File diff r25078:95767d321ffb → r25079:09d645764ffe
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@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ Point InverseRemapCoords2(int x, int y, 
		/* Bring the coordinates near to a valid range. At the top we allow a number
		 * of extra tiles. This is mostly due to the tiles on the north side of
		 * the map possibly being drawn higher due to the extra height levels. */
		int extra_tiles = CeilDiv( * TILE_HEIGHT, TILE_PIXELS);
		int extra_tiles = CeilDiv( * TILE_HEIGHT, TILE_PIXELS);
		Point old_pt = pt;
		pt.x = Clamp(pt.x, -extra_tiles * TILE_SIZE, max_x);
		pt.y = Clamp(pt.y, -extra_tiles * TILE_SIZE, max_y);