File diff r16430:b3f65f9bc976 → r16431:ec558deca9d7
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@@ -833,25 +833,25 @@ int DrawVehiclePurchaseInfo(int left, in
 * @param selected_group the group to list the engines of
void DrawEngineList(VehicleType type, int l, int r, int y, const GUIEngineList *eng_list, uint16 min, uint16 max, EngineID selected_id, bool show_count, GroupID selected_group)
	static const int sprite_widths[]  = { 60, 60, 76, 67 };
	static const int sprite_y_offsets[] = { -1, -1, -2, -2 };

	/* Obligatory sanity checks! */
	assert((uint)type < lengthof(sprite_widths));
	assert_compile(lengthof(sprite_y_offsets) == lengthof(sprite_widths));
	assert(max <= eng_list->Length());

	bool rtl = _dynlang.text_dir == TD_RTL;
	bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL;
	int step_size = GetEngineListHeight(type);
	int sprite_width = sprite_widths[type];

	int sprite_x        = (rtl ? r - sprite_width / 2 : l + sprite_width / 2) - 1;
	int sprite_y_offset = sprite_y_offsets[type] + step_size / 2;

	int text_left  = l + (rtl ? WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT : sprite_width);
	int text_right = r - (rtl ? sprite_width : WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT);

	int normal_text_y_offset = (step_size - FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL) / 2;
	int small_text_y_offset  = step_size - FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL - WD_FRAMERECT_BOTTOM - 1;