diff --git a/src/lang/english_US.txt b/src/lang/english_US.txt --- a/src/lang/english_US.txt +++ b/src/lang/english_US.txt @@ -170,7 +170,8 @@ STR_LITERS STR_ITEMS :{COMMA}{NBSP}item{P "" s} STR_CRATES :{COMMA}{NBSP}crate{P "" s} -# Colours, do not shuffle +STR_COLOUR_DEFAULT :Default +###length 17 STR_COLOUR_DARK_BLUE :Dark Blue STR_COLOUR_PALE_GREEN :Pale Green STR_COLOUR_PINK :Pink @@ -188,7 +189,6 @@ STR_COLOUR_BROWN STR_COLOUR_GREY :Gray STR_COLOUR_WHITE :White STR_COLOUR_RANDOM :Random -STR_COLOUR_DEFAULT :Default # Units used in OpenTTD STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_IMPERIAL :{COMMA}{NBSP}mph @@ -250,11 +250,13 @@ STR_TOOLTIP_HSCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST STR_TOOLTIP_DEMOLISH_BUILDINGS_ETC :{BLACK}Demolish buildings etc. on a square of land. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate # Show engines button +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_SHOW_HIDDEN_ENGINES_VEHICLE_TRAIN :{BLACK}Show hidden STR_SHOW_HIDDEN_ENGINES_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Show hidden STR_SHOW_HIDDEN_ENGINES_VEHICLE_SHIP :{BLACK}Show hidden STR_SHOW_HIDDEN_ENGINES_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT :{BLACK}Show hidden +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_SHOW_HIDDEN_ENGINES_VEHICLE_TRAIN_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}By enabling this button, the hidden train vehicles are also displayed STR_SHOW_HIDDEN_ENGINES_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}By enabling this button, the hidden road vehicles are also displayed STR_SHOW_HIDDEN_ENGINES_VEHICLE_SHIP_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}By enabling this button, the hidden ships are also displayed @@ -324,6 +326,7 @@ STR_GROUP_BY_NONE STR_GROUP_BY_SHARED_ORDERS :Shared orders # Tooltips for the main toolbar +###length 31 STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_PAUSE_GAME :{BLACK}Pause game STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FORWARD :{BLACK}Fast forward the game STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_OPTIONS :{BLACK}Options @@ -373,7 +376,8 @@ STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLANT_TREES STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLACE_SIGN :{BLACK}Place sign STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLACE_OBJECT :{BLACK}Place object. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate -############ range for SE file menu starts +# Scenario editor file menu +###length 7 STR_SCENEDIT_FILE_MENU_SAVE_SCENARIO :Save scenario STR_SCENEDIT_FILE_MENU_LOAD_SCENARIO :Load scenario STR_SCENEDIT_FILE_MENU_SAVE_HEIGHTMAP :Save heightmap @@ -381,9 +385,9 @@ STR_SCENEDIT_FILE_MENU_LOAD_HEIGHTMAP STR_SCENEDIT_FILE_MENU_QUIT_EDITOR :Abandon scenario editor STR_SCENEDIT_FILE_MENU_SEPARATOR : STR_SCENEDIT_FILE_MENU_QUIT :Quit -############ range for SE file menu starts - -############ range for settings menu starts + +# Settings menu +###length 14 STR_SETTINGS_MENU_GAME_OPTIONS :Game options STR_SETTINGS_MENU_CONFIG_SETTINGS_TREE :Settings STR_SETTINGS_MENU_SCRIPT_SETTINGS :AI/Game script settings @@ -398,89 +402,90 @@ STR_SETTINGS_MENU_FULL_ANIMATION STR_SETTINGS_MENU_FULL_DETAIL :Full detail STR_SETTINGS_MENU_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :Transparent buildings STR_SETTINGS_MENU_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :Transparent signs -############ range ends here - -############ range for file menu starts + +# File menu +###length 5 STR_FILE_MENU_SAVE_GAME :Save game STR_FILE_MENU_LOAD_GAME :Load game STR_FILE_MENU_QUIT_GAME :Abandon game STR_FILE_MENU_SEPARATOR : STR_FILE_MENU_EXIT :Quit -############ range ends here - -# map menu + +# Map menu +###length 4 STR_MAP_MENU_MAP_OF_WORLD :Map of world STR_MAP_MENU_EXTRA_VIEWPORT :Extra viewport STR_MAP_MENU_LINGRAPH_LEGEND :Cargo Flow Legend STR_MAP_MENU_SIGN_LIST :Sign list -############ range for town menu starts +# Town menu +###length 2 STR_TOWN_MENU_TOWN_DIRECTORY :Town directory STR_TOWN_MENU_FOUND_TOWN :Found town -############ range ends here - -############ range for subsidies menu starts + +# Subsidies menu +###length 1 STR_SUBSIDIES_MENU_SUBSIDIES :Subsidies -############ range ends here - -############ range for graph menu starts + +# Graph menu +###length 6 STR_GRAPH_MENU_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Operating profit graph STR_GRAPH_MENU_INCOME_GRAPH :Income graph STR_GRAPH_MENU_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Delivered cargo graph STR_GRAPH_MENU_PERFORMANCE_HISTORY_GRAPH :Performance history graph STR_GRAPH_MENU_COMPANY_VALUE_GRAPH :Company value graph STR_GRAPH_MENU_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Cargo payment rates -############ range ends here - -############ range for company league menu starts + +# Company league menu +###length 3 STR_GRAPH_MENU_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Company league table STR_GRAPH_MENU_DETAILED_PERFORMANCE_RATING :Detailed performance rating STR_GRAPH_MENU_HIGHSCORE :Highscore table -############ range ends here - -############ range for industry menu starts + +# Industry menu +###length 3 STR_INDUSTRY_MENU_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY :Industry directory STR_INDUSTRY_MENU_INDUSTRY_CHAIN :Industry chains STR_INDUSTRY_MENU_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Fund new industry -############ range ends here - -############ range for railway construction menu starts + +# URailway construction menu +###length 4 STR_RAIL_MENU_RAILROAD_CONSTRUCTION :Railroad construction STR_RAIL_MENU_ELRAIL_CONSTRUCTION :Electrified railroad construction STR_RAIL_MENU_MONORAIL_CONSTRUCTION :Monorail construction STR_RAIL_MENU_MAGLEV_CONSTRUCTION :Maglev construction -############ range ends here - -############ range for road construction menu starts + +# Road construction menu +###length 2 STR_ROAD_MENU_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION :Road construction STR_ROAD_MENU_TRAM_CONSTRUCTION :Streetcar construction -############ range ends here - -############ range for waterways construction menu starts + +# Waterways construction menu +###length 1 STR_WATERWAYS_MENU_WATERWAYS_CONSTRUCTION :Waterways construction -############ range ends here - -############ range for airport construction menu starts + +# Aairport construction menu +###length 1 STR_AIRCRAFT_MENU_AIRPORT_CONSTRUCTION :Airport construction -############ range ends here - -############ range for landscaping menu starts + +# Landscaping menu +###length 3 STR_LANDSCAPING_MENU_LANDSCAPING :Landscaping STR_LANDSCAPING_MENU_PLANT_TREES :Plant trees STR_LANDSCAPING_MENU_PLACE_SIGN :Place sign -############ range ends here - -############ range for music menu starts + +# Music menu +###length 1 STR_TOOLBAR_SOUND_MUSIC :Sound/music -############ range ends here - -############ range for message menu starts + +# Message menu +###length 3 STR_NEWS_MENU_LAST_MESSAGE_NEWS_REPORT :Last message/news report STR_NEWS_MENU_MESSAGE_HISTORY_MENU :Message history STR_NEWS_MENU_DELETE_ALL_MESSAGES :Delete all messages -############ range ends here - -############ range for about menu starts + +# About menu +###length 10 STR_ABOUT_MENU_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Land area information STR_ABOUT_MENU_SEPARATOR : STR_ABOUT_MENU_TOGGLE_CONSOLE :Toggle console @@ -491,9 +496,9 @@ STR_ABOUT_MENU_ABOUT_OPENTTD STR_ABOUT_MENU_SPRITE_ALIGNER :Sprite aligner STR_ABOUT_MENU_TOGGLE_BOUNDING_BOXES :Toggle bounding boxes STR_ABOUT_MENU_TOGGLE_DIRTY_BLOCKS :Toggle coloring of dirty blocks -############ range ends here - -############ range for ordinal numbers used for the place in the highscore window + +# Place in highscore window +###length 15 STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_1ST :1st STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_2ND :2nd STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_3RD :3rd @@ -509,9 +514,8 @@ STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_12TH STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_13TH :13th STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_14TH :14th STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_15TH :15th -############ range for ordinal numbers ends - -############ range for days starts + +###length 31 STR_DAY_NUMBER_1ST :1st STR_DAY_NUMBER_2ND :2nd STR_DAY_NUMBER_3RD :3rd @@ -543,9 +547,8 @@ STR_DAY_NUMBER_28TH STR_DAY_NUMBER_29TH :29th STR_DAY_NUMBER_30TH :30th STR_DAY_NUMBER_31ST :31st -############ range for days ends - -############ range for months starts + +###length 12 STR_MONTH_ABBREV_JAN :Jan STR_MONTH_ABBREV_FEB :Feb STR_MONTH_ABBREV_MAR :Mar @@ -559,6 +562,7 @@ STR_MONTH_ABBREV_OCT STR_MONTH_ABBREV_NOV :Nov STR_MONTH_ABBREV_DEC :Dec +###length 12 STR_MONTH_JAN :January STR_MONTH_FEB :February STR_MONTH_MAR :March @@ -571,7 +575,6 @@ STR_MONTH_SEP STR_MONTH_OCT :October STR_MONTH_NOV :November STR_MONTH_DEC :December -############ range for months ends # Graph window STR_GRAPH_KEY_BUTTON :{BLACK}Key @@ -623,7 +626,8 @@ STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_AMOUNT_CURRENCY STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_AMOUNT_INT :{BLACK}({COMMA}/{COMMA}) STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_PERCENT :{WHITE}{NUM}% STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_SELECT_COMPANY_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}View details about this company -############ Those following lines need to be in this order!! + +###length 10 STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_VEHICLES :{BLACK}Vehicles: STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_STATIONS :{BLACK}Stations: STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MIN_PROFIT :{BLACK}Min. profit: @@ -634,7 +638,8 @@ STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_CARGO STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MONEY :{BLACK}Money: STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_LOAN :{BLACK}Loan: STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_TOTAL :{BLACK}Total: -############ End of order list + +###length 10 STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_VEHICLES_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Number of vehicles that turned a profit last year. This includes road vehicles, trains, ships and aircraft STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_STATIONS_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Number of recently-serviced stations. Train stations, bus stops, airports and so on are counted separately even if they belong to the same station STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MIN_PROFIT_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}The profit of the vehicle with the lowest income (only vehicles older than two years are considered) @@ -710,6 +715,7 @@ STR_HIGHSCORE_PRESIDENT_OF_COMPANY_ACHIE # Smallmap window STR_SMALLMAP_CAPTION :{WHITE}Map - {STRING} +###length 7 STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_CONTOURS :Contours STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_VEHICLES :Vehicles STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_INDUSTRIES :Industries @@ -717,6 +723,7 @@ STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_ROUTEMAP STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_ROUTES :Routes STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_VEGETATION :Vegetation STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_OWNERS :Owners + STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_SHOW_LAND_CONTOURS_ON_MAP :{BLACK}Show land contours on map STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_SHOW_VEHICLES_ON_MAP :{BLACK}Show vehicles on map STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_SHOW_INDUSTRIES_ON_MAP :{BLACK}Show industries on map @@ -849,10 +856,12 @@ STR_NEWS_INDUSTRY_PRODUCTION_DECREASE_GE STR_NEWS_INDUSTRY_PRODUCTION_DECREASE_FARM :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Insect infestation causes havoc at {INDUSTRY}!{}Production down by 50% STR_NEWS_INDUSTRY_PRODUCTION_DECREASE_SMOOTH :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}{STRING} production at {INDUSTRY} goes down by {COMMA}%! +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_NEWS_TRAIN_IS_WAITING :{WHITE}{VEHICLE} is waiting in depot STR_NEWS_ROAD_VEHICLE_IS_WAITING :{WHITE}{VEHICLE} is waiting in depot STR_NEWS_SHIP_IS_WAITING :{WHITE}{VEHICLE} is waiting in depot STR_NEWS_AIRCRAFT_IS_WAITING :{WHITE}{VEHICLE} is waiting in the aircraft hangar +###next-name-looks-similar # Order review system / warnings STR_NEWS_VEHICLE_HAS_TOO_FEW_ORDERS :{WHITE}{VEHICLE} has too few orders in the schedule @@ -886,6 +895,7 @@ STR_NEWS_STATION_NOW_ACCEPTS_CARGO_AND_C STR_NEWS_OFFER_OF_SUBSIDY_EXPIRED :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Offer of subsidy expired:{}{}{STRING} from {STRING} to {STRING} will now not attract a subsidy STR_NEWS_SUBSIDY_WITHDRAWN_SERVICE :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Subsidy withdrawn:{}{}{STRING} service from {STRING} to {STRING} is no longer subsidized STR_NEWS_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_OFFERED :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Service subsidy offered:{}{}First {STRING} service from {STRING} to {STRING} will attract a {NUM} year subsidy from the local authority! +###length 4 STR_NEWS_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_AWARDED_HALF :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Service subsidy awarded to {STRING}!{}{}{STRING} service from {STRING} to {STRING} will pay 50% extra for the next {NUM} year{P "" s}! STR_NEWS_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_AWARDED_DOUBLE :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Service subsidy awarded to {STRING}!{}{}{STRING} service from {STRING} to {STRING} will pay double rates for the next {NUM} year{P "" s}! STR_NEWS_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_AWARDED_TRIPLE :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Service subsidy awarded to {STRING}!{}{}{STRING} service from {STRING} to {STRING} will pay triple rates for the next {NUM} year{P "" s}! @@ -907,7 +917,7 @@ STR_GAME_OPTIONS_CAPTION STR_GAME_OPTIONS_CURRENCY_UNITS_FRAME :{BLACK}Currency units STR_GAME_OPTIONS_CURRENCY_UNITS_DROPDOWN_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Currency units selection -############ start of currency region +###length 42 STR_GAME_OPTIONS_CURRENCY_GBP :British Pound (GBP) STR_GAME_OPTIONS_CURRENCY_USD :American Dollar (USD) STR_GAME_OPTIONS_CURRENCY_EUR :Euro (EUR) @@ -950,15 +960,15 @@ STR_GAME_OPTIONS_CURRENCY_HKD STR_GAME_OPTIONS_CURRENCY_INR :Indian Rupee (INR) STR_GAME_OPTIONS_CURRENCY_IDR :Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) STR_GAME_OPTIONS_CURRENCY_MYR :Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) -############ end of currency region - + +###length 2 STR_GAME_OPTIONS_ROAD_VEHICLES_DROPDOWN_LEFT :Drive on left STR_GAME_OPTIONS_ROAD_VEHICLES_DROPDOWN_RIGHT :Drive on right STR_GAME_OPTIONS_TOWN_NAMES_FRAME :{BLACK}Town names: STR_GAME_OPTIONS_TOWN_NAMES_DROPDOWN_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Select style of town names -############ start of townname region +###length 21 STR_GAME_OPTIONS_TOWN_NAME_ORIGINAL_ENGLISH :English (Original) STR_GAME_OPTIONS_TOWN_NAME_FRENCH :French STR_GAME_OPTIONS_TOWN_NAME_GERMAN :German @@ -980,18 +990,17 @@ STR_GAME_OPTIONS_TOWN_NAME_DANISH STR_GAME_OPTIONS_TOWN_NAME_TURKISH :Turkish STR_GAME_OPTIONS_TOWN_NAME_ITALIAN :Italian STR_GAME_OPTIONS_TOWN_NAME_CATALAN :Catalan -############ end of townname region STR_GAME_OPTIONS_AUTOSAVE_FRAME :{BLACK}Autosave STR_GAME_OPTIONS_AUTOSAVE_DROPDOWN_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Select interval between automatic game saves -############ start of autosave dropdown +# Autosave dropdown +###length 5 STR_GAME_OPTIONS_AUTOSAVE_DROPDOWN_OFF :Off STR_GAME_OPTIONS_AUTOSAVE_DROPDOWN_EVERY_1_MONTH :Every month STR_GAME_OPTIONS_AUTOSAVE_DROPDOWN_EVERY_3_MONTHS :Every 3 months STR_GAME_OPTIONS_AUTOSAVE_DROPDOWN_EVERY_6_MONTHS :Every 6 months STR_GAME_OPTIONS_AUTOSAVE_DROPDOWN_EVERY_12_MONTHS :Every 12 months -############ end of autosave dropdown STR_GAME_OPTIONS_LANGUAGE :{BLACK}Language STR_GAME_OPTIONS_LANGUAGE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Select the interface language to use @@ -1097,12 +1106,14 @@ STR_VARIETY_MEDIUM STR_VARIETY_HIGH :High STR_VARIETY_VERY_HIGH :Very High +###length 5 STR_AI_SPEED_VERY_SLOW :Very Slow STR_AI_SPEED_SLOW :Slow STR_AI_SPEED_MEDIUM :Medium STR_AI_SPEED_FAST :Fast STR_AI_SPEED_VERY_FAST :Very Fast +###length 6 STR_SEA_LEVEL_VERY_LOW :Very Low STR_SEA_LEVEL_LOW :Low STR_SEA_LEVEL_MEDIUM :Medium @@ -1110,20 +1121,24 @@ STR_SEA_LEVEL_HIGH STR_SEA_LEVEL_CUSTOM :Custom STR_SEA_LEVEL_CUSTOM_PERCENTAGE :Custom ({NUM}%) +###length 4 STR_RIVERS_NONE :None STR_RIVERS_FEW :Few STR_RIVERS_MODERATE :Medium STR_RIVERS_LOT :Many +###length 3 STR_DISASTER_NONE :None STR_DISASTER_REDUCED :Reduced STR_DISASTER_NORMAL :Normal +###length 4 STR_SUBSIDY_X1_5 :x1.5 STR_SUBSIDY_X2 :x2 STR_SUBSIDY_X3 :x3 STR_SUBSIDY_X4 :x4 +###length 7 STR_TERRAIN_TYPE_VERY_FLAT :Very Flat STR_TERRAIN_TYPE_FLAT :Flat STR_TERRAIN_TYPE_HILLY :Hilly @@ -1132,6 +1147,7 @@ STR_TERRAIN_TYPE_ALPINIST STR_TERRAIN_TYPE_CUSTOM :Custom height STR_TERRAIN_TYPE_CUSTOM_VALUE :Custom height ({NUM}) +###length 3 STR_CITY_APPROVAL_PERMISSIVE :Permissive STR_CITY_APPROVAL_TOLERANT :Tolerant STR_CITY_APPROVAL_HOSTILE :Hostile @@ -1171,147 +1187,206 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TYPE_DROPDOWN_GAME_ME STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TYPE_DROPDOWN_GAME_INGAME :Game settings (stored in save; affect only current game) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TYPE_DROPDOWN_COMPANY_MENU :Company settings (stored in saves; affect only new games) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TYPE_DROPDOWN_COMPANY_INGAME :Company settings (stored in save; affect only current company) + +STR_CONFIG_SETTINGS_NONE :{WHITE}- None - +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CATEGORY_HIDES :{BLACK}Show all search results by setting{}{SILVER}Category {BLACK}to {WHITE}{STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TYPE_HIDES :{BLACK}Show all search results by setting{}{SILVER}Type {BLACK}to {WHITE}All setting types STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CATEGORY_AND_TYPE_HIDES :{BLACK}Show all search results by setting{}{SILVER}Category {BLACK}to {WHITE}{STRING} {BLACK}and {SILVER}Type {BLACK}to {WHITE}All setting types -STR_CONFIG_SETTINGS_NONE :{WHITE}- None - - + +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_OFF :Off STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ON :On STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISABLED :Disabled +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_COMPANIES_OFF :Off STR_CONFIG_SETTING_COMPANIES_OWN :Own company STR_CONFIG_SETTING_COMPANIES_ALL :All companies +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NONE :None STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ORIGINAL :Original STR_CONFIG_SETTING_REALISTIC :Realistic +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_HORIZONTAL_POS_LEFT :Left STR_CONFIG_SETTING_HORIZONTAL_POS_CENTER :Center STR_CONFIG_SETTING_HORIZONTAL_POS_RIGHT :Right STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAXIMUM_INITIAL_LOAN :Maximum initial loan: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAXIMUM_INITIAL_LOAN_HELPTEXT :Maximum amount a company can loan (without taking inflation into account) + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INTEREST_RATE :Interest rate: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INTEREST_RATE_HELPTEXT :Loan interest rate; also controls inflation, if enabled + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_RUNNING_COSTS :Running costs: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_RUNNING_COSTS_HELPTEXT :Set level of maintenance and running costs of vehicles and infrastructure + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CONSTRUCTION_SPEED :Construction speed: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CONSTRUCTION_SPEED_HELPTEXT :Limit the amount of construction actions for AIs + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_VEHICLE_BREAKDOWNS :Vehicle breakdowns: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_VEHICLE_BREAKDOWNS_HELPTEXT :Control how often inadequately maintained vehicles may break down + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SUBSIDY_MULTIPLIER :Subsidy multiplier: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SUBSIDY_MULTIPLIER_HELPTEXT :Set how much is paid for subsidized connections + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SUBSIDY_DURATION :Subsidy duration: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SUBSIDY_DURATION_HELPTEXT :Set the number of years for which a subsidy is awarded + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SUBSIDY_DURATION_VALUE :{NUM} year{P "" s} +###setting-zero-is-special STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SUBSIDY_DURATION_DISABLED :No subsidies + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CONSTRUCTION_COSTS :Construction costs: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CONSTRUCTION_COSTS_HELPTEXT :Set level of construction and purchase costs + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_RECESSIONS :Recessions: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_RECESSIONS_HELPTEXT :If enabled, recessions may occur every few years. During a recession all production is significantly lower (it returns to previous level when the recession is over) + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TRAIN_REVERSING :Disallow train reversing in stations: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TRAIN_REVERSING_HELPTEXT :If enabled, trains will not reverse in non-terminus stations, even if there is a shorter path to their next destination when reversing + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISASTERS :Disasters: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISASTERS_HELPTEXT :Toggle disasters which may occasionally block or destroy vehicles or infrastructure + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CITY_APPROVAL :Town council's attitude towards area restructuring: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CITY_APPROVAL_HELPTEXT :Choose how much noise and environmental damage by companies affect their town rating and further construction actions in their area STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAP_HEIGHT_LIMIT :Map height limit: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAP_HEIGHT_LIMIT_HELPTEXT :Set the maximum height of the map terrain. With "(auto)" a good value will be picked after terrain generation STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAP_HEIGHT_LIMIT_VALUE :{NUM} +###setting-zero-is-special STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAP_HEIGHT_LIMIT_AUTO :(auto) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOO_HIGH_MOUNTAIN :{WHITE}You can't set the map height limit to this value. At least one mountain on the map is higher + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTOSLOPE :Allow terraforming under buildings, tracks, etc.: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTOSLOPE_HELPTEXT :Allow terraforming under buildings and tracks without removing them + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CATCHMENT :Allow more realistically sized catchment areas: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CATCHMENT_HELPTEXT :Have differently sized catchment areas for different types of stations and airports + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVE_NEUTRAL_INDUSTRIES :Company stations can serve industries that have built-in neutral stations: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVE_NEUTRAL_INDUSTRIES_HELPTEXT :When enabled, industries with attached stations (such as Oil Rigs) may also be served by company owned stations built nearby. When disabled, these industries may only be served by their attached stations. Any nearby company stations won't be able to serve them, nor will the attached station serve anything else other than the industry + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EXTRADYNAMITE :Allow removal of more town-owned roads, bridges and tunnels: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EXTRADYNAMITE_HELPTEXT :Make it easier to remove town-owned infrastructure and buildings + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TRAIN_LENGTH :Maximum length of trains: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TRAIN_LENGTH_HELPTEXT :Set the maximum length of trains STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TILE_LENGTH :{COMMA} tile{P 0 "" s} + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SMOKE_AMOUNT :Amount of vehicle smoke/sparks: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SMOKE_AMOUNT_HELPTEXT :Set how much smoke or how many sparks are emitted by vehicles + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TRAIN_ACCELERATION_MODEL :Train acceleration model: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TRAIN_ACCELERATION_MODEL_HELPTEXT :Select the physics model for train acceleration. The "original" model penalizes slopes equally for all vehicles. The "realistic" model penalizes slopes and curves depending on various properties of the consist, like length and tractive effort + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ROAD_VEHICLE_ACCELERATION_MODEL :Road vehicle acceleration model: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ROAD_VEHICLE_ACCELERATION_MODEL_HELPTEXT :Select the physics model for road vehicle acceleration. The "original" model penalizes slopes equally for all vehicles. The "realistic" model penalizes slopes depending on various properties of the engine, for example 'tractive effort' + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TRAIN_SLOPE_STEEPNESS :Slope steepness for trains: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TRAIN_SLOPE_STEEPNESS_HELPTEXT :Steepness of a sloped tile for a train. Higher values make it more difficult to climb a hill STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PERCENTAGE :{COMMA}% + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ROAD_VEHICLE_SLOPE_STEEPNESS :Slope steepness for road vehicles: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ROAD_VEHICLE_SLOPE_STEEPNESS_HELPTEXT :Steepness of a sloped tile for a road vehicle. Higher values make it more difficult to climb a hill + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_FORBID_90_DEG :Forbid trains from making 90° turns: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_FORBID_90_DEG_HELPTEXT :90 degree turns occur when a horizontal track is directly followed by a vertical track piece on the adjacent tile, thus making the train turn by 90 degrees when traversing the tile edge instead of the usual 45 degrees for other track combinations. + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTANT_JOIN_STATIONS :Allow joining stations not directly adjacent: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTANT_JOIN_STATIONS_HELPTEXT :Allow adding parts to a station without directly touching the existing parts. Needs Ctrl+Click while placing the new parts + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INFLATION :Inflation: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INFLATION_HELPTEXT :Enable inflation in the economy, where costs are slightly faster rising than payments + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAX_BRIDGE_LENGTH :Maximum bridge length: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAX_BRIDGE_LENGTH_HELPTEXT :Maximum length for building bridges + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAX_BRIDGE_HEIGHT :Maximum bridge height: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAX_BRIDGE_HEIGHT_HELPTEXT :Maximum height for building bridges + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAX_TUNNEL_LENGTH :Maximum tunnel length: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAX_TUNNEL_LENGTH_HELPTEXT :Maximum length for building tunnels + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_RAW_INDUSTRY_CONSTRUCTION_METHOD :Manual primary industry construction method: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_RAW_INDUSTRY_CONSTRUCTION_METHOD_HELPTEXT :Method of funding a primary industry. 'none' means it is not possible to fund any, 'prospecting' means funding is possible, but construction occurs in a random spot on the map and may as well fail, 'as other industries' means raw industries can be constructed by companies like processing industries in any position they like +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_RAW_INDUSTRY_CONSTRUCTION_METHOD_NONE :None STR_CONFIG_SETTING_RAW_INDUSTRY_CONSTRUCTION_METHOD_NORMAL :As other industries STR_CONFIG_SETTING_RAW_INDUSTRY_CONSTRUCTION_METHOD_PROSPECTING :Prospecting + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INDUSTRY_PLATFORM :Flat area around industries: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INDUSTRY_PLATFORM_HELPTEXT :Amount of flat space around an industry. This ensures empty space will remain available around an industry for building tracks, et cetera + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MULTIPINDTOWN :Allow multiple similar industries per town: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MULTIPINDTOWN_HELPTEXT :Normally, a town does not want more than one industry of each type. With this setting, it will allow several industries of the same type in the same town + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SIGNALSIDE :Show signals: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SIGNALSIDE_HELPTEXT :Select on which side of the track to place signals +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SIGNALSIDE_LEFT :On the left STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SIGNALSIDE_DRIVING_SIDE :On the driving side STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SIGNALSIDE_RIGHT :On the right + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHOWFINANCES :Show finances window at the end of the year: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHOWFINANCES_HELPTEXT :If enabled, the finances window pops up at the end of each year to allow easy inspection of the financial status of the company + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NONSTOP_BY_DEFAULT :New orders are 'non-stop' by default: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NONSTOP_BY_DEFAULT_HELPTEXT :Normally, a vehicle will stop at every station it passes. By enabling this setting, it will drive through all stations on the way to its final destination without stopping. Note, that this setting only defines a default value for new orders. Individual orders can be set explicitly to either behavior nevertheless + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STOP_LOCATION :New train orders stop by default at the {STRING} of the platform STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STOP_LOCATION_HELPTEXT :Place where a train will stop at the platform by default. The 'near end' means close to the entry point, 'middle' means in the middle of the platform, and 'far end' means far away from the entry point. Note, that this setting only defines a default value for new orders. Individual orders can be set explicitly to either behavior nevertheless +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STOP_LOCATION_NEAR_END :near end STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STOP_LOCATION_MIDDLE :middle STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STOP_LOCATION_FAR_END :far end + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTOSCROLL :Pan window when mouse is at the edge: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTOSCROLL_HELPTEXT :When enabled, viewports will start to scroll when the mouse is near the edge of the window +###length 4 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTOSCROLL_DISABLED :Disabled STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTOSCROLL_MAIN_VIEWPORT_FULLSCREEN :Main viewport, full-screen only STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTOSCROLL_MAIN_VIEWPORT :Main viewport STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTOSCROLL_EVERY_VIEWPORT :Every viewport + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_BRIBE :Allow bribing of the local authority: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_BRIBE_HELPTEXT :Allow companies to try bribing the local town authority. If the bribe is noticed by an inspector, the company will not be able to act in the town for six months + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_EXCLUSIVE :Allow buying exclusive transport rights: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_EXCLUSIVE_HELPTEXT :If a company buys exclusive transport rights for a town, opponents' stations (passenger and cargo) won't receive any cargo for a whole year + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_FUND_BUILDINGS :Allow funding buildings: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_FUND_BUILDINGS_HELPTEXT :Allow companies to give money to towns for funding new houses + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_FUND_ROAD :Allow funding local road reconstruction: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_FUND_ROAD_HELPTEXT :Allow companies to give money to towns for road reconstruction to sabotage road-based services in the town + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_GIVE_MONEY :Allow sending money to other companies: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_GIVE_MONEY_HELPTEXT :Allow transfer of money between companies in multiplayer mode + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_FREIGHT_TRAINS :Weight multiplier for freight to simulate heavy trains: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_FREIGHT_TRAINS_HELPTEXT :Set the impact of carrying freight in trains. A higher value makes carrying freight more demanding for trains, especially at hills + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PLANE_SPEED :Plane speed factor: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PLANE_SPEED_HELPTEXT :Set the relative speed of planes compared to other vehicle types, to reduce the amount of income of transport by aircraft STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PLANE_SPEED_VALUE :1 / {COMMA} + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PLANE_CRASHES :Number of plane crashes: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PLANE_CRASHES_HELPTEXT :Set the chance of a random aircraft crash happening.