File diff r20053:1f0b373e9dce → r20054:152d076eb07b
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@@ -1217,6 +1217,9 @@ void PrepareUnload(Vehicle *front_v)
	if ((front_v->current_order.GetUnloadType() & OUFB_NO_UNLOAD) == 0) {
		for (Vehicle *v = front_v; v != NULL; v = v->Next()) {
			if (v->cargo_cap > 0 && !v->cargo.Empty()) {
						HasBit(Station::Get(front_v->last_station_visited)->goods[v->cargo_type].acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::GES_ACCEPTANCE),
						front_v->last_station_visited, front_v->current_order.GetUnloadType());
				SetBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_CARGO_UNLOADING);
@@ -1231,6 +1234,86 @@ void PrepareUnload(Vehicle *front_v)

 * Gets the amount of cargo the given vehicle can load in the current tick.
 * This is only about loading speed. The free capacity is ignored.
 * @param v Vehicle to be queried.
 * @return Amount of cargo the vehicle can load at once.
static byte GetLoadAmount(Vehicle *v)
	const Engine *e = v->GetEngine();
	byte load_amount = e->info.load_amount;

	/* The default loadamount for mail is 1/4 of the load amount for passengers */
	if (v->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT && !Aircraft::From(v)->IsNormalAircraft()) load_amount = CeilDiv(load_amount, 4);

	if (_settings_game.order.gradual_loading) {
		uint16 cb_load_amount = CALLBACK_FAILED;
		if (e->GetGRF() != NULL && e->GetGRF()->grf_version >= 8) {
			/* Use callback 36 */
			cb_load_amount = GetVehicleProperty(v, PROP_VEHICLE_LOAD_AMOUNT, CALLBACK_FAILED);
		} else if (HasBit(e->info.callback_mask, CBM_VEHICLE_LOAD_AMOUNT)) {
			/* Use callback 12 */
			cb_load_amount = GetVehicleCallback(CBID_VEHICLE_LOAD_AMOUNT, 0, 0, v->engine_type, v);
		if (cb_load_amount != CALLBACK_FAILED) {
			if (e->GetGRF()->grf_version < 8) cb_load_amount = GB(cb_load_amount, 0, 8);
			if (cb_load_amount >= 0x100) {
				ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(e->GetGRFID(), CBID_VEHICLE_LOAD_AMOUNT, cb_load_amount);
			} else if (cb_load_amount != 0) {
				load_amount = cb_load_amount;
	return load_amount;

 * Reserves cargo if the full load order and improved_load is set or if the
 * current order allows autorefit.
 * @param st Station where the consist is loading at the moment.
 * @param u Front of the loading vehicle consist.
 * @param consist_capleft If given, save free capacities after reserving there.
static void ReserveConsist(Station *st, Vehicle *u, CargoArray *consist_capleft)
	Vehicle *next_cargo = u;
	uint32 seen_cargos = 0;

	while (next_cargo != NULL) {
		if (next_cargo->cargo_cap == 0) {
			/* No need to reserve for vehicles without capacity. */
			next_cargo = next_cargo->Next();

		CargoID current_cargo = next_cargo->cargo_type;

		Vehicle *v = next_cargo;
		SetBit(seen_cargos, current_cargo);
		next_cargo = NULL;
		for (; v != NULL; v = v->Next()) {
			if (v->cargo_type != current_cargo) {
				/* Save start point for next cargo type. */
				if (next_cargo == NULL && !HasBit(seen_cargos, v->cargo_type)) next_cargo = v;

			uint cap = v->cargo_cap - v->cargo.RemainingCount();

			/* Nothing to do if the vehicle is full */
			if (cap > 0) {
				cap -= st->goods[v->cargo_type].cargo.Reserve(cap, &v->cargo, st->xy);

			if (consist_capleft != NULL) {
				(*consist_capleft)[current_cargo] += cap;

 * Checks whether an articulated vehicle is empty.
 * @param v Vehicle
 * @return true if all parts are empty.
@@ -1249,30 +1332,23 @@ static bool IsArticulatedVehicleEmpty(Ve
 * Loads/unload the vehicle if possible.
 * @param front the vehicle to be (un)loaded
 * @param cargo_left the amount of each cargo type that is
 *                   virtually left on the platform to be
 *                   picked up by another vehicle when all
 *                   previous vehicles have loaded.
static void LoadUnloadVehicle(Vehicle *front, int *cargo_left)
static void LoadUnloadVehicle(Vehicle *front)

