File diff r20927:6e37de998bbe → r20928:e6a1e0b8d890
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@@ -279,13 +279,14 @@ your operating system:
		root directory, i.e. '/'.
	2. Your personal directory
		Windows: C:\My Documents\OpenTTD (95, 98, ME)
		         C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\OpenTTD (2000, XP)
		         C:\Users\<username>\Documents\OpenTTD (Vista, 7)
		Mac OSX: ~/Documents/OpenTTD
		Linux:   ~/.openttd
		Linux:   $XDG_DATA_HOME/openttd which is usually ~/.local/share/openttd when
		         built with XDG base directory support, otherwise ~/.openttd
	3. The shared directory
		Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\OpenTTD (2000, XP)
		         C:\Users\Public\Documents\OpenTTD (Vista, 7)
		Mac OSX: /Library/Application Support/OpenTTD
		Linux:   not available
	4. The binary directory (where the OpenTTD executable is)
@@ -319,16 +320,19 @@ use and no files should be added to it o

	- Linux in the previous list means .deb, but most paths should be similar for
	- The previous search order is also used for NewGRFs and openttd.cfg.
	- If openttd.cfg is not found, then it will be created using the 2, 4, 1, 3,
	  5 order.
	  5 order. When built with XDG base directory support, openttd.cfg will be
	  created in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/openttd which is usually ~/.config/openttd.
	- Savegames will be relative to the config file only if there is no save/
	  directory in paths with higher priority than the config file path, but
	  autosaves and screenshots will always be relative to the config file.
	  Unless the configuration file is in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/openttd, then all
	  other files will be saved under $XDG_DATA_HOME/openttd.

The preferred setup:
Place 3rd party files in shared directory (or in personal directory if you do
not have write access on shared directory) and have your openttd.cfg config
file in personal directory (where the game will then also place savegames and