{}* Large airplanes always have a risk of crashing when landing on small airports +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PLANE_CRASHES_NONE :None* STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PLANE_CRASHES_REDUCED :Reduced STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PLANE_CRASHES_NORMAL :Normal + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STOP_ON_TOWN_ROAD :Allow drive-through road stops on town owned roads: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STOP_ON_TOWN_ROAD_HELPTEXT :Allow construction of drive-through road stops on town-owned roads STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STOP_ON_COMPETITOR_ROAD :Allow drive-through road stops on roads owned by competitors: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STOP_ON_COMPETITOR_ROAD_HELPTEXT :Allow construction of drive-through road stops on roads owned by other companies STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DYNAMIC_ENGINES_EXISTING_VEHICLES :{WHITE}Changing this setting is not possible when there are vehicles + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INFRASTRUCTURE_MAINTENANCE :Infrastructure maintenance: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INFRASTRUCTURE_MAINTENANCE_HELPTEXT :When enabled, infrastructure causes maintenance costs. The cost grows over-proportional with the network size, thus affecting bigger companies more than smaller ones @@ -1323,118 +1398,167 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEVER_EXPIRE_AIRPORTS STR_CONFIG_SETTING_WARN_LOST_VEHICLE :Warn if vehicle is lost: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_WARN_LOST_VEHICLE_HELPTEXT :Trigger messages about vehicles unable to find a path to their ordered destination + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ORDER_REVIEW :Review vehicles' orders: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ORDER_REVIEW_HELPTEXT :When enabled, the orders of the vehicles are periodically checked, and some obvious issues are reported with a news message when detected +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ORDER_REVIEW_OFF :No STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ORDER_REVIEW_EXDEPOT :Yes, but exclude stopped vehicles STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ORDER_REVIEW_ON :Of all vehicles + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_WARN_INCOME_LESS :Warn if a vehicle's income is negative: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_WARN_INCOME_LESS_HELPTEXT :When enabled, a news message gets sent when a vehicle has not made any profit within a calendar year + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEVER_EXPIRE_VEHICLES :Vehicles never expire: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEVER_EXPIRE_VEHICLES_HELPTEXT :When enabled, all vehicle models remain available forever after their introduction + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTORENEW_VEHICLE :Autorenew vehicle when it gets old: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTORENEW_VEHICLE_HELPTEXT :When enabled, a vehicle nearing its end of life gets automatically replaced when the renew conditions are fulfilled + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTORENEW_MONTHS :Autorenew when vehicle is {STRING} maximum age STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTORENEW_MONTHS_HELPTEXT :Relative age when a vehicle should be considered for auto-renewing +###length 2 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTORENEW_MONTHS_VALUE_BEFORE :{COMMA} month{P 0 "" s} before STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTORENEW_MONTHS_VALUE_AFTER :{COMMA} month{P 0 "" s} after + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTORENEW_MONEY :Autorenew minimum needed money for renew: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTORENEW_MONEY_HELPTEXT :Minimal amount of money that must remain in the bank before considering auto-renewing vehicles + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ERRMSG_DURATION :Duration of error message: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ERRMSG_DURATION_HELPTEXT :Duration for displaying error messages in a red window. Note that some (critical) error messages are not closed automatically after this time, but must be closed manually STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ERRMSG_DURATION_VALUE :{COMMA} second{P 0 "" s} + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_HOVER_DELAY :Show tooltips: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_HOVER_DELAY_HELPTEXT :Delay before tooltips are displayed when hovering the mouse over some interface element. Alternatively tooltips are bound to the right mouse button when this value is set to 0. STR_CONFIG_SETTING_HOVER_DELAY_VALUE :Hover for {COMMA} millisecond{P 0 "" s} +###setting-zero-is-special STR_CONFIG_SETTING_HOVER_DELAY_DISABLED :Right click + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_POPULATION_IN_LABEL :Show town population in the town name label: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_POPULATION_IN_LABEL_HELPTEXT :Display the population of towns in their label on the map + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_GRAPH_LINE_THICKNESS :Thickness of lines in graphs: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_GRAPH_LINE_THICKNESS_HELPTEXT :Width of the line in the graphs. A thin line is more precisely readable, a thicker line is easier to see and colors are easier to distinguish + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHOW_NEWGRF_NAME :Show the NewGRF's name in the build vehicle window: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHOW_NEWGRF_NAME_HELPTEXT :Add a line to the build vehicle window, showing which NewGRF the selected vehicle comes from. STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LANDSCAPE :Landscape: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LANDSCAPE_HELPTEXT :Landscapes define basic gameplay scenarios with different cargos and town growth requirements. NewGRF and Game Scripts allow finer control though + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LAND_GENERATOR :Land generator: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LAND_GENERATOR_HELPTEXT :The original generator depends on the base graphics set, and composes fixed landscape shapes. TerraGenesis is a Perlin noise based generator with finer control settings +###length 2 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LAND_GENERATOR_ORIGINAL :Original STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LAND_GENERATOR_TERRA_GENESIS :TerraGenesis + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TERRAIN_TYPE :Terrain type: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TERRAIN_TYPE_HELPTEXT :(TerraGenesis only) Hilliness of the landscape + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INDUSTRY_DENSITY :Industry density: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INDUSTRY_DENSITY_HELPTEXT :Set how many industries should be generated and what level should be maintained during the game + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_OIL_REF_EDGE_DISTANCE :Maximum distance from edge for Oil industries: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_OIL_REF_EDGE_DISTANCE_HELPTEXT :Limit for how far from the map border oil refineries and oil rigs can be constructed. On island maps this ensures they are near the coast. On maps larger than 256 tiles, this value is scaled up. + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SNOWLINE_HEIGHT :Snow line height: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SNOWLINE_HEIGHT_HELPTEXT :Controls at what height snow starts in sub-arctic landscape. Snow also affects industry generation and town growth requirements. Can only be modified via Scenario Editor or is otherwise calculated via "snow coverage" + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SNOW_COVERAGE :Snow coverage: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SNOW_COVERAGE_HELPTEXT :Controls the approximate amount of snow on the sub-arctic landscape. Snow also affects industry generation and town growth requirements. Only used during map generation. Land just above sea level is always without snow STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SNOW_COVERAGE_VALUE :{NUM}% + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DESERT_COVERAGE :Desert coverage: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DESERT_COVERAGE_HELPTEXT :Control the approximate amount of desert on the tropical landscape. Desert also affects industry generation. Only used during map generation STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DESERT_COVERAGE_VALUE :{NUM}% + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ROUGHNESS_OF_TERRAIN :Roughness of terrain: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ROUGHNESS_OF_TERRAIN_HELPTEXT :(TerraGenesis only) Choose the frequency of hills: Smooth landscapes have fewer, more wide-spread hills. Rough landscapes have many hills, which may look repetitive +###length 4 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ROUGHNESS_OF_TERRAIN_VERY_SMOOTH :Very Smooth STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ROUGHNESS_OF_TERRAIN_SMOOTH :Smooth STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ROUGHNESS_OF_TERRAIN_ROUGH :Rough STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ROUGHNESS_OF_TERRAIN_VERY_ROUGH :Very Rough + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_VARIETY :Variety distribution: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_VARIETY_HELPTEXT :(TerraGenesis only) Control whether the map contains both mountainous and flat areas. Since this only makes the map flatter, other settings should be set to mountainous + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_RIVER_AMOUNT :River amount: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_RIVER_AMOUNT_HELPTEXT :Choose how many rivers to generate + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TREE_PLACER :Tree placer algorithm: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TREE_PLACER_HELPTEXT :Choose the distribution of trees on the map: 'Original' plants trees uniformly scattered, 'Improved' plants them in groups +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TREE_PLACER_NONE :None STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TREE_PLACER_ORIGINAL :Original STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TREE_PLACER_IMPROVED :Improved + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ROAD_SIDE :Road vehicles: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ROAD_SIDE_HELPTEXT :Choose the driving side + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_HEIGHTMAP_ROTATION :Heightmap rotation: {STRING} +###length 2 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_HEIGHTMAP_ROTATION_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE :Counter-clockwise STR_CONFIG_SETTING_HEIGHTMAP_ROTATION_CLOCKWISE :Clockwise + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SE_FLAT_WORLD_HEIGHT :The height level a flat scenario map gets: {STRING} +###length 2 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EDGES_NOT_EMPTY :{WHITE}One or more tiles at the northern edge are not empty STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EDGES_NOT_WATER :{WHITE}One or more tiles at one of the edges is not water STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STATION_SPREAD :Maximum station spread: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STATION_SPREAD_HELPTEXT :Maximum area the parts of a single station may be spread out on. Note that high values will slow the game + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVICEATHELIPAD :Perform maintenance on helicopters at helipads automatically: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVICEATHELIPAD_HELPTEXT :Service helicopters after every landing, even if there is no depot at the airport + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINK_TERRAFORM_TOOLBAR :Link landscape toolbar to rail/road/water/airport toolbars: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINK_TERRAFORM_TOOLBAR_HELPTEXT :When opening a construction toolbar for a transport type, also open the toolbar for terraforming + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SMALLMAP_LAND_COLOUR :Land color used in the minimap: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SMALLMAP_LAND_COLOUR_HELPTEXT :Color of the terrain in the smallmap +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SMALLMAP_LAND_COLOUR_GREEN :Green STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SMALLMAP_LAND_COLOUR_DARK_GREEN :Dark green STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SMALLMAP_LAND_COLOUR_VIOLET :Purple + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCROLLMODE :Viewport scroll behaviour: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCROLLMODE_HELPTEXT :Behavior when scrolling the map +###length 4 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCROLLMODE_DEFAULT :Move viewport with RMB, mouse position locked STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCROLLMODE_RMB_LOCKED :Move map with RMB, mouse position locked STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCROLLMODE_RMB :Move map with RMB STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCROLLMODE_LMB :Move map with LMB + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SMOOTH_SCROLLING :Smooth viewport scrolling: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SMOOTH_SCROLLING_HELPTEXT :Control how the main view scrolls to a specific position when clicking on the smallmap or when issuing a command to scroll to a specific object on the map. If enabled, the viewport scrolls smoothly, if disabled it jumps directly to the targeted spot + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MEASURE_TOOLTIP :Show a measurement tooltip when using various build-tools: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MEASURE_TOOLTIP_HELPTEXT :Display tile-distances and height differences when dragging during construction operations + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LIVERIES :Show vehicle-type specific liveries: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LIVERIES_HELPTEXT :Control usage of vehicle-type specific liveries for vehicles (in contrary to company specific) +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LIVERIES_NONE :None STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LIVERIES_OWN :Own company STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LIVERIES_ALL :All companies + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PREFER_TEAMCHAT :Prefer team chat with : {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PREFER_TEAMCHAT_HELPTEXT :Switch the binding of company-internal and public chat to resp. + +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCROLLWHEEL_MULTIPLIER :Map scrollwheel speed: {STRING} +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCROLLWHEEL_MULTIPLIER_HELPTEXT :Control the sensitivity of mouse-wheel scrolling + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCROLLWHEEL_SCROLLING :Function of scrollwheel: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCROLLWHEEL_SCROLLING_HELPTEXT :Enable scrolling with two-dimensional mouse-wheels +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCROLLWHEEL_ZOOM :Zoom map STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCROLLWHEEL_SCROLL :Scroll map STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCROLLWHEEL_OFF :Off -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCROLLWHEEL_MULTIPLIER :Map scrollwheel speed: {STRING} -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCROLLWHEEL_MULTIPLIER_HELPTEXT :Control the sensitivity of mouse-wheel scrolling + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_OSK_ACTIVATION :On screen keyboard: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_OSK_ACTIVATION_HELPTEXT :Select the method to open the on screen keyboard for entering text into editboxes only using the pointing device. This is meant for small devices without actual keyboard +###length 4 