File diff r21335:b614378f1395 → r21336:6222d0b5e244
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@@ -1582,13 +1582,13 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_PAX     
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_PAX_HELPTEXT                    :"symmetric" means that roughly the same number of passengers will go from a station A to a station B as from B to A. "asymmetric" means that arbitrary numbers of passengers can go in either direction. "manual" means that no automatic distribution will take place for passengers.
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_MAIL                            :Distribution mode for mail: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_MAIL_HELPTEXT                   :"symmetric" means that roughly the same amount of mail will be sent from a station A to a station B as from B to A. "asymmetric" means that arbitrary amounts of mail can be sent in either direction. "manual" means that no automatic distribution will take place for mail.
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_ARMOURED                        :Distribution mode for the ARMOURED cargo class: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_ARMOURED_HELPTEXT               :The ARMOURED cargo class contains valuables in the temperate, diamonds in the subtropical or gold in subarctic climate. NewGRFs may change that. "symmetric" means that roughly the same amount of that cargo will be sent from a station A to a station B as from B to A. "asymmetric" means that arbitrary of that cargo can be sent in either direction. "manual" means that no automatic distribution will take place for that cargo. It is recommended to set this to asymmetric or manual when playing subarctic, as banks won't send any gold back to gold mines. For temperate and subtropical you can also choose symmetric as banks will send valuables back to the origin bank of some load of valuables.
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_DEFAULT                         :Distribution mode for other cargo classes: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_DEFAULT_HELPTEXT                :"symmetric" means that roughly the same amount of cargo will be sent from a station A to a station B as from B to A. "asymmetric" means that arbitrary amounts of cargo can be sent in either direction. "manual" means that no automatic distribution will take place for those cargos. You probably want to set this to either "asymmetric" or manual.
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_DEFAULT_HELPTEXT                :"asymmetric" means that arbitrary amounts of cargo can be sent in either direction. "manual" means that no automatic distribution will take place for those cargoes.
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH_ACCURACY                           :Distribution accuracy: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH_ACCURACY_HELPTEXT                  :The higher you set this the more CPU time the calculation of the link graph will take. If it takes too long you may notice lag. If you set it to a low value, however, the distribution will be inaccurate, and you may notice cargo not being sent to the places you expect it to go.
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_DISTANCE                              :Effect of distance on demands: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_DISTANCE_HELPTEXT                     :If you set this to a value higher than 0, the distance between the origin station A of some cargo and a possible destination B will have an effect on the amount of cargo sent from A to B. The further away B is from A the less cargo will be sent. The higher you set it, the less cargo will be sent to far away stations and the more cargo will be sent to near stations.
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_SIZE                                  :Amount of returning cargo for symmetric mode: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_SIZE_HELPTEXT                         :Setting this to less than 100% makes the symmetric distribution behave more like the asymmetric one. Less cargo will be forcibly sent back if a certain amount is sent to a station. If you set it to 0% the symmetric distribution behaves just like the asymmetric one.
@@ -2665,12 +2665,13 @@ STR_SAVELOAD_EDITBOX_TOOLTIP            
STR_SAVELOAD_DELETE_BUTTON                                      :{BLACK}Delete
STR_SAVELOAD_DELETE_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Delete the currently selected saved-game
STR_SAVELOAD_SAVE_BUTTON                                        :{BLACK}Save
STR_SAVELOAD_SAVE_TOOLTIP                                       :{BLACK}Save the current game, using the selected name
STR_SAVELOAD_LOAD_BUTTON                                        :{BLACK}Load
STR_SAVELOAD_LOAD_TOOLTIP                                       :{BLACK}Load the selected game
STR_SAVELOAD_LOAD_HEIGHTMAP_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Load the selected heightmap
STR_SAVELOAD_DETAIL_CAPTION                                     :{BLACK}Game Details
STR_SAVELOAD_DETAIL_NOT_AVAILABLE                               :{BLACK}No information available
STR_SAVELOAD_DETAIL_GRFSTATUS                                   :{SILVER}NewGRF: {WHITE}{STRING}

STR_SAVELOAD_OSKTITLE                                           :{BLACK}Enter a name for the savegame