File diff r16745:0d907b39ae19 → r16746:e0462ca43f4d
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@@ -151,14 +151,17 @@ Industry::~Industry()
		} else if (IsTileType(tile_cur, MP_STATION) && IsOilRig(tile_cur)) {

	if (GetIndustrySpec(this->type)->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_PLANT_FIELDS) {
		TileArea ta(this->location.tile - TileDiffXY(min(TileX(this->location.tile), 21), min(TileY(this->location.tile), 21)), 42, 42);

		/* Remove the farmland and convert it to regular tiles over time. */
		TILE_LOOP(tile_cur, 42, 42, this->location.tile - TileDiffXY(21, 21)) {
		TILE_AREA_LOOP(tile_cur, ta) {
			tile_cur = TILE_MASK(tile_cur);
			if (IsTileType(tile_cur, MP_CLEAR) && IsClearGround(tile_cur, CLEAR_FIELDS) &&
					GetIndustryIndexOfField(tile_cur) == this->index) {
				SetIndustryIndexOfField(tile_cur, INVALID_INDUSTRY);
@@ -958,32 +961,32 @@ static void PlantFarmField(TileIndex til
	/* determine field size */
	uint32 r = (Random() & 0x303) + 0x404;
	if (_settings_game.game_creation.landscape == LT_ARCTIC) r += 0x404;
	uint size_x = GB(r, 0, 8);
	uint size_y = GB(r, 8, 8);

	/* offset tile to match size */
	tile -= TileDiffXY(size_x / 2, size_y / 2);

	if (TileX(tile) + size_x >= MapSizeX() || TileY(tile) + size_y >= MapSizeY()) return;
	TileArea ta(tile - TileDiffXY(min(TileX(tile), size_x / 2), min(TileY(tile), size_y / 2)), size_x, size_y);

	if (ta.w == 0 || ta.h == 0) return;

	/* check the amount of bad tiles */
	uint count = 0;
	TILE_LOOP(cur_tile, size_x, size_y, tile) {
	int count = 0;
	TILE_AREA_LOOP(cur_tile, ta) {
		assert(cur_tile < MapSize());
		count += IsBadFarmFieldTile(cur_tile);
	if (count * 2 >= size_x * size_y) return;
	if (count * 2 >= ta.w * ta.h) return;

	/* determine type of field */
	r = Random();
	uint counter = GB(r, 5, 3);
	uint field_type = GB(r, 8, 8) * 9 >> 8;

	/* make field */
	TILE_LOOP(cur_tile, size_x, size_y, tile) {
	TILE_AREA_LOOP(cur_tile, ta) {
		assert(cur_tile < MapSize());
		if (!IsBadFarmFieldTile2(cur_tile)) {
			MakeField(cur_tile, field_type, industry);
			SetClearCounter(cur_tile, counter);
@@ -991,16 +994,16 @@ static void PlantFarmField(TileIndex til

	int type = 3;
	if (_settings_game.game_creation.landscape != LT_ARCTIC && _settings_game.game_creation.landscape != LT_TROPIC) {
		type = _plantfarmfield_type[Random() & 0xF];

	SetupFarmFieldFence(tile - TileDiffXY(1, 0), size_y, type, AXIS_Y);
	SetupFarmFieldFence(tile - TileDiffXY(0, 1), size_x, type, AXIS_X);
	SetupFarmFieldFence(tile + TileDiffXY(size_x - 1, 0), size_y, type, AXIS_Y);
	SetupFarmFieldFence(tile + TileDiffXY(0, size_y - 1), size_x, type, AXIS_X);
	SetupFarmFieldFence(ta.tile - TileDiffXY(1, 0), ta.h, type, AXIS_Y);
	SetupFarmFieldFence(ta.tile - TileDiffXY(0, 1), ta.w, type, AXIS_X);
	SetupFarmFieldFence(ta.tile + TileDiffXY(ta.w - 1, 0), ta.h, type, AXIS_Y);
	SetupFarmFieldFence(ta.tile + TileDiffXY(0, ta.h - 1), ta.w, type, AXIS_X);