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_OSK_ACTIVATION_DISABLED :Disabled STR_CONFIG_SETTING_OSK_ACTIVATION_DOUBLE_CLICK :Double click STR_CONFIG_SETTING_OSK_ACTIVATION_SINGLE_CLICK_FOCUS :Single click (when focused) @@ -1442,12 +1566,14 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_OSK_ACTIVATION_SINGLE STR_CONFIG_SETTING_USE_RELAY_SERVICE :Use relay service: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_USE_RELAY_SERVICE_HELPTEXT :If creating a connection to the server fails, one can use a relay service to create a connection. "Never" disallows this, "ask" will ask first, "allow" will allow it without asking +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_USE_RELAY_SERVICE_NEVER :Never STR_CONFIG_SETTING_USE_RELAY_SERVICE_ASK :Ask STR_CONFIG_SETTING_USE_RELAY_SERVICE_ALLOW :Allow STR_CONFIG_SETTING_RIGHT_MOUSE_BTN_EMU :Right-click emulation: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_RIGHT_MOUSE_BTN_EMU_HELPTEXT :Select the method to emulate right mouse-button clicks +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_RIGHT_MOUSE_BTN_EMU_COMMAND :Command+Click STR_CONFIG_SETTING_RIGHT_MOUSE_BTN_EMU_CONTROL :Ctrl+Click STR_CONFIG_SETTING_RIGHT_MOUSE_BTN_EMU_OFF :Off @@ -1460,89 +1586,120 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTOSAVE_HELPTEXT STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DATE_FORMAT_IN_SAVE_NAMES :Use the {STRING} date format for savegame names STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DATE_FORMAT_IN_SAVE_NAMES_HELPTEXT :Format of the date in save game filenames +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DATE_FORMAT_IN_SAVE_NAMES_LONG :long (Dec 31st, 2008) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DATE_FORMAT_IN_SAVE_NAMES_SHORT :short (12/31/2008) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DATE_FORMAT_IN_SAVE_NAMES_ISO :ISO (2008-12-31) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PAUSE_ON_NEW_GAME :Automatically pause when starting a new game: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PAUSE_ON_NEW_GAME_HELPTEXT :When enabled, the game will automatically pause when starting a new game, allowing for closer study of the map + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_COMMAND_PAUSE_LEVEL :When paused allow: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_COMMAND_PAUSE_LEVEL_HELPTEXT :Select what actions may be done while the game is paused +###length 4 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_COMMAND_PAUSE_LEVEL_NO_ACTIONS :No actions STR_CONFIG_SETTING_COMMAND_PAUSE_LEVEL_ALL_NON_CONSTRUCTION :All non-construction actions STR_CONFIG_SETTING_COMMAND_PAUSE_LEVEL_ALL_NON_LANDSCAPING :All but landscape modifying actions STR_CONFIG_SETTING_COMMAND_PAUSE_LEVEL_ALL_ACTIONS :All actions + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ADVANCED_VEHICLE_LISTS :Use groups in vehicle list: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ADVANCED_VEHICLE_LISTS_HELPTEXT :Enable usage of the advanced vehicle lists for grouping vehicles + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOADING_INDICATORS :Use loading indicators: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOADING_INDICATORS_HELPTEXT :Select whether loading indicators are displayed above loading or unloading vehicles + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TIMETABLE_IN_TICKS :Show timetable in ticks rather than days: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TIMETABLE_IN_TICKS_HELPTEXT :Show travel times in time tables in game ticks instead of days + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TIMETABLE_SHOW_ARRIVAL_DEPARTURE :Show arrival and departure in timetables: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TIMETABLE_SHOW_ARRIVAL_DEPARTURE_HELPTEXT :Display anticipated arrival and departure times in timetables + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_QUICKGOTO :Quick creation of vehicle orders: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_QUICKGOTO_HELPTEXT :Pre-select the 'goto cursor' when opening the orders window + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEFAULT_RAIL_TYPE :Default rail type (after new game/game load): {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEFAULT_RAIL_TYPE_HELPTEXT :Rail type to select after starting or loading a game. 'first available' selects the oldest type of tracks, 'last available' selects the newest type of tracks, and 'most used' selects the type which is currently most in use +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEFAULT_RAIL_TYPE_FIRST :First available STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEFAULT_RAIL_TYPE_LAST :Last available STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEFAULT_RAIL_TYPE_MOST_USED :Most used + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHOW_TRACK_RESERVATION :Show path reservations for tracks: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHOW_TRACK_RESERVATION_HELPTEXT :Give reserved tracks a different color to assist in problems with trains refusing to enter path-based blocks + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PERSISTENT_BUILDINGTOOLS :Keep building tools active after usage: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PERSISTENT_BUILDINGTOOLS_HELPTEXT :Keep the building tools for bridges, tunnels, etc. open after use + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EXPENSES_LAYOUT :Group expenses in company finance window: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EXPENSES_LAYOUT_HELPTEXT :Define the layout for the company expenses window + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTO_REMOVE_SIGNALS :Automatically remove signals during track construction: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTO_REMOVE_SIGNALS_HELPTEXT :Automatically remove signals during track construction if the signals are in the way. Note that this can potentially lead to train crashes. + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_FAST_FORWARD_SPEED_LIMIT :Fast forward speed limit: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_FAST_FORWARD_SPEED_LIMIT_HELPTEXT :Limit on how fast the game goes when fast forward is enabled. 0 = no limit (as fast as your computer allows). Values below 100% slow the game down. The upper-limit depends on the specification of your computer and can vary depending on the game. STR_CONFIG_SETTING_FAST_FORWARD_SPEED_LIMIT_VAL :{NUM}% normal game speed +###setting-zero-is-special STR_CONFIG_SETTING_FAST_FORWARD_SPEED_LIMIT_ZERO :No limit (as fast as your computer allows) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOUND_TICKER :News ticker: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOUND_TICKER_HELPTEXT :Play sound for summarized news messages + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOUND_NEWS :Newspaper: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOUND_NEWS_HELPTEXT :Play sound upon display of newspapers + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOUND_NEW_YEAR :End of year: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOUND_NEW_YEAR_HELPTEXT :Play sound at the end of a year summarizing the company's performance during the year compared to the previous year + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOUND_CONFIRM :Construction: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOUND_CONFIRM_HELPTEXT :Play sound on successful constructions or other actions + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOUND_CLICK :Button clicks: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOUND_CLICK_HELPTEXT :Beep when clicking buttons + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOUND_DISASTER :Disasters/accidents: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOUND_DISASTER_HELPTEXT :Play sound effects of accidents and disasters + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOUND_VEHICLE :Vehicles: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOUND_VEHICLE_HELPTEXT :Play sound effects of vehicles + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOUND_AMBIENT :Ambient: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOUND_AMBIENT_HELPTEXT :Play ambient sounds of landscape, industries and towns STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAX_TRAINS :Maximum number of trains per company: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAX_TRAINS_HELPTEXT :Maximum number of trains that a company can have + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAX_ROAD_VEHICLES :Maximum number of road vehicles per company: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAX_ROAD_VEHICLES_HELPTEXT :Maximum number of road vehicles that a company can have + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAX_AIRCRAFT :Maximum number of aircraft per company: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAX_AIRCRAFT_HELPTEXT :Maximum number of aircraft that a company can have + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAX_SHIPS :Maximum number of ships per company: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAX_SHIPS_HELPTEXT :Maximum number of ships that a company can have STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_BUILDS_TRAINS :Disable trains for computer: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_BUILDS_TRAINS_HELPTEXT :Enabling this setting makes building trains impossible for a computer player + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_BUILDS_ROAD_VEHICLES :Disable road vehicles for computer: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_BUILDS_ROAD_VEHICLES_HELPTEXT :Enabling this setting makes building road vehicles impossible for a computer player + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_BUILDS_AIRCRAFT :Disable aircraft for computer: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_BUILDS_AIRCRAFT_HELPTEXT :Enabling this setting makes building aircraft impossible for a computer player + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_BUILDS_SHIPS :Disable ships for computer: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_BUILDS_SHIPS_HELPTEXT :Enabling this setting makes building ships impossible for a computer player STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_PROFILE :Default settings profile: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_PROFILE_HELPTEXT :Choose which settings profile to use for random AIs or for initial values when adding a new AI or Game Script +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_PROFILE_EASY :Easy STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_PROFILE_MEDIUM :Medium STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_PROFILE_HARD :Hard STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_IN_MULTIPLAYER :Allow AIs in multiplayer: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_IN_MULTIPLAYER_HELPTEXT :Allow AI computer players to participate in multiplayer games + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCRIPT_MAX_OPCODES :#opcodes before scripts are suspended: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCRIPT_MAX_OPCODES_HELPTEXT :Maximum number of computation steps that a script can take in one turn STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCRIPT_MAX_MEMORY :Max memory usage per script: {STRING} @@ -1551,54 +1708,73 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SCRIPT_MAX_MEMORY_VAL STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVINT_ISPERCENT :Maintenance intervals are in percents: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVINT_ISPERCENT_HELPTEXT :Choose whether maintenance of vehicles is triggered by the time passed since last maintenance or by reliability dropping by a certain percentage of the maximum reliability + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVINT_TRAINS :Default maintenance interval for trains: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVINT_TRAINS_HELPTEXT :Set the default maintenance interval for new rail vehicles, if no explicit maintenance interval is set for the vehicle -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVINT_VALUE :{COMMA}{NBSP}day{P 0 "" s}/% -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVINT_DISABLED :Disabled STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVINT_ROAD_VEHICLES :Default maintenance interval for road vehicles: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVINT_ROAD_VEHICLES_HELPTEXT :Set the default maintenance interval for new road vehicles, if no explicit maintenance interval is set for the vehicle STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVINT_AIRCRAFT :Default maintenance interval for aircraft: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVINT_AIRCRAFT_HELPTEXT :Set the default maintenance interval for new aircraft, if no explicit maintenance interval is set for the vehicle STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVINT_SHIPS :Default maintenance interval for ships: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVINT_SHIPS_HELPTEXT :Set the default maintenance interval for new ships, if no explicit maintenance interval is set for the vehicle +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVINT_VALUE :{COMMA}{NBSP}day{P 0 "" s}/% +###setting-zero-is-special +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SERVINT_DISABLED :Disabled + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NOSERVICE :Disable maintenance when breakdowns are set to none: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NOSERVICE_HELPTEXT :When enabled, vehicles do not get maintained if they cannot break down + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_WAGONSPEEDLIMITS :Enable railroad car speed limits: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_WAGONSPEEDLIMITS_HELPTEXT :When enabled, also use speed limits of wagons for deciding the maximum speed of a train + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISABLE_ELRAILS :Disable electric rails: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISABLE_ELRAILS_HELPTEXT :Enabling this setting disables the requirement to electrify tracks to make electric engines run on them STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_ARRIVAL_FIRST_VEHICLE_OWN :Arrival of first vehicle at player's station: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_ARRIVAL_FIRST_VEHICLE_OWN_HELPTEXT :Display a newspaper when the first vehicle arrives at a new player's station + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_ARRIVAL_FIRST_VEHICLE_OTHER :Arrival of first vehicle at competitor's station: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_ARRIVAL_FIRST_VEHICLE_OTHER_HELPTEXT :Display a newspaper when the first vehicle arrives at a new competitor's station + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_ACCIDENTS_DISASTERS :Accidents / disasters: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_ACCIDENTS_DISASTERS_HELPTEXT :Display a newspaper when accidents or disasters occur + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_COMPANY_INFORMATION :Company information: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_COMPANY_INFORMATION_HELPTEXT :Display a newspaper when a new company starts, or when companies are at risk of going bankrupt + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_INDUSTRY_OPEN :Opening of industries: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_INDUSTRY_OPEN_HELPTEXT :Display a newspaper when new industries open + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_INDUSTRY_CLOSE :Closing of industries: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_INDUSTRY_CLOSE_HELPTEXT :Display a newspaper when industries close down + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_ECONOMY_CHANGES :Economy changes: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_ECONOMY_CHANGES_HELPTEXT :Display a newspaper about global changes to economy + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_INDUSTRY_CHANGES_COMPANY :Production changes of industries served by the company: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_INDUSTRY_CHANGES_COMPANY_HELPTEXT :Display a newspaper when the production level of industries change, which are served by the company + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_INDUSTRY_CHANGES_OTHER :Production changes of industries served by competitor(s): {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_INDUSTRY_CHANGES_OTHER_HELPTEXT :Display a newspaper when the production level of industries change, which are served by the competitors + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_INDUSTRY_CHANGES_UNSERVED :Other industry production changes: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_INDUSTRY_CHANGES_UNSERVED_HELPTEXT :Display a newspaper when the production level of industries change, which are not served by the company or competitors + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_ADVICE :Advice / information on company's vehicles: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_ADVICE_HELPTEXT :Display messages about vehicles needing attention + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_NEW_VEHICLES :New vehicles: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_NEW_VEHICLES_HELPTEXT :Display a newspaper when a new vehicle type becomes available + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_CHANGES_ACCEPTANCE :Changes of cargo acceptance: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_CHANGES_ACCEPTANCE_HELPTEXT :Display messages about stations changing acceptance of some cargos + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_SUBSIDIES :Subsidies: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_SUBSIDIES_HELPTEXT :Display a newspaper about subsidy related events + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_GENERAL_INFORMATION :General information: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_GENERAL_INFORMATION_HELPTEXT :Display newspaper about general events, such as purchase of exclusive rights or funding of road reconstruction - +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_MESSAGES_OFF :Off STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_MESSAGES_SUMMARY :Summary STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_MESSAGES_FULL :Full @@ -1606,66 +1782,79 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEWS_MESSAGES_FULL STR_CONFIG_SETTING_COLOURED_NEWS_YEAR :Colored news appears in: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_COLOURED_NEWS_YEAR_HELPTEXT :Year that the newspaper announcements get printed in color. Before this year, it uses monochrome black/white STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STARTING_YEAR :Starting year: {STRING} + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ENDING_YEAR :Scoring end year: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ENDING_YEAR_HELPTEXT :Year the game ends for scoring purposes. At the end of this year, the company's score is recorded and the high-score screen is displayed, but the players can continue playing after that.