File diff r27165:ea28ecab6159 → r27166:64e04a3ef9b1
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 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
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/** @file company_base.h Definition of stuff that is very close to a company, like the company struct itself. */


#include "road_type.h"
#include "livery.h"
#include "autoreplace_type.h"
#include "tile_type.h"
#include "timer/timer_game_calendar.h"
#include "settings_type.h"
#include "group.h"
#include <string>
#include <array>

/** Statistics about the economy. */
struct CompanyEconomyEntry {
	Money income;               ///< The amount of income.
	Money expenses;             ///< The amount of expenses.
	CargoArray delivered_cargo; ///< The amount of delivered cargo.
	int32 performance_history;  ///< Company score (scale 0-1000)
	Money company_value;        ///< The value of the company.

struct CompanyInfrastructure {
	uint32 road[ROADTYPE_END]; ///< Count of company owned track bits for each road type.
	uint32 signal;             ///< Count of company owned signals.
	uint32 rail[RAILTYPE_END]; ///< Count of company owned track bits for each rail type.
	uint32 water;              ///< Count of company owned track bits for canals.
	uint32 station;            ///< Count of company owned station tiles.
	uint32 airport;            ///< Count of company owned airports.

	/** Get total sum of all owned track bits. */
	uint32 GetRailTotal() const
@@ -56,49 +57,49 @@ extern CompanyPool _company_pool;
struct CompanyProperties {
	uint32 name_2;                   ///< Parameter of #name_1.
	StringID name_1;                 ///< Name of the company if the user did not change it.
	std::string name;                ///< Name of the company if the user changed it.

	StringID president_name_1;       ///< Name of the president if the user did not change it.
	uint32 president_name_2;         ///< Parameter of #president_name_1
	std::string president_name;      ///< Name of the president if the user changed it.

	CompanyManagerFace face;         ///< Face description of the president.

	Money money;                     ///< Money owned by the company.
	byte money_fraction;             ///< Fraction of money of the company, too small to represent in #money.
	Money current_loan;              ///< Amount of money borrowed from the bank.

	byte colour;                     ///< Company colour.

	byte block_preview;              ///< Number of quarters that the company is not allowed to get new exclusive engine previews (see CompaniesGenStatistics).

	TileIndex location_of_HQ;        ///< Northern tile of HQ; #INVALID_TILE when there is none.
	TileIndex last_build_coordinate; ///< Coordinate of the last build thing by this company.

	std::array<Owner, MAX_COMPANY_SHARE_OWNERS> share_owners; ///< Owners of the shares of the company. #INVALID_OWNER if nobody has bought them yet.

	Year inaugurated_year;           ///< Year of starting the company.
	TimerGameCalendar::Year inaugurated_year; ///< Year of starting the company.

	byte months_of_bankruptcy;       ///< Number of months that the company is unable to pay its debts
	CompanyMask bankrupt_asked;      ///< which companies were asked about buying it?
	int16 bankrupt_timeout;          ///< If bigger than \c 0, amount of time to wait for an answer on an offer to buy this company.
	Money bankrupt_value;

	uint32 terraform_limit;          ///< Amount of tileheights we can (still) terraform (times 65536).
	uint32 clear_limit;              ///< Amount of tiles we can (still) clear (times 65536).
	uint32 tree_limit;               ///< Amount of trees we can (still) plant (times 65536).
	uint32 build_object_limit;       ///< Amount of tiles we can (still) build objects on (times 65536). Also applies to buying land.

	 * If \c true, the company is (also) controlled by the computer (a NoAI program).
	 * @note It is possible that the user is also participating in such a company.
	bool is_ai;

	Money yearly_expenses[3][EXPENSES_END];                ///< Expenses of the company for the last three years, in every #ExpensesType category.
	CompanyEconomyEntry cur_economy;                       ///< Economic data of the company of this quarter.
	CompanyEconomyEntry old_economy[MAX_HISTORY_QUARTERS]; ///< Economic data of the company of the last #MAX_HISTORY_QUARTERS quarters.
	byte num_valid_stat_ent;                               ///< Number of valid statistical entries in #old_economy.

	Livery livery[LS_END];