File diff r14931:fdc0797fe626 → r14932:86cf482b8249
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@@ -695,25 +695,25 @@ enum AIDebugWindowWidgets {
struct AIDebugWindow : public QueryStringBaseWindow {
	static const int top_offset;    ///< Offset of the text at the top of the #AID_WIDGET_LOG_PANEL.
	static const int bottom_offset; ///< Offset of the text at the bottom of the #AID_WIDGET_LOG_PANEL.

	static const unsigned int MAX_BREAK_STR_STRING_LENGTH = 256;

	static CompanyID ai_debug_company;
	int redraw_timer;
	int last_vscroll_pos;
	bool autoscroll;
	static bool break_check_enabled;                       ///< Stop an AI when it prints a matching string
	static char break_string[MAX_BREAK_STR_STRING_LENGTH]; ///< The string to match to the AI output
	static bool case_sensitive_break_check;                ///< Is the matchding done case-sensitive
	static bool case_sensitive_break_check;                ///< Is the matching done case-sensitive
	int highlight_row;                                     ///< The output row that matches the given string, or -1

	AIDebugWindow(const WindowDesc *desc, WindowNumber number) : QueryStringBaseWindow(MAX_BREAK_STR_STRING_LENGTH)
		this->InitNested(desc, number);
		/* Disable the companies who are not active or not an AI */
		for (CompanyID i = COMPANY_FIRST; i < MAX_COMPANIES; i++) {
			this->SetWidgetDisabledState(i + AID_WIDGET_COMPANY_BUTTON_START, !Company::IsValidAiID(i));