{}If this is before the starting year, the high-score screen is never displayed. STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ENDING_YEAR_VALUE :{NUM} +###setting-zero-is-special STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ENDING_YEAR_ZERO :Never + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ECONOMY_TYPE :Economy type: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ECONOMY_TYPE_HELPTEXT :Smooth economy makes production changes more often, and in smaller steps. Frozen economy stops production changes and industry closures. This setting may have no effect if industry types are provided by a NewGRF. +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ECONOMY_TYPE_ORIGINAL :Original STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ECONOMY_TYPE_SMOOTH :Smooth STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ECONOMY_TYPE_FROZEN :Frozen + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_SHARES :Allow buying shares from other companies: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_SHARES_HELPTEXT :When enabled, allow buying and selling of company shares. Shares will only be available for companies reaching a certain age + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MIN_YEARS_FOR_SHARES :Minimum company age to trade shares: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MIN_YEARS_FOR_SHARES_HELPTEXT :Set the minimum age of a company for others to be able to buy and sell shares from them. + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_FEEDER_PAYMENT_SHARE :Percentage of leg profit to pay in feeder systems: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_FEEDER_PAYMENT_SHARE_HELPTEXT :Percentage of income given to the intermediate legs in feeder systems, giving more control over the income + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DRAG_SIGNALS_DENSITY :When dragging, place signals every: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DRAG_SIGNALS_DENSITY_HELPTEXT :Set the distance at which signals will be built on a track up to the next obstacle (signal, junction), if signals are dragged STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DRAG_SIGNALS_DENSITY_VALUE :{COMMA} tile{P 0 "" s} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DRAG_SIGNALS_FIXED_DISTANCE :When dragging, keep fixed distance between signals: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DRAG_SIGNALS_FIXED_DISTANCE_HELPTEXT :Select the behavior of signal placement when Ctrl+dragging signals. If disabled, signals are placed around tunnels or bridges to avoid long stretches without signals. If enabled, signals are placed every n tiles, making alignment of signals at parallel tracks easier + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SEMAPHORE_BUILD_BEFORE_DATE :Automatically build semaphores before: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SEMAPHORE_BUILD_BEFORE_DATE_HELPTEXT :Set the year when electric signals will be used for tracks. Before this year, non-electric signals will be used (which have the exact same function, but different looks) -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ENABLE_SIGNAL_GUI :Enable the signal GUI: {STRING} -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ENABLE_SIGNAL_GUI_HELPTEXT :Display a window for choosing signal types to build, instead of only window-less signal-type rotation with Ctrl+clicking on built signals -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEFAULT_SIGNAL_TYPE :Signal type to build by default: {STRING} -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEFAULT_SIGNAL_TYPE_HELPTEXT :Default signal type to use -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEFAULT_SIGNAL_NORMAL :Block signals -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEFAULT_SIGNAL_PBS :Path signals -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEFAULT_SIGNAL_PBSOWAY :One-way path signals + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CYCLE_SIGNAL_TYPES :Cycle through signal types: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CYCLE_SIGNAL_TYPES_HELPTEXT :Select which signal types to cycle through, when Ctrl+clicking on a build signal with the signal tool -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CYCLE_SIGNAL_NORMAL :Block signals only +###length 2 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CYCLE_SIGNAL_PBS :Path signals only STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CYCLE_SIGNAL_ALL :All +###length 2 + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_LAYOUT :Road layout for new towns: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_LAYOUT_HELPTEXT :Layout for the road network of towns +###length 5 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_LAYOUT_DEFAULT :Original STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_LAYOUT_BETTER_ROADS :Better roads STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_LAYOUT_2X2_GRID :2x2 grid STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_LAYOUT_3X3_GRID :3x3 grid STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_LAYOUT_RANDOM :Random + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_TOWN_ROADS :Towns are allowed to build roads: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_TOWN_ROADS_HELPTEXT :Allow towns to build roads for growth. Disable to prevent town authorities from building roads themselves STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_TOWN_LEVEL_CROSSINGS :Towns are allowed to build grade crossings: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_TOWN_LEVEL_CROSSINGS_HELPTEXT :Enabling this setting allows towns to build grade crossings + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NOISE_LEVEL :Allow town controlled noise level for airports: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NOISE_LEVEL_HELPTEXT :With this setting disabled, there can be two airports in each town. With this setting enabled, the number of airports in a town is limited by the noise acceptance of the town, which depends on population and airport size and distance + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_FOUNDING :Founding towns in game: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_FOUNDING_HELPTEXT :Enabling this setting allows players to found new towns in the game +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_FOUNDING_FORBIDDEN :Forbidden STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_FOUNDING_ALLOWED :Allowed STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_FOUNDING_ALLOWED_CUSTOM_LAYOUT :Allowed, custom town layout + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_CARGOGENMODE :Town cargo generation: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_CARGOGENMODE_HELPTEXT :How much cargo is produced by houses in towns, relative to the overall population of the town.{}Quadratic growth: A town twice the size generates four times as many passengers.{}Linear growth: A town twice the size generates twice the amount of passengers. +###length 2 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_CARGOGENMODE_ORIGINAL :Quadratic (original) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_CARGOGENMODE_BITCOUNT :Linear STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EXTRA_TREE_PLACEMENT :In-game placement of trees: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EXTRA_TREE_PLACEMENT_HELPTEXT :Control random appearance of trees during the game. This might affect industries which rely on tree growth, for example lumber mills +###length 4 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EXTRA_TREE_PLACEMENT_NO_SPREAD :Grow but don't spread {RED}(breaks lumber mill) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EXTRA_TREE_PLACEMENT_SPREAD_RAINFOREST :Grow but only spread in rain forests STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EXTRA_TREE_PLACEMENT_SPREAD_ALL :Grow and spread everywhere @@ -1678,36 +1867,46 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STATUSBAR_POS_HELPTEX STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SNAP_RADIUS :Window snap radius: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SNAP_RADIUS_HELPTEXT :Distance between windows before the window being moved is automatically aligned to nearby windows STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SNAP_RADIUS_VALUE :{COMMA} pixel{P 0 "" s} +###setting-zero-is-special STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SNAP_RADIUS_DISABLED :Disabled STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOFT_LIMIT :Maximum number of non-sticky windows: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOFT_LIMIT_HELPTEXT :Number of non-sticky open windows before old windows get automatically closed to make room for new windows STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOFT_LIMIT_VALUE :{COMMA} +###setting-zero-is-special STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOFT_LIMIT_DISABLED :disabled + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ZOOM_MIN :Maximum zoom in level: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ZOOM_MIN_HELPTEXT :The maximum zoom-in level for viewports. Note that enabling higher zoom-in levels increases memory requirements STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ZOOM_MAX :Maximum zoom out level: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ZOOM_MAX_HELPTEXT :The maximum zoom-out level for viewports. Higher zoom-out levels might cause lag when used -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SPRITE_ZOOM_MIN :Highest resolution sprites to use: {STRING} -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SPRITE_ZOOM_MIN_HELPTEXT :Limit the maximum resolution to use for sprites. Limiting sprite resolution will avoid using high resolution graphics even when available. This can help keep the game appearance unified when using a mix of GRF files with and without high resolution graphics. +###length 6 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ZOOM_LVL_MIN :4x STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ZOOM_LVL_IN_2X :2x STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL :Normal STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ZOOM_LVL_OUT_2X :2x STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ZOOM_LVL_OUT_4X :4x STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ZOOM_LVL_OUT_8X :8x + +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SPRITE_ZOOM_MIN :Highest resolution sprites to use: {STRING} +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SPRITE_ZOOM_MIN_HELPTEXT :Limit the maximum resolution to use for sprites. Limiting sprite resolution will avoid using high resolution graphics even when available. This can help keep the game appearance unified when using a mix of GRF files with and without high resolution graphics. +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SPRITE_ZOOM_LVL_MIN :4x STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SPRITE_ZOOM_LVL_IN_2X :2x STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SPRITE_ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL :1x + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_GROWTH :Town growth speed: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_GROWTH_HELPTEXT :Speed of town growth +###length 5 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_GROWTH_NONE :None STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_GROWTH_SLOW :Slow STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_GROWTH_NORMAL :Normal STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_GROWTH_FAST :Fast STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_GROWTH_VERY_FAST :Very fast + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LARGER_TOWNS :Proportion of towns that will become cities: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LARGER_TOWNS_HELPTEXT :Amount of towns which will become a city, thus a town which starts out larger and grows faster STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LARGER_TOWNS_VALUE :1 in {COMMA} +###setting-zero-is-special STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LARGER_TOWNS_DISABLED :None STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CITY_SIZE_MULTIPLIER :Initial city size multiplier: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CITY_SIZE_MULTIPLIER_HELPTEXT :Average size of cities relative to normal towns at start of the game @@ -1716,9 +1915,7 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH_INTERVAL STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH_INTERVAL_HELPTEXT :Time between subsequent recalculations of the link graph. Each recalculation calculates the plans for one component of the graph. That means that a value X for this setting does not mean the whole graph will be updated every X days. Only some component will. The shorter you set it the more CPU time will be necessary to calculate it. The longer you set it the longer it will take until the cargo distribution starts on new routes. STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH_TIME :Take {STRING}{NBSP}day{P 0:2 "" s} for recalculation of distribution graph STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH_TIME_HELPTEXT :Time taken for each recalculation of a link graph component. When a recalculation is started, a thread is spawned which is allowed to run for this number of days. The shorter you set this the more likely it is that the thread is not finished when it's supposed to. Then the game stops until it is ("lag"). The longer you set it the longer it takes for the distribution to be updated when routes change. -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_MANUAL :manual -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_ASYMMETRIC :asymmetric -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_SYMMETRIC :symmetric + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_PAX :Distribution mode for passengers: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_PAX_HELPTEXT :"symmetric" means that roughly the same number of passengers will go from a station A to a station B as from B to A. "asymmetric" means that arbitrary numbers of passengers can go in either direction. "manual" means that no automatic distribution will take place for passengers. STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_MAIL :Distribution mode for mail: {STRING} @@ -1727,17 +1924,25 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_ARMOURED STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_ARMOURED_HELPTEXT :The ARMORED cargo class contains valuables in the temperate, diamonds in the subtropical, or gold in the subarctic climate. NewGRFs may change that. "symmetric" means that roughly the same amount of that cargo will be sent from a station A to a station B as from B to A. "asymmetric" means that arbitrary amounts of that cargo can be sent in either direction. "manual" means that no automatic distribution will take place for that cargo. It is recommended to set this to asymmetric or manual when playing subarctic, as banks won't send any gold