	/* We have not waited enough time till the next round of loading/unloading */
	if (front->load_unload_ticks != 0) {
		if (_settings_game.order.improved_load && (front->current_order.GetLoadType() & OLFB_FULL_LOAD)) {
			/* 'Reserve' this cargo for this vehicle, because we were first. */
			for (Vehicle *v = front; v != NULL; v = v->Next()) {
				int cap_left = v->cargo_cap;
				if (!HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_CARGO_UNLOADING)) cap_left -= v->cargo.Count();
				if (cap_left > 0) cargo_left[v->cargo_type] -= cap_left;
	StationID last_visited = front->last_station_visited;
	Station *st = Station::Get(last_visited);

	bool use_autorefit = front->current_order.IsRefit() && front->current_order.GetRefitCargo() == CT_AUTO_REFIT;
	CargoArray consist_capleft;
	if (_settings_game.order.improved_load &&
			((front->current_order.GetLoadType() & OLFB_FULL_LOAD) != 0 || use_autorefit)) {
		ReserveConsist(st, front, (use_autorefit && front->load_unload_ticks != 0) ? &consist_capleft : NULL);

	StationID last_visited = front->last_station_visited;
	Station *st = Station::Get(last_visited);
	/* We have not waited enough time till the next round of loading/unloading */
	if (front->load_unload_ticks != 0) return;

	if (front->type == VEH_TRAIN && (!IsTileType(front->tile, MP_STATION) || GetStationIndex(front->tile) != st->index)) {
		/* The train reversed in the station. Take the "easy" way
@@ -1282,16 +1358,6 @@ static void LoadUnloadVehicle(Vehicle *f

	bool use_autorefit = front->current_order.IsRefit() && front->current_order.GetRefitCargo() == CT_AUTO_REFIT;
	CargoArray consist_capleft;
	if (use_autorefit) {
		/* Sum cargo, that can be loaded without refitting */
		for (Vehicle *v = front; v != NULL; v = v->Next()) {
			int cap_left = v->cargo_cap - v->cargo.Count();
			if (cap_left > 0) consist_capleft[v->cargo_type] += cap_left;

	int unloading_time = 0;
	bool dirty_vehicle = false;
	bool dirty_station = false;
@@ -1314,81 +1380,49 @@ static void LoadUnloadVehicle(Vehicle *f
		if (v->cargo_cap == 0) continue;

		const Engine *e = v->GetEngine();
		byte load_amount = e->info.load_amount;

		/* The default loadamount for mail is 1/4 of the load amount for passengers */
		if (v->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT && !Aircraft::From(v)->IsNormalAircraft()) load_amount = CeilDiv(load_amount, 4);

		if (_settings_game.order.gradual_loading) {
			uint16 cb_load_amount = CALLBACK_FAILED;
			if (e->GetGRF() != NULL && e->GetGRF()->grf_version >= 8) {
				/* Use callback 36 */
				cb_load_amount = GetVehicleProperty(v, PROP_VEHICLE_LOAD_AMOUNT, CALLBACK_FAILED);
			} else if (HasBit(e->info.callback_mask, CBM_VEHICLE_LOAD_AMOUNT)) {
				/* Use callback 12 */
				cb_load_amount = GetVehicleCallback(CBID_VEHICLE_LOAD_AMOUNT, 0, 0, v->engine_type, v);
			if (cb_load_amount != CALLBACK_FAILED) {
				if (e->GetGRF()->grf_version < 8) cb_load_amount = GB(cb_load_amount, 0, 8);
				if (cb_load_amount >= 0x100) {
					ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(e->GetGRFID(), CBID_VEHICLE_LOAD_AMOUNT, cb_load_amount);
				} else if (cb_load_amount != 0) {
					load_amount = cb_load_amount;
		byte load_amount = GetLoadAmount(v);

		GoodsEntry *ge = &st->goods[v->cargo_type];

		if (HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_CARGO_UNLOADING) && (front->current_order.GetUnloadType() & OUFB_NO_UNLOAD) == 0) {
			uint cargo_count = v->cargo.Count();
			uint cargo_count = v->cargo.UnloadCount();
			uint amount_unloaded = _settings_game.order.gradual_loading ? min(cargo_count, load_amount) : cargo_count;
			bool remaining = false; // Are there cargo entities in this vehicle that can still be unloaded here?
			bool accepted  = false; // Is the cargo accepted by the station?


