File diff r10490:36e425ea6fc5 → r10491:e3e4bb1ebaea
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@@ -217,48 +217,50 @@ struct IndustrySpec {
struct IndustryTileSpec {
	CargoID accepts_cargo[3];             ///< Cargo accepted by this tile
	uint8 acceptance[3];                  ///< Level of aceptance per cargo type
	Slope slopes_refused;                 ///< slope pattern on which this tile cannot be built
	byte anim_production;                 ///< Animation frame to start when goods are produced
	byte anim_next;                       ///< Next frame in an animation
	bool anim_state;                      ///< When true, the tile has to be drawn using the animation
	                                      ///< state instead of the construction state
	/* Newgrf data */
	uint8 callback_flags;                 ///< Flags telling which grf callback is set
	uint16 animation_info;                ///< Information about the animation (is it looping, how many loops etc)
	uint8 animation_speed;                ///< The speed of the animation
	uint8 animation_triggers;             ///< When to start the animation
	uint8 animation_special_flags;        ///< Extra flags to influence the animation
	bool enabled;                         ///< entity still avaible (by default true).newgrf can disable it, though
	struct GRFFileProps grf_prop;

/* industry_cmd.cpp*/
const IndustrySpec *GetIndustrySpec(IndustryType thistype);    ///< Array of industries data
const IndustryTileSpec *GetIndustryTileSpec(IndustryGfx gfx);  ///< Array of industry tiles data
void ResetIndustries();
void PlantRandomFarmField(const Industry *i);

void ReleaseDisastersTargetingIndustry(IndustryID);

/* writable arrays of specs */
extern IndustrySpec _industry_specs[NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES];
extern IndustryTileSpec _industry_tile_specs[NUM_INDUSTRYTILES];

static inline IndustryGfx GetTranslatedIndustryTileID(IndustryGfx gfx)
	/* the 0xFF should be GFX_WATERTILE_SPECIALCHECK but for reasons of include mess,
	 * we'll simplify the writing.
	 * Basically, the first test is required since the GFX_WATERTILE_SPECIALCHECK value
	 * will never be assigned as a tile index and is only required in order to do some
	 * tests while building the industry (as in WATER REQUIRED */
	if (gfx != 0xFF) {
		const IndustryTileSpec *it = &_industry_tile_specs[gfx];
		return it->grf_prop.override == INVALID_INDUSTRYTILE ? gfx : it->grf_prop.override;
	} else {
		return gfx;

/* smallmap_gui.cpp */
void BuildIndustriesLegend();
/* industry_cmd.cpp */
void SetIndustryDailyChanges();