File diff r26710:d3e1852fdaf3 → r26711:a4f8e9c41dea
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@@ -1222,9 +1222,10 @@ std::unique_ptr<uint32[]> DrawSpriteToRg
	const SpriteID real_sprite = GB(spriteId, 0, SPRITE_WIDTH);
	const Sprite *sprite = GetSprite(real_sprite, ST_NORMAL);
	Dimension dim = GetSpriteSize(real_sprite, nullptr, zoom);
	std::unique_ptr<uint32[]> result(new uint32[dim.width * dim.height]);
	size_t dim_size = static_cast<size_t>(dim.width) * dim.height;
	std::unique_ptr<uint32[]> result(new uint32[dim_size]);
	/* Set buffer to fully transparent. */
	MemSetT(result.get(), 0, dim.width * dim.height);
	MemSetT(result.get(), 0, dim_size);

	/* Prepare new DrawPixelInfo - Normally this would be the screen but we want to draw to another buffer here.
	 * Normally, pitch would be scaled screen width, but in our case our "screen" is only the sprite width wide. */
@@ -1237,11 +1238,13 @@ std::unique_ptr<uint32[]> DrawSpriteToRg
	dpi.height = dim.height;
	dpi.zoom = zoom;

	dim_size = static_cast<size_t>(dim.width) * dim.height;

	/* If the current blitter is a paletted blitter, we have to render to an extra buffer and resolve the palette later. */
	std::unique_ptr<byte[]> pal_buffer{};
	if (blitter->GetScreenDepth() == 8) {
		pal_buffer.reset(new byte[dim.width * dim.height]);
		MemSetT(pal_buffer.get(), 0, dim.width * dim.height);
		pal_buffer.reset(new byte[dim_size]);
		MemSetT(pal_buffer.get(), 0, dim_size);

		dpi.dst_ptr = pal_buffer.get();
@@ -1255,7 +1258,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<uint32[]> DrawSpriteToRg
		/* Resolve palette. */
		uint32 *dst = result.get();
		const byte *src = pal_buffer.get();
		for (size_t i = 0; i < dim.height * dim.width; ++i) {
		for (size_t i = 0; i < dim_size; ++i) {
			*dst++ = _cur_palette.palette[*src++].data;
@@ -1506,7 +1509,7 @@ void GetBroadestDigit(uint *front, uint 
void ScreenSizeChanged()
	_dirty_bytes_per_line = CeilDiv(_screen.width, DIRTY_BLOCK_WIDTH);
	_dirty_blocks = ReallocT<byte>(_dirty_blocks, _dirty_bytes_per_line * CeilDiv(_screen.height, DIRTY_BLOCK_HEIGHT));
	_dirty_blocks = ReallocT<byte>(_dirty_blocks, static_cast<size_t>(_dirty_bytes_per_line) * CeilDiv(_screen.height, DIRTY_BLOCK_HEIGHT));

	/* check the dirty rect */
	if (_invalid_rect.right >= _screen.width) _invalid_rect.right = _screen.width;