			if (HasBit(ge->acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::GES_ACCEPTANCE) && !(front->current_order.GetUnloadType() & OUFB_TRANSFER)) {
				/* The cargo has reached its final destination, the packets may now be destroyed */
				remaining = v->cargo.MoveTo<StationCargoList>(NULL, amount_unloaded, VehicleCargoList::MTA_FINAL_DELIVERY, payment, last_visited);
			if (!HasBit(ge->acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::GES_ACCEPTANCE) && v->cargo.ActionCount(VehicleCargoList::MTA_DELIVER) > 0) {
				/* The station does not accept our goods anymore. */
				if (front->current_order.GetUnloadType() & (OUFB_TRANSFER | OUFB_UNLOAD)) {
					/* Transfer instead of delivering. */
							VehicleCargoList::MTA_DELIVER, VehicleCargoList::MTA_TRANSFER);
				} else {
					/* Keep instead of delivering. This may lead to no cargo being unloaded, so ...*/
							VehicleCargoList::MTA_DELIVER, VehicleCargoList::MTA_KEEP);

				dirty_vehicle = true;
				accepted = true;
					/* ... say we unloaded something, otherwise we'll think we didn't unload
					 * something and we didn't load something, so we must be finished
					 * at this station. Setting the unloaded means that we will get a
					 * retry for loading in the next cycle. */
					anything_unloaded = true;

			/* The !accepted || v->cargo.Count == cargo_count clause is there
			 * to make it possible to force unload vehicles at the station where
			 * they were loaded, but to not force unload the vehicle when the
			 * station is still accepting the cargo in the vehicle. It doesn't
			 * accept cargo that was loaded at the same station. */
			if ((front->current_order.GetUnloadType() & (OUFB_UNLOAD | OUFB_TRANSFER)) && (!accepted || v->cargo.Count() == cargo_count)) {
				remaining = v->cargo.MoveTo(&ge->cargo, amount_unloaded, front->current_order.GetUnloadType() & OUFB_TRANSFER ? VehicleCargoList::MTA_TRANSFER : VehicleCargoList::MTA_UNLOAD, payment);
				if (!HasBit(ge->acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::GES_PICKUP)) {
					SetBit(ge->acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::GES_PICKUP);
					InvalidateWindowData(WC_STATION_LIST, last_visited);
			/* Mark the station dirty if we transfer, but not if we only deliver. */
			dirty_station = v->cargo.ActionCount(VehicleCargoList::MTA_TRANSFER) > 0;
			amount_unloaded = v->cargo.Unload(amount_unloaded, &ge->cargo, payment);
			remaining = v->cargo.UnloadCount() > 0;
			if (amount_unloaded > 0) {
				dirty_vehicle = true;
				anything_unloaded = true;
				unloading_time += amount_unloaded;

				dirty_vehicle = dirty_station = true;
			} else if (!accepted) {
				/* The order changed while unloading (unset unload/transfer) or the
				 * station does not accept our goods. */
				ClrBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_CARGO_UNLOADING);

				/* Say we loaded something, otherwise we'll think we didn't unload
				 * something and we didn't load something, so we must be finished
				 * at this station. Setting the unloaded means that we will get a
				 * retry for loading in the next cycle. */
				anything_unloaded = true;
				/* Deliver goods to the station */
				st->time_since_unload = 0;

			/* Deliver goods to the station */
			st->time_since_unload = 0;

			unloading_time += amount_unloaded;

			anything_unloaded = true;
			if (_settings_game.order.gradual_loading && remaining) {
				completely_emptied = false;
			} else {
@@ -1419,7 +1453,7 @@ static void LoadUnloadVehicle(Vehicle *f
			Backup<CompanyByte> cur_company(_current_company, front->owner, FILE_LINE);

			/* Check if all articulated parts are empty and collect refit mask. */
			uint32 refit_mask = e->info.refit_mask;
			uint32 refit_mask = v->GetEngine()->info.refit_mask;
			Vehicle *w = v_start;
			while (w->HasArticulatedPart()) {
				w = w->GetNextArticulatedPart();
@@ -1434,13 +1468,13 @@ static void LoadUnloadVehicle(Vehicle *f
				FOR_EACH_SET_CARGO_ID(cid, refit_mask) {
					/* Consider refitting to this cargo, if other vehicles of the consist cannot
					 * already take the cargo without refitting */
					if (cargo_left[cid] > (int)consist_capleft[cid] + amount) {
					if ((int)st->goods[cid].cargo.Count() > (int)consist_capleft[cid] + amount) {
						/* Try to find out if auto-refitting would succeed. In case the refit is allowed,
						 * the returned refit capacity will be greater than zero. */
						new_subtype = GetBestFittingSubType(v, v, cid);
						DoCommand(v_start->tile, v_start->index, cid | 1U << 6 | new_subtype << 8 | 1U << 16, DC_QUERY_COST, GetCmdRefitVeh(v_start)); // Auto-refit and only this vehicle including artic parts.
						if (_returned_refit_capacity > 0) {
							amount = cargo_left[cid] - consist_capleft[cid];
							amount = st->goods[cid].cargo.Count() - consist_capleft[cid];
							new_cid = cid;
@@ -1454,12 +1488,13 @@ static void LoadUnloadVehicle(Vehicle *f
				ge = &st->goods[v->cargo_type];

