File diff r18781:e1de9a06f7cd → r18782:6453522c2154
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@@ -60,91 +60,91 @@ public:
	CargoPacket(uint16 count, byte days_in_transit, StationID source, TileIndex source_xy, TileIndex loaded_at_xy, Money feeder_share = 0, SourceType source_type = ST_INDUSTRY, SourceID source_id = INVALID_SOURCE);

	/** Destroy the packet. */
	~CargoPacket() { }

	CargoPacket *Split(uint new_size);
	void Merge(CargoPacket *cp);

	 * Gets the number of 'items' in this packet.
	 * @return Item count.
	FORCEINLINE uint16 Count() const
	inline uint16 Count() const
		return this->count;

	 * Gets the amount of money already paid to earlier vehicles in
	 * the feeder chain.
	 * @return Feeder share.
	FORCEINLINE Money FeederShare() const
	inline Money FeederShare() const
		return this->feeder_share;

	 * Gets the number of days this cargo has been in transit.
	 * This number isn't really in days, but in 2.5 days (CARGO_AGING_TICKS = 185 ticks) and
	 * it is capped at 255.
	 * @return Length this cargo has been in transit.
	FORCEINLINE byte DaysInTransit() const
	inline byte DaysInTransit() const
		return this->days_in_transit;

	 * Gets the type of the cargo's source. industry, town or head quarter.
	 * @return Source type.
	FORCEINLINE SourceType SourceSubsidyType() const
	inline SourceType SourceSubsidyType() const
		return this->source_type;

	 * Gets the ID of the cargo's source. An IndustryID, TownID or CompanyID.
	 * @return Source ID.
	FORCEINLINE SourceID SourceSubsidyID() const
	inline SourceID SourceSubsidyID() const
		return this->source_id;

	 * Gets the ID of the station where the cargo was loaded for the first time.
	 * @return StationID.
	FORCEINLINE SourceID SourceStation() const
	inline SourceID SourceStation() const
		return this->source;

	 * Gets the coordinates of the cargo's source station.
	 * @return Source station's coordinates.
	FORCEINLINE TileIndex SourceStationXY() const
	inline TileIndex SourceStationXY() const
		return this->source_xy;

	 * Gets the coordinates of the cargo's last loading station.
	 * @return Last loading station's coordinates.
	FORCEINLINE TileIndex LoadedAtXY() const
	inline TileIndex LoadedAtXY() const
		return this->loaded_at_xy;


	static void InvalidateAllFrom(SourceType src_type, SourceID src);
	static void InvalidateAllFrom(StationID sid);
	static void AfterLoad();

 * Iterate over all _valid_ cargo packets from the given start.
@@ -194,61 +194,61 @@ protected:
	/** Create the cargo list. */
	CargoList() {}


	void OnCleanPool();

	 * Returns a pointer to the cargo packet list (so you can iterate over it etc).
	 * @return Pointer to the packet list.
	FORCEINLINE const List *Packets() const
	inline const List *Packets() const
		return &this->packets;

	 * Checks whether this list is empty.
	 * @return True if and only if the list is empty.
	FORCEINLINE bool Empty() const
	inline bool Empty() const
		return this->count == 0;

	 * Returns the number of cargo entities in this list.
	 * @return The before mentioned number.
	FORCEINLINE uint Count() const
	inline uint Count() const
		return this->count;

	 * Returns source of the first cargo packet in this list.
	 * @return The before mentioned source.
	FORCEINLINE StationID Source() const
	inline StationID Source() const
		return this->Empty() ? INVALID_STATION : this->packets.front()->source;

	 * Returns average number of days in transit for a cargo entity.
	 * @return The before mentioned number.
	FORCEINLINE uint DaysInTransit() const
	inline uint DaysInTransit() const
		return this->count == 0 ? 0 : this->cargo_days_in_transit / this->count;


	void Append(CargoPacket *cp);
	void Truncate(uint max_remaining);

	template <class Tother_inst>
	bool MoveTo(Tother_inst *dest, uint count, MoveToAction mta, CargoPayment *payment, uint data = 0);

	void InvalidateCache();
@@ -268,25 +268,25 @@ protected:
	void RemoveFromCache(const CargoPacket *cp);

	/** The super class ought to know what it's doing. */
	friend class CargoList<VehicleCargoList>;
	/** The vehicles have a cargo list (and we want that saved). */
	friend const struct SaveLoad *GetVehicleDescription(VehicleType vt);

	 * Returns total sum of the feeder share for all packets.
	 * @return The before mentioned number.
	FORCEINLINE Money FeederShare() const
	inline Money FeederShare() const
		return this->feeder_share;

	void AgeCargo();

	void InvalidateCache();

	 * Are two the two CargoPackets mergeable in the context of
	 * a list of CargoPackets for a Vehicle?
	 * @param cp1 First CargoPacket.