File diff r28817:bf65c5b34966 → r28818:edf8503d8ec4
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@@ -1117,6 +1117,8 @@ STR_CURRENCY_DECREASE_EXCHANGE_RATE_TOOLTIP                     :{BLACK}Decrease the amount of your currency for one Pound (£)
STR_CURRENCY_INCREASE_EXCHANGE_RATE_TOOLTIP                     :{BLACK}Increase the amount of your currency for one Pound (£)
STR_CURRENCY_SET_EXCHANGE_RATE_TOOLTIP                          :{BLACK}Set the exchange rate of your currency for one Pound (£)

STR_CURRENCY_SEPARATOR                                          :{LTBLUE}Separator: {ORANGE}{STRING}
STR_CURRENCY_SET_CUSTOM_CURRENCY_SEPARATOR_TOOLTIP              :{BLACK}Set the separator for your currency

STR_CURRENCY_PREFIX                                             :{LTBLUE}Prefix: {ORANGE}{STRING}
STR_CURRENCY_SET_CUSTOM_CURRENCY_PREFIX_TOOLTIP                 :{BLACK}Set the prefix string for your currency
@@ -1272,10 +1274,10 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INFINITE_MONEY       
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INFINITE_MONEY_HELPTEXT                      :Allow unlimited spending and disable bankruptcy of companies

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAXIMUM_INITIAL_LOAN                         :Maximum initial loan: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAXIMUM_INITIAL_LOAN_HELPTEXT                :Maximum amount a company can loan (without taking inflation into account)
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAXIMUM_INITIAL_LOAN_HELPTEXT                :Maximum amount a company can loan (without taking inflation into account). If set to "No loan", no money will be available unless provided by a Game Script or the "Infinite money" setting.
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAXIMUM_INITIAL_LOAN_DISABLED                :No loan {RED}Requires Game Script to provide initial funds

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INTEREST_RATE                                :Interest rate: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INTEREST_RATE_HELPTEXT                       :Loan interest rate; also controls inflation, if enabled
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEVER_EXPIRE_VEHICLES_HELPTEXT               :When enabled, all vehicle models remain available forever after their introduction

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TIMEKEEPING_UNITS                            :Timekeeping: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TIMEKEEPING_UNITS_HELPTEXT                   :Select the timekeeping units of the game. This cannot be changed later.{}{}Calendar-based is the classic OpenTTD experience, with a year consisting of 12 months, and each month having 28-31 days.{}{}In Wallclock-based time, vehicle movement, cargo production, and financials are instead based on one-minute increments, which is about as long as a 30 day month takes in Calendar-based mode. These are grouped into 12-minute periods, equivalent to a year in Calendar-based mode.{}{}In either mode there is always a classic calendar, which is used for introduction dates of vehicles, houses, and other infrastructure.
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TIMEKEEPING_UNITS_HELPTEXT                   :Select the timekeeping units of the game. This cannot be changed later.{}{}Calendar-based is the classic OpenTTD experience, with a year consisting of 12 months, and each month having 28-31 days.{}{}In Wallclock-based time, cargo production and financials are instead based on one-minute increments, which is about as long as a 30 day month takes in Calendar-based mode. These are grouped into 12-minute periods, equivalent to a year in Calendar-based mode.{}{}In either mode there is always a classic calendar, which is used for introduction dates of vehicles, houses, and other infrastructure.
###length 2
@@ -5808,6 +5810,10 @@ STR_TOWN_NAME                           
STR_VEHICLE_NAME                                                :{VEHICLE}
STR_WAYPOINT_NAME                                               :{WAYPOINT}

STR_CURRENCY_SHORT_KILO                                         :{NBSP}k
STR_CURRENCY_SHORT_MEGA                                         :{NBSP}m
STR_CURRENCY_SHORT_GIGA                                         :{NBSP}bn
STR_CURRENCY_SHORT_TERA                                         :{NBSP}tn

STR_JUST_CARGO                                                  :{CARGO_LONG}
STR_JUST_RIGHT_ARROW                                            :{RIGHT_ARROW}