			/* Add new capacity to consist capacity */
			consist_capleft[v_start->cargo_type] += v_start->cargo_cap;
			for (Vehicle *w = v_start; w->HasArticulatedPart(); ) {
				w = w->GetNextArticulatedPart();
				consist_capleft[w->cargo_type] += w->cargo_cap;
			/* Add new capacity to consist capacity and reserve cargo */
			w = v_start;
			do {
				st->goods[w->cargo_type].cargo.Reserve(w->cargo_cap, &w->cargo, st->xy);
				consist_capleft[w->cargo_type] += w->cargo_cap - w->cargo.Count();
				w = w->HasArticulatedPart() ? w->GetNextArticulatedPart() : NULL;
			} while (w != NULL);

@@ -1490,54 +1525,25 @@ static void LoadUnloadVehicle(Vehicle *f

		/* If there's goods waiting at the station, and the vehicle
		 * has capacity for it, load it on the vehicle. */
		int cap_left = v->cargo_cap - v->cargo.Count();
		if (!ge->cargo.Empty() && cap_left > 0) {
			uint cap = cap_left;
			uint count = ge->cargo.Count();

			/* Skip loading this vehicle if another train/vehicle is already handling
			 * the same cargo type at this station */
			if (_settings_game.order.improved_load && cargo_left[v->cargo_type] <= 0) {
				SetBit(cargo_not_full, v->cargo_type);
		int cap_left = v->cargo_cap - v->cargo.OnboardCount();
		if (cap_left > 0 && (v->cargo.ActionCount(VehicleCargoList::MTA_LOAD) > 0 || !ge->cargo.Empty())) {
			if (_settings_game.order.gradual_loading) cap_left = min(cap_left, load_amount);
			if (v->cargo.OnboardCount() == 0) TriggerVehicle(v, VEHICLE_TRIGGER_NEW_CARGO);

			if (cap > count) cap = count;
			if (_settings_game.order.gradual_loading) {
				cap = min(cap, load_amount);
				cap_left = min(cap_left, load_amount);
			if (_settings_game.order.improved_load) {
				/* Don't load stuff that is already 'reserved' for other vehicles */
				cap = min((uint)cargo_left[v->cargo_type], cap);
				count = cargo_left[v->cargo_type];
				if (use_autorefit) {
					/* When using autorefit, reserve all cargo for this wagon to prevent other wagons
					 * from feeling the need to refit. */
					uint total_cap_left = v->cargo_cap - v->cargo.Count();
					cargo_left[v->cargo_type] -= total_cap_left;
					consist_capleft[v->cargo_type] -= total_cap_left;
					if (total_cap_left > cap && count > cap) {
						/* Remember if there are reservations left so that we don't stop
						 * loading before they're loaded. */
						SetBit(reservation_left, v->cargo_type);
				} else {
					/* Update cargo left; but don't reserve everything yet, so other wagons
					 * of the same consist load in parallel. */
					cargo_left[v->cargo_type] -= cap;
			uint loaded = ge->cargo.Load(cap_left, &v->cargo, st->xy);
			if (v->cargo.ActionCount(VehicleCargoList::MTA_LOAD) > 0) {
				/* Remember if there are reservations left so that we don't stop
				 * loading before they're loaded. */
				SetBit(reservation_left, v->cargo_type);

			/* Store whether the maximum possible load amount was loaded or not.*/
			if (count >= (uint)cap_left) {
			if (loaded == (uint)cap_left) {
				SetBit(full_load_amount, v->cargo_type);
			} else {
				ClrBit(full_load_amount, v->cargo_type);

			if (v->cargo.Empty()) TriggerVehicle(v, VEHICLE_TRIGGER_NEW_CARGO);