back to gold mines. For temperate and subtropical you can also choose symmetric as banks will send valuables back to the origin bank of some load of valuables. STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_DEFAULT :Distribution mode for other cargo classes: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_DEFAULT_HELPTEXT :"asymmetric" means that arbitrary amounts of cargo can be sent in either direction. "manual" means that no automatic distribution will take place for those cargos. +###length 3 +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_MANUAL :manual +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_ASYMMETRIC :asymmetric +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_SYMMETRIC :symmetric + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH_ACCURACY :Distribution accuracy: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH_ACCURACY_HELPTEXT :The higher you set this the more CPU time the calculation of the link graph will take. If it takes too long you may notice lag. If you set it to a low value, however, the distribution will be inaccurate, and you may notice cargo not being sent to the places you expect it to go. + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_DISTANCE :Effect of distance on demands: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_DISTANCE_HELPTEXT :If you set this to a value higher than 0, the distance between the origin station A of some cargo and a possible destination B will have an effect on the amount of cargo sent from A to B. The further away B is from A the less cargo will be sent. The higher you set it, the less cargo will be sent to far away stations and the more cargo will be sent to near stations. STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_SIZE :Amount of returning cargo for symmetric mode: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_SIZE_HELPTEXT :Setting this to less than 100% makes the symmetric distribution behave more like the asymmetric one. Less cargo will be forcibly sent back if a certain amount is sent to a station. If you set it to 0% the symmetric distribution behaves just like the asymmetric one. + STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHORT_PATH_SATURATION :Saturation of short paths before using high-capacity paths: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHORT_PATH_SATURATION_HELPTEXT :Frequently there are multiple paths between two given stations. Cargodist will saturate the shortest path first, then use the second shortest path until that is saturated and so on. Saturation is determined by an estimation of capacity and planned usage. Once it has saturated all paths, if there is still demand left, it will overload all paths, preferring the ones with high capacity. Most of the time the algorithm will not estimate the capacity accurately, though. This setting allows you to specify up to which percentage a shorter path must be saturated in the first pass before choosing the next longer one. Set it to less than 100% to avoid overcrowded stations in case of overestimated capacity. STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_VELOCITY :Speed units: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_VELOCITY_HELPTEXT :Whenever a speed is shown in the user interface, show it in the selected units +###length 4 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_VELOCITY_IMPERIAL :Imperial (mph) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_VELOCITY_METRIC :Metric (km/h) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_VELOCITY_SI :SI (m/s) @@ -1745,30 +1950,35 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_VE STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_POWER :Vehicle power units: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_POWER_HELPTEXT :Whenever a vehicle's power is shown in the user interface, show it in the selected units +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_POWER_IMPERIAL :Imperial (hp) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_POWER_METRIC :Metric (hp) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_POWER_SI :SI (kW) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_WEIGHT :Weights units: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_WEIGHT_HELPTEXT :Whenever a weight is shown in the user interface, show it in the selected units +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_WEIGHT_IMPERIAL :Imperial (short t/ton) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_WEIGHT_METRIC :Metric (t/tonne) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_WEIGHT_SI :SI (kg) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_VOLUME :Volumes units: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_VOLUME_HELPTEXT :Whenever a volume is shown in the user interface, show it in the selected units +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_VOLUME_IMPERIAL :Imperial (gal) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_VOLUME_METRIC :Metric (l) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_VOLUME_SI :SI (m³) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_FORCE :Tractive effort units: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_FORCE_HELPTEXT :Whenever a tractive effort (also known as tractive force) is shown in the user interface, show it in the selected units +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_FORCE_IMPERIAL :Imperial (lbf) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :Metric (kgf) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_FORCE_SI :SI (kN) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_HEIGHT :Heights units: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_HEIGHT_HELPTEXT :Whenever a height is shown in the user interface, show it in the selected units +###length 3 STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_HEIGHT_IMPERIAL :Imperial (ft) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_HEIGHT_METRIC :Metric (m) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_HEIGHT_SI :SI (m) @@ -1798,9 +2008,6 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_NPC :{ORANGE}Computer players STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NETWORK :{ORANGE}Network -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PATHFINDER_NPF :NPF -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PATHFINDER_YAPF_RECOMMENDED :YAPF {BLUE}(Recommended) - STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PATHFINDER_FOR_TRAINS :Pathfinder for trains: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PATHFINDER_FOR_TRAINS_HELPTEXT :Path finder to use for trains STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PATHFINDER_FOR_ROAD_VEHICLES :Pathfinder for road vehicles: {STRING} @@ -1809,6 +2016,9 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PATHFINDER_FOR_SHIPS STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PATHFINDER_FOR_SHIPS_HELPTEXT :Path finder to use for ships STR_CONFIG_SETTING_REVERSE_AT_SIGNALS :Automatic reversing at signals: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_REVERSE_AT_SIGNALS_HELPTEXT :Allow trains to reverse on a signal, if they waited there a long time +###length 2 +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PATHFINDER_NPF :NPF +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_PATHFINDER_YAPF_RECOMMENDED :YAPF {BLUE}(Recommended) STR_CONFIG_SETTING_QUERY_CAPTION :{WHITE}Change setting value @@ -1899,13 +2109,15 @@ STR_CHEAT_CROSSINGTUNNELS STR_CHEAT_NO_JETCRASH :{LTBLUE}Jetplanes will not crash (frequently) on small airports: {ORANGE}{STRING} STR_CHEAT_EDIT_MAX_HL :{LTBLUE}Edit the maximum map height: {ORANGE}{NUM} STR_CHEAT_EDIT_MAX_HL_QUERY_CAPT :{WHITE}Edit the maximum height of mountains on the map +STR_CHEAT_CHANGE_DATE :{LTBLUE}Change date: {ORANGE}{DATE_SHORT} +STR_CHEAT_CHANGE_DATE_QUERY_CAPT :{WHITE}Change current year +STR_CHEAT_SETUP_PROD :{LTBLUE}Enable modifying production values: {ORANGE}{STRING} + +###length 4 STR_CHEAT_SWITCH_CLIMATE_TEMPERATE_LANDSCAPE :Temperate landscape STR_CHEAT_SWITCH_CLIMATE_SUB_ARCTIC_LANDSCAPE :Sub-arctic landscape STR_CHEAT_SWITCH_CLIMATE_SUB_TROPICAL_LANDSCAPE :Sub-tropical landscape STR_CHEAT_SWITCH_CLIMATE_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :Toyland landscape -STR_CHEAT_CHANGE_DATE :{LTBLUE}Change date: {ORANGE}{DATE_SHORT} -STR_CHEAT_CHANGE_DATE_QUERY_CAPT :{WHITE}Change current year -STR_CHEAT_SETUP_PROD :{LTBLUE}Enable modifying production values: {ORANGE}{STRING} # Livery window STR_LIVERY_CAPTION :{WHITE}{COMPANY} - Color Scheme @@ -1919,6 +2131,7 @@ STR_LIVERY_PRIMARY_TOOLTIP STR_LIVERY_SECONDARY_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Choose the secondary color for the selected scheme. Ctrl+Click will set this color for every scheme STR_LIVERY_PANEL_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Select a color scheme to change, or multiple schemes with Ctrl+Click. Click on the box to toggle use of the scheme +###length 23 STR_LIVERY_DEFAULT :Standard Livery STR_LIVERY_STEAM :Steam Engine STR_LIVERY_DIESEL :Diesel Engine @@ -2001,11 +2214,11 @@ STR_FACE_TIE STR_FACE_EARRING :Earring: STR_FACE_TIE_EARRING_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Change tie or earring -############ Next lines match ServerGameType +# Matches ServerGameType +###length 3 STR_NETWORK_SERVER_VISIBILITY_LOCAL :Local STR_NETWORK_SERVER_VISIBILITY_PUBLIC :Public STR_NETWORK_SERVER_VISIBILITY_INVITE_ONLY :Invite only -############ End of leave-in-this-order # Network server list STR_NETWORK_SERVER_LIST_CAPTION :{WHITE}Multiplayer @@ -2085,20 +2298,19 @@ STR_NETWORK_START_SERVER_NEW_GAME_NAME_O # Network connecting window STR_NETWORK_CONNECTING_CAPTION :{WHITE}Connecting... -############ Leave those lines in this order!! +STR_NETWORK_CONNECTING_WAITING :{BLACK}{NUM} client{P "" s} in front of you +STR_NETWORK_CONNECTING_DOWNLOADING_1 :{BLACK}{BYTES} downloaded so far +STR_NETWORK_CONNECTING_DOWNLOADING_2 :{BLACK}{BYTES} / {BYTES} downloaded so far + +###length 8 STR_NETWORK_CONNECTING_1 :{BLACK}(1/6) Connecting... STR_NETWORK_CONNECTING_2 :{BLACK}(2/6) Authorizing... STR_NETWORK_CONNECTING_3 :{BLACK}(3/6) Waiting... STR_NETWORK_CONNECTING_4 :{BLACK}(4/6) Downloading map... STR_NETWORK_CONNECTING_5 :{BLACK}(5/6) Processing data... STR_NETWORK_CONNECTING_6 :{BLACK}(6/6) Registering... - STR_NETWORK_CONNECTING_SPECIAL_1 :{BLACK}Fetching game info... STR_NETWORK_CONNECTING_SPECIAL_2 :{BLACK}Fetching company info... -############ End of leave-in-this-order -STR_NETWORK_CONNECTING_WAITING :{BLACK}{NUM} client{P "" s} in front of you -STR_NETWORK_CONNECTING_DOWNLOADING_1 :{BLACK}{BYTES} downloaded so far -STR_NETWORK_CONNECTING_DOWNLOADING_2 :{BLACK}{BYTES} / {BYTES} downloaded so far STR_NETWORK_CONNECTION_DISCONNECT :{BLACK}Disconnect @@ -2139,13 +2351,13 @@ STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_PLAYER_ICON_SELF STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_PLAYER_ICON_HOST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}This is the host of the game STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_CLIENT_COMPANY_COUNT :{BLACK}{NUM} client{P "" s} / {NUM} compan{P y ies} -############ Begin of ConnectionType +# Matches ConnectionType +###length 5 STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_SERVER_CONNECTION_TYPE_UNKNOWN :{BLACK}Local STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_SERVER_CONNECTION_TYPE_ISOLATED :{RED}Remote players can't connect STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_SERVER_CONNECTION_TYPE_DIRECT :{BLACK}Public STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_SERVER_CONNECTION_TYPE_STUN :{BLACK}Behind NAT STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_SERVER_CONNECTION_TYPE_TURN :{BLACK}Via relay -############ End of ConnectionType STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_ADMIN_CLIENT_KICK :Kick STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_ADMIN_CLIENT_BAN :Ban @@ -2218,7 +2430,10 @@ STR_NETWORK_ERROR_TIMEOUT_MAP STR_NETWORK_ERROR_TIMEOUT_JOIN :{WHITE}Your computer took too long to join the server STR_NETWORK_ERROR_INVALID_CLIENT_NAME :{WHITE}Your player name is not valid -############ Leave those lines in this order!! +STR_NETWORK_ERROR_CLIENT_GUI_LOST_CONNECTION_CAPTION :{WHITE}Possible connection loss +STR_NETWORK_ERROR_CLIENT_GUI_LOST_CONNECTION :{WHITE}The last {NUM} second{P "" s} no data has arrived from the server + +###length 21 STR_NETWORK_ERROR_CLIENT_GENERAL :general error STR_NETWORK_ERROR_CLIENT_DESYNC :desync error STR_NETWORK_ERROR_CLIENT_SAVEGAME :could not load map @@ -2240,14 +2455,11 @@ STR_NETWORK_ERROR_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_COMPUTE STR_NETWORK_ERROR_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_MAP :downloading map took too long STR_NETWORK_ERROR_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_JOIN :processing map took too long STR_NETWORK_ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_CLIENT_NAME :invalid client name -############ End of leave-in-this-order - -STR_NETWORK_ERROR_CLIENT_GUI_LOST_CONNECTION_CAPTION :{WHITE}Possible connection loss -STR_NETWORK_ERROR_CLIENT_GUI_LOST_CONNECTION :{WHITE}The last {NUM} second{P "" s} no data has arrived from the server # Network related errors STR_NETWORK_SERVER_MESSAGE :*** {1:STRING} -############ Leave those lines in this order!! + +###length 12 STR_NETWORK_SERVER_MESSAGE_GAME_PAUSED :Game paused ({STRING}) STR_NETWORK_SERVER_MESSAGE_GAME_STILL_PAUSED_1 :Game still paused ({STRING}) STR_NETWORK_SERVER_MESSAGE_GAME_STILL_PAUSED_2 :Game still paused ({STRING}, {STRING}) @@ -2260,7 +2472,7 @@ STR_NETWORK_SERVER_MESSAGE_GAME_REASON_C STR_NETWORK_SERVER_MESSAGE_GAME_REASON_MANUAL :manual STR_NETWORK_SERVER_MESSAGE_GAME_REASON_GAME_SCRIPT :game script STR_NETWORK_SERVER_MESSAGE_GAME_REASON_LINK_GRAPH :waiting for link graph update -############ End of leave-in-this-order + STR_NETWORK_MESSAGE_CLIENT_LEAVING :leaving STR_NETWORK_MESSAGE_CLIENT_JOINED :*** {STRING} has joined the game STR_NETWORK_MESSAGE_CLIENT_JOINED_ID :*** {STRING} has joined the game (Client #{2:NUM}) @@ -2303,11 +2515,14 @@ STR_CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_CAPTION STR_CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_CAPTION_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Start downloading the selected content STR_CONTENT_TOTAL_DOWNLOAD_SIZE :{SILVER}Total download size: {WHITE}{BYTES} STR_CONTENT_DETAIL_TITLE :{SILVER}CONTENT INFO + +###length 5 STR_CONTENT_DETAIL_SUBTITLE_UNSELECTED :{SILVER}You have not selected this to be downloaded STR_CONTENT_DETAIL_SUBTITLE_SELECTED :{SILVER}You have selected this to be downloaded STR_CONTENT_DETAIL_SUBTITLE_AUTOSELECTED :{SILVER}This dependency has been selected to be downloaded STR_CONTENT_DETAIL_SUBTITLE_ALREADY_HERE :{SILVER}You already have this STR_CONTENT_DETAIL_SUBTITLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST :{SILVER}This content is unknown and can't be downloaded in OpenTTD + STR_CONTENT_DETAIL_UPDATE :{SILVER}This is a replacement for an existing {STRING} STR_CONTENT_DETAIL_NAME :{SILVER}Name: {WHITE}{STRING} STR_CONTENT_DETAIL_VERSION :{SILVER}Version: {WHITE}{STRING} @@ -2828,7 +3043,8 @@ STR_FRAMERATE_FPS_BAD STR_FRAMERATE_BYTES_GOOD :{LTBLUE}{BYTES} STR_FRAMERATE_GRAPH_MILLISECONDS :{TINY_FONT}{COMMA} ms STR_FRAMERATE_GRAPH_SECONDS :{TINY_FONT}{COMMA} s -############ Leave those lines in this order!! + +###length 15 STR_FRAMERATE_GAMELOOP :{BLACK}Game loop total: STR_FRAMERATE_GL_ECONOMY :{BLACK} Cargo handling: STR_FRAMERATE_GL_TRAINS :{BLACK} Train ticks: @@ -2844,8 +3060,8 @@ STR_FRAMERATE_SOUND STR_FRAMERATE_ALLSCRIPTS :{BLACK} GS/AI total: STR_FRAMERATE_GAMESCRIPT :{BLACK} Game script: STR_FRAMERATE_AI :{BLACK} AI {NUM} {STRING} -############ End of leave-in-this-order -############ Leave those lines in this order!! + +###length 15 STR_FRAMETIME_CAPTION_GAMELOOP :Game loop STR_FRAMETIME_CAPTION_GL_ECONOMY :Cargo handling STR_FRAMETIME_CAPTION_GL_TRAINS :Train ticks @@ -2861,7 +3077,6 @@ STR_FRAMETIME_CAPTION_SOUND STR_FRAMETIME_CAPTION_ALLSCRIPTS :GS/AI scripts total STR_FRAMETIME_CAPTION_GAMESCRIPT :Game script STR_FRAMETIME_CAPTION_AI :AI {NUM} {STRING} -############ End of leave-in-this-order # Save/load game/scenario @@ -3118,6 +3333,7 @@ STR_NEWGRF_UNPAUSE_WARNING # NewGRF status STR_NEWGRF_LIST_NONE :None +###length 3 STR_NEWGRF_LIST_ALL_FOUND :All files present STR_NEWGRF_LIST_COMPATIBLE :{YELLOW}Found compatible files STR_NEWGRF_LIST_MISSING :{RED}Missing files @@ -3210,6 +3426,7 @@ STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTIONS_TOOLTIP STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_DO_IT_BUTTON :{BLACK}Do it STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_DO_IT_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Carry out the highlighted action in the list above +###length 8 STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_SMALL_ADVERTISING_CAMPAIGN :Small advertising campaign STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_MEDIUM_ADVERTISING_CAMPAIGN :Medium advertising campaign STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_LARGE_ADVERTISING_CAMPAIGN :Large advertising campaign @@ -3219,6 +3436,7 @@ STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_NEW_BUILDINGS STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_EXCLUSIVE_TRANSPORT :Buy exclusive transport rights STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_BRIBE :Bribe the local authority +###length 8 STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_SMALL_ADVERTISING :{YELLOW}Initiate a small local advertising campaign, to attract more passengers and cargo to your transport services.