File diff r8228:c885c6f5f4a4 → r8229:4262f8715f60
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@@ -239,6 +239,22 @@ typedef void AiNew_StateFunction(Player 
// ai_new.c
void AiNewDoGameLoop(Player *p);

struct Ai_PathFinderInfo {
	TileIndex start_tile_tl; ///< tl = top-left
	TileIndex start_tile_br; ///< br = bottom-right
	TileIndex end_tile_tl;   ///< tl = top-left
	TileIndex end_tile_br;   ///< br = bottom-right
	DiagDirection start_direction; ///< 0 to 3 or AI_PATHFINDER_NO_DIRECTION
	DiagDirection end_direction;   ///< 0 to 3 or AI_PATHFINDER_NO_DIRECTION

	TileIndex route[500];
	byte route_extra[500];   ///< Some extra information about the route like bridge/tunnel
	int route_length;
	int position;            ///< Current position in the build-path, needed to build the path

	bool rail_or_road;       ///< true = rail, false = road

// ai_pathfinder.c
AyStar *new_AyStar_AiPathFinder(int max_tiles_around, Ai_PathFinderInfo *PathFinderInfo);
void clean_AyStar_AiPathFinder(AyStar *aystar, Ai_PathFinderInfo *PathFinderInfo);
@@ -259,4 +275,64 @@ EngineID AiNew_PickVehicle(Player *p);
CommandCost AiNew_Build_Vehicle(Player *p, TileIndex tile, byte flag);
CommandCost AiNew_Build_Depot(Player* p, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection direction, byte flag);

/* The amount of memory reserved for the AI-special-vehicles */

struct Ai_SpecialVehicle {
	VehicleID veh_id;
	uint32 flag;

struct PlayerAiNew {
	uint8 state;
	uint tick;
	uint idle;

	int temp;    ///< A value used in more than one function, but it just temporary
	             ///< The use is pretty simple: with this we can 'think' about stuff
	             ///<   in more than one tick, and more than one AI. A static will not
	             ///<   do, because they are not saved. This way, the AI is almost human ;)
	int counter; ///< For the same reason as temp, we have counter. It can count how
	             ///<  long we are trying something, and just abort if it takes too long

	/* Pathfinder stuff */
	Ai_PathFinderInfo path_info;
	AyStar *pathfinder;

	/* Route stuff */

	CargoID cargo;
	byte tbt;    ///< train/bus/truck 0/1/2 AI_TRAIN/AI_BUS/AI_TRUCK
	Money new_cost;

	byte action;

	int last_id; ///< here is stored the last id of the searched city/industry
	Date last_vehiclecheck_date; // Used in CheckVehicle
	Ai_SpecialVehicle special_vehicles[AI_MAX_SPECIAL_VEHICLES]; ///< Some vehicles have some special flags

	TileIndex from_tile;
	TileIndex to_tile;

	DiagDirectionByte from_direction;
	DiagDirectionByte to_direction;

	bool from_deliver; ///< True if this is the station that GIVES cargo
	bool to_deliver;

	TileIndex depot_tile;
	DiagDirectionByte depot_direction;

	byte amount_veh;       ///< How many vehicles we are going to build in this route
	byte cur_veh;          ///< How many vehicles did we bought?
	VehicleID veh_id;      ///< Used when bought a vehicle
	VehicleID veh_main_id; ///< The ID of the first vehicle, for shared copy

	int from_ic;           ///< ic = industry/city. This is the ID of them
	byte from_type;        ///< AI_NO_TYPE/AI_CITY/AI_INDUSTRY
	int to_ic;
	byte to_type;
extern PlayerAiNew _players_ainew[MAX_PLAYERS];

#endif /* AI_TROLLY_H */