpenTTD looks in multiple locations to find the required data files (described
in section 4.2). Installing any 3rd party files into a "shared" location has
the advantage that you only need to do this step once, rather than copying the
data files into all OpenTTD versions you have.
Savegames, screenshots, etc are saved relative to the config file (openttd.cfg)
currently being used. This means that if you use a config file in one of the
shared directories, savegames will reside in the save/ directory next to the
openttd.cfg file there.
If you want savegames and screenshots in the directory where the OpenTTD binary
resides, simply have your config file in that location. But if you remove this
config file, savegames will still be in this directory (see notes in section 4.2)

OpenTTD comes without AIs, so if you want to play with AIs you have to download
them. The easiest way is via the "Check Online Content" button in the main menu.
You can select some AIs that you think are compatible with your playing style.
Another way is manually downloading the AIs from the forum although then you
need to make sure that you install all the required AI libraries too; they get
automatically selected (and downloaded) if you get the AIs via the "Check
Online Content". If you do not have an AI but have configured OpenTTD to start
an AI a message will be shown that the 'dummy' AI has been started.

4.1) (Required) 3rd party files
---- --------------------------
Before you run OpenTTD, you need to put the game's data files into a data/
Before you run OpenTTD, you need to put the game's data files into a baseset/
directory which can be located in various places addressed in the following

For OpenTTD you need to acquire some third party data files. For this you have
the choice of using the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe data files or a set
of free data files.

Do NOT copy files included with OpenTTD into "shared" directories (explained in
the following sections) as sooner or later you will run into graphical glitches
when using other versions of the game.

4.1.1) Free graphics and sound files
------ -----------------------------
The free data files, split into OpenGFX for graphics, OpenSFX for sounds and
OpenMSX for music can be found at:
 - for OpenGFX
 - for OpenSFX
 - for OpenMSX
Please follow the readme of these packages about the installation procedure.
The Windows installer can optionally download and install these packages.

4.1.2) Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe graphics and sound files
------ ---------------------------------------------------------
If you want to play with the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe data files you
have to copy the data files from the CD-ROM into the data/ directory. It does
not matter whether you copy them from the DOS or Windows version of Transport
Tycoon Deluxe. The Windows install can optionally copy these files.
You need to copy the following files:
 - trg1r.grf or TRG1.GRF
 - trgcr.grf or TRGC.GRF
 - trghr.grf or TRGH.GRF
 - trgir.grf or TRGI.GRF
 - trgtr.grf or TRGT.GRF

4.1.3) Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe music
------ --------------------------------------
If you want the Transport Tycoon Deluxe music, copy the gm/ folder from the
Windows version of Transport Tycoon Deluxe to your OpenTTD folder (not your
data folder - also explained in the following sections). The music from the
DOS version as well as the original Transport Tycoon does not work.
If you want the Transport Tycoon Deluxe music, copy the files from the gm/
folder from the Windows version of Transport Tycoon Deluxe to the baseset
folder in your OpenTTD folder (also explained in the following sections).
The music from the DOS version as well as the original Transport Tycoon does
not work.

4.1.4) AIs
------ ---
If you want AIs use the in-game content downloader. If for some reason that is
not possible or you want to use an AI that has not been uploaded to the content
download system download the tar file and place it in the ai/ directory. If the
AI needs libraries you'll have to download those too and put them in the
ai/library/ directory. All AIs and AI Libraries that have been uploaded to
the content download system can be found at
The AIs and libraries can be found their in the form of .tar.gz packages.
OpenTTD can read inside tar files but it does not extract .tar.gz files by
To figure out which libraries you need for an AI you have to start the AI and
wait for an error message to pop up. The error message will tell you
"couldn't find library 'lib-name'". Download that library and try again.

4.2) OpenTTD directories
---- -------------------
OpenTTD uses its own directory to store its required 3rd party base set files (see section
4.1 "Required 3rd party files") and non-compulsory extension and configuration files. See
below for their proper place within this OpenTTD main data directory.

The main OpenTTD directories can be found in various locations, depending on your operating
@@ -262,86 +263,86 @@ system:
	2. Your personal directory
		Windows: C:\My Documents (95, 98, ME)
		         C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\OpenTTD (2000, XP)
		         C:\Users\<username>\Documents\OpenTTD (Vista, 7)
		Mac OSX: ~/Documents/OpenTTD
		Linux:   ~/.openttd
	3. The shared directory
		Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\OpenTTD (2000, XP)
		         C:\Users\Public\Documents\OpenTTD (Vista, 7)
		Mac OSX: /Library/Application Support/OpenTTD
		Linux:   not available
	4. The binary directory (where the OpenTTD executable is)
		Windows: C:\Program Files\OpenTTD
		Linux:   /usr/games
	5. The installation directory (Linux only)
		Linux:   /usr/share/games/openttd
	6. The application bundle (Mac OSX only)
		It includes the OpenTTD files (grf+lng) and it will work as long as they aren't

Different types of data or extensions go into different subdirectories of the chosen main
OpenTTD directory:
	Config File:         (no subdirectory)
	Screenshots:         (no subdirectory)
	Base Graphics:       data                    (or a subdirectory thereof)
	Sound Sets:          data                    (or a subdirectory thereof)
	NewGRFs:             data                    (or a subdirectory thereof)
	32bpp Sets:          data                    (or a subdirectory thereof)
	Music Sets:          gm                      (or a subdirectory thereof)
	Base Graphics:       baseset                 (or a subdirectory thereof)
	Sound Sets:          baseset                 (or a subdirectory thereof)
	NewGRFs:             newgrf                  (or a subdirectory thereof)
	32bpp Sets:          newgrf                  (or a subdirectory thereof)
	Music Sets:          baseset                 (or a subdirectory thereof)
	AIs:                 ai                      (or a subdirectory thereof)
	AI Libraries:        ai/libraries            (or a subdirectory thereof)
	Savegames:           save
	Automatic Savegames: save/autosave
	Scenarios:           scenario

The (automatically created) directory content_download is for OpenTTD's internal use and
no files should be added to it or its subdirectories manually.