			/* TODO: Regarding this, when we do gradual loading, we
			 * should first unload all vehicles and then start
			 * loading them. Since this will cause
@@ -1545,26 +1551,26 @@ static void LoadUnloadVehicle(Vehicle *f
			 * the whole vehicle chain is really totally empty, the
			 * completely_emptied assignment can then be safely
			 * removed; that's how TTDPatch behaves too. --pasky */
			completely_emptied = false;
			anything_loaded = true;
			if (loaded > 0) {
				completely_emptied = false;
				anything_loaded = true;

			ge->cargo.MoveTo(&v->cargo, cap, StationCargoList::MTA_CARGO_LOAD, NULL, st->xy);

			st->time_since_load = 0;
			st->last_vehicle_type = v->type;
				st->time_since_load = 0;
				st->last_vehicle_type = v->type;

			if (ge->cargo.Empty()) {
				TriggerStationRandomisation(st, st->xy, SRT_CARGO_TAKEN, v->cargo_type);
				TriggerStationAnimation(st, st->xy, SAT_CARGO_TAKEN, v->cargo_type);
				AirportAnimationTrigger(st, AAT_STATION_CARGO_TAKEN, v->cargo_type);
				if (ge->cargo.Empty()) {
					TriggerStationRandomisation(st, st->xy, SRT_CARGO_TAKEN, v->cargo_type);
					TriggerStationAnimation(st, st->xy, SAT_CARGO_TAKEN, v->cargo_type);
					AirportAnimationTrigger(st, AAT_STATION_CARGO_TAKEN, v->cargo_type);

				unloading_time += loaded;

				dirty_vehicle = dirty_station = true;

			unloading_time += cap;

			dirty_vehicle = dirty_station = true;

		if (v->cargo.Count() >= v->cargo_cap) {
		if (v->cargo.OnboardCount() >= v->cargo_cap) {
			SetBit(cargo_full, v->cargo_type);
		} else {
			SetBit(cargo_not_full, v->cargo_type);
@@ -1581,27 +1587,6 @@ static void LoadUnloadVehicle(Vehicle *f
	/* Only set completely_emptied, if we just unloaded all remaining cargo */
	completely_emptied &= anything_unloaded;

	/* For consists without autorefit-order we adjust the reserved cargo at the station after loading,
	 * so that all wagons start loading if the consist is the first consist.
	 * If we use autorefit otoh, we only want to load/refit a vehicle if the other wagons cannot already hold the cargo,
	 * to keep the option to still refit the vehicle when new cargo of different type shows up.
	if (_settings_game.order.improved_load && (front->current_order.GetLoadType() & OLFB_FULL_LOAD)) {
		/* Update left cargo */
		for (Vehicle *v = front; v != NULL; v = v->Next()) {
			int cap_left = v->cargo_cap;
			if (!HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_CARGO_UNLOADING)) {
				if (use_autorefit) {
				} else {
					cap_left -= v->cargo.Count();
			if (cap_left > 0) cargo_left[v->cargo_type] -= cap_left;

	if (!anything_unloaded) delete payment;

	ClrBit(front->vehicle_flags, VF_STOP_LOADING);
@@ -1625,7 +1610,7 @@ static void LoadUnloadVehicle(Vehicle *f
			if (front->current_order.GetLoadType() == OLF_FULL_LOAD_ANY) {
				/* if the aircraft carries passengers and is NOT full, then
				 * continue loading, no matter how much mail is in */
				if ((front->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT && IsCargoInClass(front->cargo_type, CC_PASSENGERS) && front->cargo_cap > front->cargo.Count()) ||
				if ((front->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT && IsCargoInClass(front->cargo_type, CC_PASSENGERS) && front->cargo_cap > front->cargo.OnboardCount()) ||
						(cargo_not_full && (cargo_full & ~cargo_not_full) == 0)) { // There are still non-full cargoes
					finished_loading = false;
@@ -1716,13 +1701,9 @@ void LoadUnloadStation(Station *st)
	if (last_loading == NULL) return;

	int cargo_left[NUM_CARGO];

	for (uint i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) cargo_left[i] = st->goods[i].cargo.Count();

	for (iter = st->loading_vehicles.begin(); iter != st->loading_vehicles.end(); ++iter) {
		Vehicle *v = *iter;
		if (!(v->vehstatus & (VS_STOPPED | VS_CRASHED))) LoadUnloadVehicle(v, cargo_left);
		if (!(v->vehstatus & (VS_STOPPED | VS_CRASHED))) LoadUnloadVehicle(v);
		if (v == last_loading) break;