diff --git a/src/lang/english.txt b/src/lang/english.txt --- a/src/lang/english.txt +++ b/src/lang/english.txt @@ -2896,12 +2896,22 @@ STR_NEWGRF_APPLY_CHANGES STR_NEWGRF_SET_PARAMETERS :{BLACK}Set parameters STR_NEWGRF_TIP :{BLACK}A list of all the Newgrf sets that you have installed. Click a set to change the settings STR_NEWGRF_NO_FILES_INSTALLED :{BLACK}There are currently no newgrf files installed! Please refer to the manual for instructions on installing new graphics -STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_MSG :{RED}{STRING} STR_NEWGRF_FILENAME :{BLACK}Filename: {SILVER}{STRING} STR_NEWGRF_GRF_ID :{BLACK}GRF ID: {SILVER}{STRING} STR_NEWGRF_MD5SUM :{BLACK}MD5sum: {SILVER}{STRING} STR_NEWGRF_CONFIRMATION_TEXT :{YELLOW}You are about to make changes to a running game; this can crash OpenTTD.{}Are you absolutely sure about this? +STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_MSG_INFO :{SILVER}{STRING} +STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_MSG_WARNING :{RED}Warning: {SILVER}{STRING} +STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_MSG_ERROR :{RED}Error: {SILVER}{STRING} +STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_MSG_FATAL :{RED}Fatal: {SILVER}{STRING} +STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_VERSION_NUMBER :{STRING} will not work with the TTDPatch version reported by OpenTTD. +STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_DOS_OR_WINDOWS :{STRING} is for the {STRING} version of TTD. +STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_UNSET_SWITCH :{STRING} is designed to be used with {STRING} +STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER :Invalid parameter for {STRING}: parameter {STRING} ({NUM}) +STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_LOAD_BEFORE :{STRING} must be loaded before {STRING}. +STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_LOAD_AFTER :{STRING} must be loaded after {STRING}. + STR_NEWGRF_ADD :{BLACK}Add STR_NEWGRF_ADD_TIP :{BLACK}Add a NewGRF file to the list STR_NEWGRF_REMOVE :{BLACK}Remove