File diff r25663:71ee4e3ec0e8 → r25664:40e22395c06b
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@@ -142,32 +142,12 @@ void CDECL IConsolePrintF(TextColour col

	IConsolePrint(colour_code, buf);

 * It is possible to print warnings to the console. These are mostly
 * errors or mishaps, but non-fatal. You need at least a level 1 (developer) for
 * debugging messages to show up
void IConsoleWarning(const char *string)
	if (_settings_client.gui.developer == 0) return;
	IConsolePrintF(CC_WARNING, "WARNING: %s", string);

 * It is possible to print error information to the console. This can include
 * game errors, or errors in general you would want the user to notice
void IConsoleError(const char *string)
	IConsolePrintF(CC_ERROR, "ERROR: %s", string);

 * Change a string into its number representation. Supports
 * decimal and hexadecimal numbers as well as 'on'/'off' 'true'/'false'
 * @param *value the variable a successful conversion will be put in
 * @param *arg the string to be converted
 * @return Return true on success or false on failure