File diff r22524:0268bf1f5071 → r22525:8b64738b95fa
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@@ -1752,24 +1752,25 @@ STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_TEMPERATE             
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_SUB_ARCTIC_LANDSCAPE                          :{BLACK}Select 'sub-arctic' landscape style
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_SUB_TROPICAL_LANDSCAPE                        :{BLACK}Select 'sub-tropical' landscape style
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE                             :{BLACK}Select 'toyland' landscape style

STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_GAME_OPTIONS                                  :{BLACK}Display game options
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_HIGHSCORE                                     :{BLACK}Display highscore table
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_CONFIG_SETTINGS_TREE                          :{BLACK}Display settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_NEWGRF_SETTINGS                               :{BLACK}Display NewGRF settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_ONLINE_CONTENT                                :{BLACK}Check for new and updated content to download
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_SCRIPT_SETTINGS                               :{BLACK}Display AI/Game script settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_QUIT                                          :{BLACK}Exit 'OpenTTD'

STR_INTRO_BASESET                                               :{BLACK}The currently selected base graphics set is missing {NUM} sprite{P "" s}. Please check for updates for the baseset.
STR_INTRO_TRANSLATION                                           :{BLACK}This translation misses {NUM} string{P "" s}. Please help make OpenTTD better by signing up as translator. See readme.txt for details.

# Quit window
STR_QUIT_CAPTION                                                :{WHITE}Exit
STR_QUIT_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_EXIT_OPENTTD                  :{YELLOW}Are you sure you want to exit OpenTTD and return to {STRING}?
STR_QUIT_YES                                                    :{BLACK}Yes
STR_QUIT_NO                                                     :{BLACK}No

# Supported OSes
STR_OSNAME_WINDOWS                                              :Windows
STR_OSNAME_DOS                                                  :DOS
STR_OSNAME_UNIX                                                 :Unix
@@ -2898,26 +2899,24 @@ STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER      
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_LOAD_BEFORE                                    :{1:RAW_STRING} must be loaded before {RAW_STRING}
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_LOAD_AFTER                                     :{1:RAW_STRING} must be loaded after {RAW_STRING}
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_OTTD_VERSION_NUMBER                            :{1:RAW_STRING} requires OpenTTD version {RAW_STRING} or better
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_AFTER_TRANSLATED_FILE                          :the GRF file it was designed to translate
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_TOO_MANY_NEWGRFS_LOADED                        :Too many NewGRFs are loaded
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_STATIC_GRF_CAUSES_DESYNC                       :Loading {1:RAW_STRING} as static NewGRF with {RAW_STRING} could cause desyncs
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_SPRITE                              :Unexpected sprite (sprite {3:NUM})
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY                               :Unknown Action 0 property {4:HEX} (sprite {3:NUM})
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_INVALID_ID                                     :Attempt to use invalid ID (sprite {3:NUM})
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_CORRUPT_SPRITE                                 :{YELLOW}{RAW_STRING} contains a corrupt sprite. All corrupt sprites will be shown as a red question mark (?)
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_MULTIPLE_ACTION_8                              :Contains multiple Action 8 entries (sprite {3:NUM})
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_READ_BOUNDS                                    :Read past end of pseudo-sprite (sprite {3:NUM})
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_MISSING_SPRITES                                :{WHITE}The currently used base graphics set is missing a number of sprites.{}Please update the base graphics set
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_MISSING_SPRITES_UNSTABLE                       :{WHITE}The currently used base graphics set is missing a number of sprites.{}Please update the base graphics set.{}Since you are playing a {YELLOW}development snapshot of OpenTTD{WHITE}, you might also need a {YELLOW}development snapshot of the base graphics{WHITE}
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_GRM_FAILED                                     :Requested GRF resources not available (sprite {3:NUM})
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_FORCEFULLY_DISABLED                            :{1:RAW_STRING} was disabled by {2:RAW_STRING}
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_INVALID_SPRITE_LAYOUT                          :Invalid/unknown sprite layout format (sprite {3:NUM})

# NewGRF related 'general' warnings
STR_NEWGRF_POPUP_CAUTION_CAPTION                                :{WHITE}Caution!
STR_NEWGRF_CONFIRMATION_TEXT                                    :{YELLOW}You are about to make changes to a running game. This can crash OpenTTD or break the game state. Do not file bug reports about these issues.{}Are you absolutely sure about this?

STR_NEWGRF_DUPLICATE_GRFID                                      :{WHITE}Can't add file: duplicate GRF ID
STR_NEWGRF_COMPATIBLE_LOADED                                    :{ORANGE}Matching file not found (compatible GRF loaded)
STR_NEWGRF_TOO_MANY_NEWGRFS                                     :{WHITE}Can't add file: NewGRF file limit reached