diff --git a/src/lang/english.txt b/src/lang/english.txt --- a/src/lang/english.txt +++ b/src/lang/english.txt @@ -1103,6 +1103,8 @@ STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SCROLLWHEEL_OFF STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SCROLLWHEEL_MULTIPLIER :{LTBLUE}Map scrollwheel speed: {ORANGE}{STRING1} STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_PAUSE_ON_NEW_GAME :{LTBLUE}Automatically pause when starting a new game: {ORANGE}{STRING1} STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_ADVANCED_VEHICLE_LISTS :{LTBLUE}Use the advanced vehicle list: {ORANGE}{STRING1} +STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_TIMETABLE_ALLOW :{LTBLUE}Enable timetabling for vehicles: {ORANGE}{STRING1} +STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_TIMETABLE_IN_TICKS :{LTBLUE}Show timetable in ticks rather than days: {ORANGE}{STRING1} STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_MAX_TRAINS :{LTBLUE}Max trains per player: {ORANGE}{STRING1} STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_MAX_ROADVEH :{LTBLUE}Max road vehicles per player: {ORANGE}{STRING1} @@ -2607,6 +2609,13 @@ STR_SERVICE_AT_TRAIN_DEPOT STR_880F_GO_NON_STOP_TO_TRAIN_DEPOT :Go non-stop to {TOWN} Train Depot STR_SERVICE_NON_STOP_AT_TRAIN_DEPOT :Service non-stop at {TOWN} Train Depot +STR_TIMETABLE_GO_TO :{STRING1} {STRING2} +STR_TIMETABLE_TRAVEL_NOT_TIMETABLED :Travel (not timetabled) +STR_TIMETABLE_TRAVEL_FOR :Travel for {STRING1} +STR_TIMETABLE_STAY_FOR :and stay for {STRING1} +STR_TIMETABLE_DAYS :{COMMA} day{P "" s} +STR_TIMETABLE_TICKS :{COMMA} tick{P "" s} + STR_HEADING_FOR_TRAIN_DEPOT :{ORANGE}Heading for {TOWN} Train Depot STR_HEADING_FOR_TRAIN_DEPOT_VEL :{ORANGE}Heading for {TOWN} Train Depot, {VELOCITY} STR_HEADING_FOR_TRAIN_DEPOT_SERVICE :{LTBLUE}Service at {TOWN} Train Depot @@ -2648,6 +2657,8 @@ STR_8828_UNLOAD STR_REFIT :{BLACK}Refit STR_REFIT_TIP :{BLACK}Select what cargo type to refit to in this order. Control click to remove refit instruction STR_REFIT_ORDER :(Refit to {STRING}) +STR_TIMETABLE_VIEW :{BLACK}Timetable +STR_TIMETABLE_VIEW_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Switch to the timetable view STR_8829_ORDERS :{WHITE}{VEHICLE} (Orders) STR_882A_END_OF_ORDERS :{SETX 10}- - End of Orders - - STR_FULLLOAD_OR_SERVICE :{SKIP}{SKIP}{STRING} @@ -2704,6 +2715,10 @@ STR_8855_MAKE_THE_HIGHLIGHTED_ORDER STR_8856_INSERT_A_NEW_ORDER_BEFORE :{BLACK}Insert a new order before the highlighted order, or add to end of list STR_8857_MAKE_THE_HIGHLIGHTED_ORDER :{BLACK}Make the highlighted order force the vehicle to wait for a full load STR_8858_MAKE_THE_HIGHLIGHTED_ORDER :{BLACK}Make the highlighted order force the vehicle to unload +STR_TIMETABLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Timetable - click on an order to highlight it. +STR_TIMETABLE_WAIT_TIME_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Change the amount of time that the highlighted order should take +STR_TIMETABLE_CLEAR_TIME_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Clear the amount of time for the highlighted order +STR_TIMETABLE_RESET_LATENESS_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Reset the lateness counter, so the vehicle will be on time STR_SERVICE_HINT :{BLACK}Skip this order unless a service is needed STR_VEHICLE_INFO_COST_WEIGHT_SPEED_POWER :{BLACK}Cost: {CURRENCY} Weight: {WEIGHT_S}{}Speed: {VELOCITY} Power: {POWER}{}Running Cost: {CURRENCY}/yr{}Capacity: {CARGO} STR_885C_BROKEN_DOWN :{RED}Broken down @@ -2725,6 +2740,8 @@ STR_886A_RENAME_TRAIN_VEHICLE_TYPE STR_886B_CAN_T_RENAME_TRAIN_VEHICLE :{WHITE}Can't rename train vehicle type... STR_886D_MAKE_THE_HIGHLIGHTED_ORDER :{BLACK}Make the highlighted order force the vehicle to dump cargo STR_886F_TRANSFER :{BLACK}Transfer +STR_CLEAR_TIME :{BLACK}Clear Time +STR_RESET_LATENESS :{BLACK}Reset Late Counter STR_TRAIN_STOPPING :{RED}Stopping STR_TRAIN_STOPPING_VEL :{RED}Stopping, {VELOCITY} @@ -2736,6 +2753,14 @@ STR_NEW_VEHICLE_NOW_AVAILABLE STR_NEW_VEHICLE_TYPE :{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{STRING} STR_NEW_VEHICLE_NOW_AVAILABLE_WITH_TYPE :{BLACK}New {STRING} now available! - {STRING} +STR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE :{WHITE}Can't timetable vehicle... +STR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS :{WHITE}Vehicles can only wait at stations. +STR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE :{WHITE}This vehicle is not stopping at this station. +STR_TIMETABLE_CHANGE_TIME :{BLACK}Change Time +STR_TIMETABLE_STATUS_ON_TIME :This vehicle is currently running on time +STR_TIMETABLE_STATUS_LATE :This vehicle is currently running {STRING1} late +STR_TIMETABLE_STATUS_EARLY :This vehicle is currently running {STRING1} early + ##id 0x9000 STR_9000_ROAD_VEHICLE_IN_THE_WAY :{WHITE}Road vehicle in the way STR_9001_ROAD_VEHICLES :{WHITE}{COMPANY} - {COMMA} Road Vehicle{P "" s} @@ -2947,6 +2972,8 @@ STR_A042_CAN_T_REFIT_AIRCRAFT STR_GO_TO_AIRPORT_HANGAR :Go to {STATION} Hangar SERVICE_AT_AIRPORT_HANGAR :Service at {STATION} Hangar +STR_TIMETABLE_TITLE :{WHITE}{VEHICLE} (Timetable) + ##id 0xB000 STR_B000_ZEPPELIN_DISASTER_AT :{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Zeppelin disaster at {STATION}! STR_B001_ROAD_VEHICLE_DESTROYED :{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Road vehicle destroyed in 'UFO' collision!