void PlantRandomFarmField(const Industry *i)
	int x = i->location.w / 2 + Random() % 31 - 16;
	int y = i->location.h / 2 + Random() % 31 - 16;
@@ -1407,20 +1410,17 @@ static CommandCost CheckIfIndustryIsAllo

	return CommandCost();

static bool CheckCanTerraformSurroundingTiles(TileIndex tile, uint height, int internal)
	int size_x = 2;
	int size_y = 2;

	/* Check if we don't leave the map */
	if (TileX(tile) == 0 || TileY(tile) == 0 || GetTileType(tile) == MP_VOID) return false;

	tile += TileDiffXY(-1, -1);
	TILE_LOOP(tile_walk, size_x, size_y, tile) {
	TileArea ta(tile - TileDiffXY(1, 1), 2, 2);
	TILE_AREA_LOOP(tile_walk, ta) {
		uint curh = TileHeight(tile_walk);
		/* Is the tile clear? */
		if ((GetTileType(tile_walk) != MP_CLEAR) && (GetTileType(tile_walk) != MP_TREES)) return false;

		/* Don't allow too big of a change if this is the sub-tile check */
		if (internal != 0 && Delta(curh, height) > 1) return false;
@@ -1455,28 +1455,26 @@ static bool CheckIfCanLevelIndustryPlatf
		if (it->ti.y > max_y) max_y = it->ti.y;
	} while ((++it)->ti.x != MKEND);

	/* Remember level height */
	uint h = TileHeight(tile);

	if (TileX(tile) <= 1 || TileY(tile) <= 1) return false;
	if (TileX(tile) <= + 1U || TileY(tile) <= + 1U) return false;
	/* Check that all tiles in area and surrounding are clear
	 * this determines that there are no obstructing items */

	TileIndex cur_tile = tile + TileDiffXY(,;
	uint size_x = max_x + 2 + 2 *;
	uint size_y = max_y + 2 + 2 *;

	/* Check if we don't leave the map */
	if (TileX(cur_tile) + size_x >= MapMaxX() || TileY(cur_tile) + size_y >= MapMaxY()) return false;
	TileArea ta(tile + TileDiffXY(,,
			max_x + 2 + 2 *, max_y + 2 + 2 *;

	if (TileX(ta.tile) + ta.w >= MapMaxX() || TileY(ta.tile) + ta.h >= MapMaxY()) return false;

	/* _current_company is OWNER_NONE for randomly generated industries and in editor, or the company who funded or prospected the industry.
	 * Perform terraforming as OWNER_TOWN to disable autoslope and town ratings. */
	Backup<CompanyByte> cur_company(_current_company, OWNER_TOWN, FILE_LINE);

	TILE_LOOP(tile_walk, size_x, size_y, cur_tile) {
	TILE_AREA_LOOP(tile_walk, ta) {
		uint curh = TileHeight(tile_walk);
		if (curh != h) {
			/* This tile needs terraforming. Check if we can do that without
			 *  damaging the surroundings too much. */
			if (!CheckCanTerraformSurroundingTiles(tile_walk, h, 0)) {
@@ -1490,13 +1488,13 @@ static bool CheckIfCanLevelIndustryPlatf

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		/* Terraform the land under the industry */
		TILE_LOOP(tile_walk, size_x, size_y, cur_tile) {
		TILE_AREA_LOOP(tile_walk, ta) {
			uint curh = TileHeight(tile_walk);
			while (curh != h) {
				/* We give the terraforming for free here, because we can't calculate
				 *  exact cost in the test-round, and as we all know, that will cause
				 *  a nice assert if they don't match ;) */
				DoCommand(tile_walk, SLOPE_N, (curh > h) ? 0 : 1, flags, CMD_TERRAFORM_LAND);