	- Linux in the previous list means .deb, but most paths should be similar for others.
	- The previous search order is also used for NewGRFs and openttd.cfg.
	- If openttd.cfg is not found, then it will be created using the 2, 4, 1, 3, 5 order.
	- Savegames will be relative to the config file only if there is no save/
	  directory in paths with higher priority than the config file path, but
	  autosaves and screenshots will always be relative to the config file.

The preferred setup:
Place 3rd party files in shared directory (or in personal directory if you don't
have write access on shared directory) and have your openttd.cfg config file in
personal directory (where the game will then also place savegames and screenshots).

4.3) Portable installations (portable media)
---- ---------------------------------------
You can install OpenTTD on external media so you can take it with you, i.e.
using a USB key, or a USB HDD, etc.
Create a directory where you shall store the game in (i.e. OpenTTD/).
Copy the binary (OpenTTD.exe,, openttd, etc), data/ and your
Copy the binary (OpenTTD.exe,, openttd, etc), baseset/ and your
openttd.cfg to this directory.
You can copy binaries for any operating system into this directory, which will
allow you to play the game on nearly any computer you can attach the external
media to.
As always - additional grf files are stored in the data/ dir (for details,
As always - additional grf files are stored in the newgrf/ dir (for details,
again, see section 4.1).


5.0) OpenTTD features
---- ----------------
OpenTTD has a lot of features going beyond the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe
emulation. Unfortunately, there is currently no comprehensive list of features,
but there is a basic features list on the web, and some optional features can be
controlled through the Advanced Settings dialog. We also implement some
features known from TTDPatch (

Several important non-standard controls:

* Ctrl modifies many commands and makes them more powerful. For example Ctrl
  clicking on signals with the build signal tool changes their behaviour, holding
  Ctrl while the track build tool is activated changes it to the track removal
  tool, and so on. See for a non-
  comprehensive list or look at the tooltips.
* Ingame console. More information at
* Hovering over a GUI element shows tooltips. This can be changed to right click
  via the advanced settings.

5.1) Logging of potentially dangerous actions
@@ -562,49 +563,49 @@ possibly OpenSFX and OpenMSX. See sectio
Under certain circumstance, especially on Ubuntu OpenTTD can be extremely slow
and/or freeze. See known-bugs.txt for more information and how to solve this
problem on your computer.

Under Windows 98 and lower it is impossible to use a dedicated server; it will
fail to start. Perhaps this is for the better because those OSes are not known
for their stability.

With the added support for font-based text selecting a non-latin language can
result in lots of question marks ('?') being shown on screen. Please open your
configuration file (openttd.cfg - see Section 4.2 for where to find it)
and add a suitable font for the small, medium and / or large font, e.g.:
	small_font = "Tahoma"
	medium_font = "Tahoma"
	large_font = "Tahoma"
You should use a font name like "Tahoma" or a path to the desired font.

Any NewGRF file used in a game is stored inside the savegame and will refuse
to load if you don't have that NewGRF file available. A list of missing files
can be viewed in the NewGRF window accessible from the file load dialogue window.

You can try to obtain the missing files from that NewGRF dialogue or - if they
are not available online - you can search manually through our forum's graphics
development section ( or GrfCrawler
( Put the NewGRF files in OpenTTD's data folder
( Put the NewGRF files in OpenTTD's newgrf folder
(see section 4.2 "OpenTTD directories") and rescan the list of available NewGRFs.
Once you have all missing files, you are set to go.


X.X) Credits
---- -------
The OpenTTD team (in alphabetical order):
  Albert Hofkamp (Alberth)        - GUI expert
  Jean-François Claeys (Belugas)  - GUI, newindustries and more
  Matthijs Kooijman (blathijs)    - Pathfinder-guru, pool rework
  Christoph Elsenhans (frosch)    - General coding
  Loïc Guilloux (glx)             - Windows Expert
  Michael Lutz (michi_cc)         - Path based signals
  Owen Rudge (orudge)             - Forum host, OS/2 port
  Peter Nelson (peter1138)        - Spiritual descendant from newGRF gods
  Ingo von Borstel (planetmaker)  - Support
  Remko Bijker (Rubidium)         - Lead coder and way more
  Zdeněk Sojka (SmatZ)            - Bug finder and fixer
  José Soler (Terkhen)            - General coding
  Thijs Marinussen (Yexo)         - AI Framework

Inactive Developers:
  Bjarni Corfitzen (Bjarni)       - MacOSX port, coder and vehicles
  Victor Fischer (Celestar)       - Programming everywhere you need him to