File diff r7988:6e863b967b47 → r7989:b4c8c33d9441
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@@ -746,13 +746,12 @@ STR_0299_SAVE_SCENARIO                  
STR_029A_PLAY_SCENARIO                                          :{BLACK}Play Scenario
STR_PLAY_HEIGHTMAP                                              :{BLACK}Play Heightmap
STR_PLAY_HEIGHTMAP_HINT                                         :{BLACK}Start a new game, using a heightmap as landscape
STR_QUIT_SCENARIO_QUERY                                         :{YELLOW}Are you sure you want to quit this scenario ?
STR_029C_QUIT_EDITOR                                            :{WHITE}Quit Editor
STR_029D_CAN_ONLY_BE_BUILT_IN_TOWNS                             :{WHITE}...can only be built in towns with a population of at least 1200
STR_INDUSTRY_MUST_BE_BUILT_ON_HOUSE                             :{WHITE}...can only be built over a house
STR_029E_MOVE_THE_STARTING_DATE                                 :{BLACK}Move the starting date backward 1 year
STR_029F_MOVE_THE_STARTING_DATE                                 :{BLACK}Move the starting date forward 1 year
STR_02A0_ENDS_OF_BRIDGE_MUST_BOTH                               :{WHITE}...ends of bridge must both be on land
STR_02A1_SMALL                                                  :{BLACK}Small
STR_02A2_MEDIUM                                                 :{BLACK}Medium
STR_02A3_LARGE                                                  :{BLACK}Large