{}Provides a temporary boost to station rating in a small radius around the town center.{}Cost: {CURRENCY_LONG} STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_MEDIUM_ADVERTISING :{YELLOW}Initiate a medium local advertising campaign, to attract more passengers and cargo to your transport services.{}Provides a temporary boost to station rating in a medium radius around the town center.{}Cost: {CURRENCY_LONG} STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_LARGE_ADVERTISING :{YELLOW}Initiate a large local advertising campaign, to attract more passengers and cargo to your transport services.{}Provides a temporary boost to station rating in a large radius around the town center.{}Cost: {CURRENCY_LONG} @@ -3248,7 +3466,8 @@ STR_GOAL_QUESTION_CAPTION_INFORMATION STR_GOAL_QUESTION_CAPTION_WARNING :{BLACK}Warning STR_GOAL_QUESTION_CAPTION_ERROR :{YELLOW}Error -############ Start of Goal Question button list +# Goal Question button list +###length 18 STR_GOAL_QUESTION_BUTTON_CANCEL :Cancel STR_GOAL_QUESTION_BUTTON_OK :OK STR_GOAL_QUESTION_BUTTON_NO :No @@ -3267,7 +3486,6 @@ STR_GOAL_QUESTION_BUTTON_RESTART STR_GOAL_QUESTION_BUTTON_POSTPONE :Postpone STR_GOAL_QUESTION_BUTTON_SURRENDER :Surrender STR_GOAL_QUESTION_BUTTON_CLOSE :Close -############ End of Goal Question button list # Subsidies window STR_SUBSIDIES_CAPTION :{WHITE}Subsidies @@ -3342,7 +3560,7 @@ STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_V_D_S STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_D_S_V :Destination-Source-Via STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_D_V_S :Destination-Via-Source -############ range for rating starts +###length 8 STR_CARGO_RATING_APPALLING :Atrocious STR_CARGO_RATING_VERY_POOR :Very Poor STR_CARGO_RATING_POOR :Poor @@ -3351,7 +3569,6 @@ STR_CARGO_RATING_GOOD STR_CARGO_RATING_VERY_GOOD :Very Good STR_CARGO_RATING_EXCELLENT :Excellent STR_CARGO_RATING_OUTSTANDING :Outstanding -############ range for rating ends STR_STATION_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Center main view on station location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on station location STR_STATION_VIEW_RENAME_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Change name of station @@ -3379,6 +3596,8 @@ STR_EDIT_WAYPOINT_NAME STR_FINANCES_CAPTION :{WHITE}{COMPANY} Finances {BLACK}{COMPANY_NUM} STR_FINANCES_EXPENDITURE_INCOME_TITLE :{WHITE}Expenditure/Income STR_FINANCES_YEAR :{WHITE}{NUM} + +###length 13 STR_FINANCES_SECTION_CONSTRUCTION :{GOLD}Construction STR_FINANCES_SECTION_NEW_VEHICLES :{GOLD}New Vehicles STR_FINANCES_SECTION_TRAIN_RUNNING_COSTS :{GOLD}Train Running Costs @@ -3392,6 +3611,7 @@ STR_FINANCES_SECTION_AIRCRAFT_INCOME STR_FINANCES_SECTION_SHIP_INCOME :{GOLD}Ship Income STR_FINANCES_SECTION_LOAN_INTEREST :{GOLD}Loan Interest STR_FINANCES_SECTION_OTHER :{GOLD}Other + STR_FINANCES_NEGATIVE_INCOME :{BLACK}-{CURRENCY_LONG} STR_FINANCES_POSITIVE_INCOME :{BLACK}+{CURRENCY_LONG} STR_FINANCES_TOTAL_CAPTION :{WHITE}Total: @@ -3506,28 +3726,29 @@ STR_CONFIG_GAME_PRODUCTION STR_CONFIG_GAME_PRODUCTION_LEVEL :{WHITE}Change production level (percentage, up to 800%) # Vehicle lists +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_VEHICLE_LIST_TRAIN_CAPTION :{WHITE}{STRING} - {COMMA} Train{P "" s} STR_VEHICLE_LIST_ROAD_VEHICLE_CAPTION :{WHITE}{STRING} - {COMMA} Road Vehicle{P "" s} STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SHIP_CAPTION :{WHITE}{STRING} - {COMMA} Ship{P "" s} STR_VEHICLE_LIST_AIRCRAFT_CAPTION :{WHITE}{STRING} - {COMMA} Aircraft +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_VEHICLE_LIST_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Trains - click on train for information STR_VEHICLE_LIST_ROAD_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Road vehicles - click on vehicle for information STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SHIP_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Ships - click on ship for information STR_VEHICLE_LIST_AIRCRAFT_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Aircraft - click on aircraft for information -STR_VEHICLE_LIST_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR_LAST_YEAR :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Profit this year: {CURRENCY_LONG} (last year: {CURRENCY_LONG}) - +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_VEHICLE_LIST_AVAILABLE_TRAINS :Available Trains STR_VEHICLE_LIST_AVAILABLE_ROAD_VEHICLES :Available Road Vehicles STR_VEHICLE_LIST_AVAILABLE_SHIPS :Available Ships STR_VEHICLE_LIST_AVAILABLE_AIRCRAFT :Available Aircraft -STR_VEHICLE_LIST_AVAILABLE_ENGINES_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}See a list of available engine designs for this vehicle type STR_VEHICLE_LIST_MANAGE_LIST :{BLACK}Manage list STR_VEHICLE_LIST_MANAGE_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Send instructions to all vehicles in this list STR_VEHICLE_LIST_REPLACE_VEHICLES :Replace vehicles STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SEND_FOR_SERVICING :Send for Maintenance +STR_VEHICLE_LIST_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR_LAST_YEAR :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Profit this year: {CURRENCY_LONG} (last year: {CURRENCY_LONG}) STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SEND_TRAIN_TO_DEPOT :Send to Depot STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SEND_ROAD_VEHICLE_TO_DEPOT :Send to Depot @@ -3536,15 +3757,18 @@ STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SEND_AIRCRAFT_TO_HANGAR STR_VEHICLE_LIST_MASS_STOP_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Click to stop all vehicles in the list STR_VEHICLE_LIST_MASS_START_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Click to start all the vehicles in the list +STR_VEHICLE_LIST_AVAILABLE_ENGINES_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}See a list of available engine designs for this vehicle type STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SHARED_ORDERS_LIST_CAPTION :{WHITE}Shared orders of {COMMA} Vehicle{P "" s} # Group window +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_GROUP_ALL_TRAINS :All trains STR_GROUP_ALL_ROAD_VEHICLES :All road vehicles STR_GROUP_ALL_SHIPS :All ships STR_GROUP_ALL_AIRCRAFTS :All aircraft +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_GROUP_DEFAULT_TRAINS :Ungrouped trains STR_GROUP_DEFAULT_ROAD_VEHICLES :Ungrouped road vehicles STR_GROUP_DEFAULT_SHIPS :Ungrouped ships @@ -3573,6 +3797,7 @@ STR_GROUP_OCCUPANCY STR_GROUP_OCCUPANCY_VALUE :{NUM}% # Build vehicle window +###length 4 STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_RAIL_CAPTION :New Rail Vehicles STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_ELRAIL_CAPTION :New Electric Rail Vehicles STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_MONORAIL_CAPTION :New Monorail Vehicles @@ -3581,12 +3806,12 @@ STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_MAGLEV_CAPTION STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_CAPTION :New Road Vehicles STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAM_VEHICLE_CAPTION :New Streetcars -############ range for vehicle availability starts +# Vehicle availability +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_ALL_CAPTION :New Rail Vehicles STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_ALL_CAPTION :New Road Vehicles STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_CAPTION :New Ships STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_CAPTION :New Aircraft -############ range for vehicle availability ends STR_PURCHASE_INFO_COST_WEIGHT :{BLACK}Cost: {GOLD}{CURRENCY_LONG}{BLACK} Weight: {GOLD}{WEIGHT_SHORT} STR_PURCHASE_INFO_COST_REFIT_WEIGHT :{BLACK}Cost: {GOLD}{CURRENCY_LONG}{BLACK} (Refit Cost: {GOLD}{CURRENCY_LONG}{BLACK}) Weight: {GOLD}{WEIGHT_SHORT} @@ -3615,56 +3840,67 @@ STR_PURCHASE_INFO_MAX_TE STR_PURCHASE_INFO_AIRCRAFT_RANGE :{BLACK}Range: {GOLD}{COMMA} tiles STR_PURCHASE_INFO_AIRCRAFT_TYPE :{BLACK}Aircraft type: {GOLD}{STRING} +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Train vehicle selection list. Click on vehicle for information. Ctrl+Click to toggle hiding of the vehicle type STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Road vehicle selection list. Click on vehicle for information. Ctrl+Click to toggle hiding of the vehicle type STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Ship selection list. Click on ship for information. Ctrl+Click to toggle hiding of the ship type STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Aircraft selection list. Click on aircraft for information. Ctrl+Click to toggle hiding of the aircraft type +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_BUY_VEHICLE_BUTTON :{BLACK}Buy Vehicle STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_BUY_VEHICLE_BUTTON :{BLACK}Buy Vehicle STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_BUY_VEHICLE_BUTTON :{BLACK}Buy Ship STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_BUY_VEHICLE_BUTTON :{BLACK}Buy Aircraft +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_BUTTON :{BLACK}Buy and Refit Vehicle STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_BUTTON :{BLACK}Buy and Refit Vehicle STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_BUTTON :{BLACK}Buy and Refit Ship STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_BUTTON :{BLACK}Buy and Refit Aircraft +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted train vehicle. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted road vehicle. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted ship. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted aircraft. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted train vehicle. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted road vehicle. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted ship. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted aircraft. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_RENAME_BUTTON :{BLACK}Rename STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_RENAME_BUTTON :{BLACK}Rename STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_RENAME_BUTTON :{BLACK}Rename STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_RENAME_BUTTON :{BLACK}Rename +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_RENAME_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Rename train vehicle type STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_RENAME_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Rename road vehicle type STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_RENAME_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Rename ship type STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_RENAME_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Rename aircraft type +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_HIDE_TOGGLE_BUTTON :{BLACK}Hide STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_HIDE_TOGGLE_BUTTON :{BLACK}Hide STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_HIDE_TOGGLE_BUTTON :{BLACK}Hide STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_HIDE_TOGGLE_BUTTON :{BLACK}Hide +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_SHOW_TOGGLE_BUTTON :{BLACK}Display STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_SHOW_TOGGLE_BUTTON :{BLACK}Display STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_SHOW_TOGGLE_BUTTON :{BLACK}Display STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_SHOW_TOGGLE_BUTTON :{BLACK}Display +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_HIDE_SHOW_TOGGLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Toggle hiding/displaying of the train vehicle type STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_HIDE_SHOW_TOGGLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Toggle hiding/displaying of the road vehicle type STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_HIDE_SHOW_TOGGLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Toggle hiding/displaying of the ship type STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_HIDE_SHOW_TOGGLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Toggle hiding/displaying of the aircraft type +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_QUERY_RENAME_TRAIN_TYPE_CAPTION :{WHITE}Rename train vehicle type STR_QUERY_RENAME_ROAD_VEHICLE_TYPE_CAPTION :{WHITE}Rename road vehicle type STR_QUERY_RENAME_SHIP_TYPE_CAPTION :{WHITE}Rename ship type @@ -3681,68 +3917,79 @@ STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP_CHAIN :{BLACK}{NUM} vehicle{P "" s}{STRING} STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP_CARGO :{}{CARGO_LONG} ({CARGO_SHORT}) +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Trains - drag vehicle with left-click to add/remove from train, right-click for information. Hold Ctrl to make both functions apply to the following chain STR_DEPOT_ROAD_VEHICLE_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Vehicles - right-click on vehicle for information STR_DEPOT_SHIP_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Ships - right-click on ship for information STR_DEPOT_AIRCRAFT_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Aircraft - right-click on aircraft for information +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_SELL_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Drag train vehicle to here to sell it STR_DEPOT_ROAD_VEHICLE_SELL_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Drag road vehicle to here to sell it STR_DEPOT_SHIP_SELL_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Drag ship to here to sell it STR_DEPOT_AIRCRAFT_SELL_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Drag aircraft to here to sell it -STR_DEPOT_DRAG_WHOLE_TRAIN_TO_SELL_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Drag train engine here to sell the whole train - +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_DEPOT_SELL_ALL_BUTTON_TRAIN_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Sell all trains in the depot STR_DEPOT_SELL_ALL_BUTTON_ROAD_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Sell all road vehicles in the depot STR_DEPOT_SELL_ALL_BUTTON_SHIP_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Sell all ships in the depot STR_DEPOT_SELL_ALL_BUTTON_AIRCRAFT_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Sell all aircraft in the hangar +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_DEPOT_AUTOREPLACE_TRAIN_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Autoreplace all trains in the depot STR_DEPOT_AUTOREPLACE_ROAD_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Autoreplace all road vehicles in the depot STR_DEPOT_AUTOREPLACE_SHIP_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Autoreplace all ships in the depot STR_DEPOT_AUTOREPLACE_AIRCRAFT_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Autoreplace all aircraft in the hangar +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_NEW_VEHICLES_BUTTON :{BLACK}New Vehicles STR_DEPOT_ROAD_VEHICLE_NEW_VEHICLES_BUTTON :{BLACK}New Vehicles STR_DEPOT_SHIP_NEW_VEHICLES_BUTTON :{BLACK}New Ships STR_DEPOT_AIRCRAFT_NEW_VEHICLES_BUTTON :{BLACK}New Aircraft +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_NEW_VEHICLES_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Buy new train vehicle STR_DEPOT_ROAD_VEHICLE_NEW_VEHICLES_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Buy new road vehicle STR_DEPOT_SHIP_NEW_VEHICLES_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Buy new ship STR_DEPOT_AIRCRAFT_NEW_VEHICLES_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Buy new aircraft +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_DEPOT_CLONE_TRAIN :{BLACK}Clone Train STR_DEPOT_CLONE_ROAD_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Clone Vehicle STR_DEPOT_CLONE_SHIP :{BLACK}Clone Ship STR_DEPOT_CLONE_AIRCRAFT :{BLACK}Clone Aircraft +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_DEPOT_CLONE_TRAIN_DEPOT_INFO :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of a train including all cars. Click this button and then on a train inside or outside the depot. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase STR_DEPOT_CLONE_ROAD_VEHICLE_DEPOT_INFO :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of a road vehicle. Click this button and then on a road vehicle inside or outside the depot. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase STR_DEPOT_CLONE_SHIP_DEPOT_INFO :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of a ship. Click this button and then on a ship inside or outside the depot. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase STR_DEPOT_CLONE_AIRCRAFT_INFO_HANGAR_WINDOW :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of an aircraft. Click this button and then on an aircraft inside or outside the hangar. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_LOCATION_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Center main view on train depot location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on train depot location STR_DEPOT_ROAD_VEHICLE_LOCATION_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Center main view on road vehicle depot location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on road depot location STR_DEPOT_SHIP_LOCATION_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Center main view on ship depot location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on ship depot location STR_DEPOT_AIRCRAFT_LOCATION_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Center main view on hangar location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on hangar location +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_ORDER_LIST_TRAIN_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Get a list of all trains with the current depot in their orders STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_ORDER_LIST_ROAD_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Get a list of all road vehicles with the current depot in their orders STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_ORDER_LIST_SHIP_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Get a list of all ships with the current depot in their orders STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_ORDER_LIST_AIRCRAFT_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Get a list of all aircraft with any hangar at this airport in their orders +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_DEPOT_MASS_STOP_DEPOT_TRAIN_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Click to stop all trains inside the depot STR_DEPOT_MASS_STOP_DEPOT_ROAD_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Click to stop all road vehicles inside the depot STR_DEPOT_MASS_STOP_DEPOT_SHIP_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Click to stop all ships inside the depot STR_DEPOT_MASS_STOP_HANGAR_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Click to stop all aircraft inside the hangar +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_DEPOT_MASS_START_DEPOT_TRAIN_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Click to start all trains inside the depot STR_DEPOT_MASS_START_DEPOT_ROAD_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Click to start all the road vehicles inside the depot STR_DEPOT_MASS_START_DEPOT_SHIP_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Click to start all ships inside the depot STR_DEPOT_MASS_START_HANGAR_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Click to start all aircraft inside the hangar +STR_DEPOT_DRAG_WHOLE_TRAIN_TO_SELL_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Drag train engine here to sell the whole train STR_DEPOT_SELL_CONFIRMATION_TEXT :{YELLOW}You are about to sell all the vehicles in the depot. Are you sure? # Engine preview window @@ -3770,16 +4017,18 @@ STR_ENGINE_PREVIEW_COST_MAX_SPEED_TYPE_R # Autoreplace window STR_REPLACE_VEHICLES_WHITE :{WHITE}Replace {STRING} - {STRING} -STR_REPLACE_VEHICLE_TRAIN :Train -STR_REPLACE_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE :Road Vehicle -STR_REPLACE_VEHICLE_SHIP :Ship -STR_REPLACE_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT :Aircraft STR_REPLACE_VEHICLE_VEHICLES_IN_USE :{YELLOW}Vehicles in use STR_REPLACE_VEHICLE_VEHICLES_IN_USE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Column with vehicles that you own STR_REPLACE_VEHICLE_AVAILABLE_VEHICLES :{YELLOW}Available vehicles STR_REPLACE_VEHICLE_AVAILABLE_VEHICLES_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Column with vehicles available for replacement +###length VEHICLE_TYPES +STR_REPLACE_VEHICLE_TRAIN :Train +STR_REPLACE_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE :Road Vehicle +STR_REPLACE_VEHICLE_SHIP :Ship +STR_REPLACE_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT :Aircraft + STR_REPLACE_HELP_LEFT_ARRAY :{BLACK}Select the engine type to replace STR_REPLACE_HELP_RIGHT_ARRAY :{BLACK}Select the new engine type you would like to use in place of the left selected engine type @@ -3799,8 +4048,11 @@ STR_REPLACE_WAGONS STR_REPLACE_ALL_RAILTYPE :All rail vehicles STR_REPLACE_ALL_ROADTYPE :All road vehicles +###length 2 STR_REPLACE_HELP_RAILTYPE :{BLACK}Choose the rail type you want to replace engines for STR_REPLACE_HELP_ROADTYPE :{BLACK}Choose the road type you want to replace engines for +###next-name-looks-similar + STR_REPLACE_HELP_REPLACE_INFO_TAB :{BLACK}Displays which engine the left selected engine is being replaced with, if any STR_REPLACE_RAIL_VEHICLES :Rail Vehicles STR_REPLACE_ELRAIL_VEHICLES :Electrified Rail Vehicles @@ -3817,48 +4069,53 @@ STR_REPLACE_REMOVE_WAGON_GROUP_HELP # Vehicle view STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CAPTION :{WHITE}{VEHICLE} +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_CENTER_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Center main view on train's location. Double click will follow train in main view. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on train's location STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_CENTER_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Center main view on vehicle's location. Double click will follow vehicle in main view. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on vehicle's location STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_SHIP_CENTER_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Center main view on ship's location. Double click will follow ship in main view. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on ship's location STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_AIRCRAFT_CENTER_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Center main view on aircraft's location. Double click will follow aircraft in main view. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on aircraft's location +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Send train to depot. Ctrl+Click will only service STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Send vehicle to depot. Ctrl+Click will only service STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_SHIP_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Send ship to depot. Ctrl+Click will only service STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_AIRCRAFT_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Send aircraft to hangar. Ctrl+Click will only service +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_TRAIN_INFO :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of the train including all cars. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_ROAD_VEHICLE_INFO :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of the road vehicle. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_SHIP_INFO :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of the ship. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_AIRCRAFT_INFO :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of the aircraft. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_IGNORE_SIGNAL_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Force train to proceed without waiting for signal to clear - +STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_REVERSE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Reverse direction of train +STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_REVERSE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Force vehicle to turn around +STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ORDER_LOCATION_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Center main view on order destination. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on the order destination's location + +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_REFIT_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Refit train to carry a different cargo type STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_REFIT_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Refit road vehicle to carry a different cargo type STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_SHIP_REFIT_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Refit ship to carry a different cargo type STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_AIRCRAFT_REFIT_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Refit aircraft to carry a different cargo type -STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_REVERSE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Reverse direction of train -STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_REVERSE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Force vehicle to turn around - +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_ORDERS_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Show train's orders. Ctrl+Click to show train's timetable STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_ORDERS_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Show vehicle's orders. Ctrl+Click to show vehicle's timetable STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_SHIP_ORDERS_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Show ship's orders. Ctrl+Click to show ship's timetable STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_AIRCRAFT_ORDERS_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Show aircraft's orders. Ctrl+Click to show aircraft's timetable +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_SHOW_DETAILS_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Show train details STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_SHOW_DETAILS_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Show road vehicle details STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_SHIP_SHOW_DETAILS_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Show ship details STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_AIRCRAFT_SHOW_DETAILS_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Show aircraft details +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_STATUS_START_STOP_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Current train action - click to stop/start train STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_STATUS_START_STOP_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Current vehicle action - click to stop/start vehicle STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_SHIP_STATE_STATUS_STOP_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Current ship action - click to stop/start ship STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_AIRCRAFT_STATUS_START_STOP_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Current aircraft action - click to stop/start aircraft -STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ORDER_LOCATION_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Center main view on order destination. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on the order destination's location - # Messages in the start stop button in the vehicle view STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_LOADING_UNLOADING :{LTBLUE}Loading / Unloading STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_LEAVING :{LTBLUE}Leaving @@ -3877,21 +4134,24 @@ STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_HEADING_FOR_DEPOT_VEL STR_VEHICLE_STATUS_HEADING_FOR_DEPOT_SERVICE_VEL :{LTBLUE}Maintenance at {DEPOT}, {VELOCITY} # Vehicle stopped/started animations +###length 2 STR_VEHICLE_COMMAND_STOPPED_SMALL :{TINY_FONT}{RED}Stopped STR_VEHICLE_COMMAND_STOPPED :{RED}Stopped + +###length 2 STR_VEHICLE_COMMAND_STARTED_SMALL :{TINY_FONT}{GREEN}Started STR_VEHICLE_COMMAND_STARTED :{GREEN}Started # Vehicle details STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_CAPTION :{WHITE}{VEHICLE} (Details) +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_TRAIN_RENAME :{BLACK}Name train STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_ROAD_VEHICLE_RENAME :{BLACK}Name road vehicle STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_SHIP_RENAME :{BLACK}Name ship STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_AIRCRAFT_RENAME :{BLACK}Name aircraft STR_VEHICLE_INFO_AGE_RUNNING_COST_YR :{BLACK}Age: {LTBLUE}{STRING}{BLACK} Running Cost: {LTBLUE}{CURRENCY_LONG}/yr -# The next two need to stay in this order STR_VEHICLE_INFO_AGE :{COMMA} year{P "" s} ({COMMA}) STR_VEHICLE_INFO_AGE_RED :{RED}{COMMA} year{P "" s} ({COMMA}) @@ -3922,6 +4182,7 @@ STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_DEFAULT STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_DAYS :Days STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_PERCENT :Percentage +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_QUERY_RENAME_TRAIN_CAPTION :{WHITE}Name train STR_QUERY_RENAME_ROAD_VEHICLE_CAPTION :{WHITE}Name road vehicle STR_QUERY_RENAME_SHIP_CAPTION :{WHITE}Name ship @@ -3959,16 +4220,19 @@ STR_REFIT_NEW_CAPACITY_COST_OF_AIRCRAFT_ STR_REFIT_NEW_CAPACITY_INCOME_FROM_AIRCRAFT_REFIT :{BLACK}New capacity: {GOLD}{CARGO_LONG}, {GOLD}{CARGO_LONG}{}{BLACK}Income from refit: {GREEN}{CURRENCY_LONG} STR_REFIT_SELECT_VEHICLES_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Select the vehicles to refit. Dragging with the mouse allows to select multiple vehicles. Clicking on an empty space will select the whole vehicle. Ctrl+Click will select a vehicle and the following chain +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_REFIT_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Select type of cargo for train to carry STR_REFIT_ROAD_VEHICLE_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Select type of cargo for road vehicle to carry STR_REFIT_SHIP_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Select type of cargo for ship to carry STR_REFIT_AIRCRAFT_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Select type of cargo for aircraft to carry +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_REFIT_TRAIN_REFIT_BUTTON :{BLACK}Refit train STR_REFIT_ROAD_VEHICLE_REFIT_BUTTON :{BLACK}Refit road vehicle STR_REFIT_SHIP_REFIT_BUTTON :{BLACK}Refit ship STR_REFIT_AIRCRAFT_REFIT_BUTTON :{BLACK}Refit aircraft +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_REFIT_TRAIN_REFIT_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Refit train to carry highlighted cargo type STR_REFIT_ROAD_VEHICLE_REFIT_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Refit road vehicle to carry highlighted cargo type STR_REFIT_SHIP_REFIT_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Refit ship to carry highlighted cargo type @@ -4024,6 +4288,7 @@ STR_ORDER_SERVICE_TOOLTIP STR_ORDER_CONDITIONAL_VARIABLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Vehicle data to base jumping on # Conditional order variables, must follow order of OrderConditionVariable enum +###length 8 STR_ORDER_CONDITIONAL_LOAD_PERCENTAGE :Load percentage STR_ORDER_CONDITIONAL_RELIABILITY :Reliability STR_ORDER_CONDITIONAL_MAX_SPEED :Maximum speed @@ -4032,6 +4297,7 @@ STR_ORDER_CONDITIONAL_REQUIRES_SERVICE STR_ORDER_CONDITIONAL_UNCONDITIONALLY :Always STR_ORDER_CONDITIONAL_REMAINING_LIFETIME :Remaining lifetime (years) STR_ORDER_CONDITIONAL_MAX_RELIABILITY :Maximum reliability +###next-name-looks-similar STR_ORDER_CONDITIONAL_COMPARATOR_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}How to compare the vehicle data to the given value STR_ORDER_CONDITIONAL_COMPARATOR_EQUALS :is equal to @@ -4073,9 +4339,12 @@ STR_ORDER_SERVICE_NON_STOP_AT STR_ORDER_NEAREST_DEPOT :the nearest STR_ORDER_NEAREST_HANGAR :the nearest Hangar +###length 3 STR_ORDER_TRAIN_DEPOT :Train Depot STR_ORDER_ROAD_VEHICLE_DEPOT :Road Vehicle Depot STR_ORDER_SHIP_DEPOT :Ship Depot +###next-name-looks-similar + STR_ORDER_GO_TO_NEAREST_DEPOT_FORMAT :{STRING} {STRING} {STRING} STR_ORDER_GO_TO_DEPOT_FORMAT :{STRING} {DEPOT} @@ -4119,6 +4388,7 @@ STR_ORDER_NO_UNLOAD_FULL_LOAD_ANY_REFIT STR_ORDER_AUTO_REFIT_ANY :available cargo +###length 3 STR_ORDER_STOP_LOCATION_NEAR_END :[near end] STR_ORDER_STOP_LOCATION_MIDDLE :[middle] STR_ORDER_STOP_LOCATION_FAR_END :[far end] @@ -4282,14 +4552,15 @@ STR_AI_SETTINGS_START_DELAY # Textfile window -STR_TEXTFILE_README_CAPTION :{WHITE}{STRING} readme of {STRING} -STR_TEXTFILE_CHANGELOG_CAPTION :{WHITE}{STRING} changelog of {STRING} -STR_TEXTFILE_LICENCE_CAPTION :{WHITE}{STRING} license of {STRING} STR_TEXTFILE_WRAP_TEXT :{WHITE}Wrap text STR_TEXTFILE_WRAP_TEXT_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Wrap the text of the window so it all fits without having to scroll STR_TEXTFILE_VIEW_README :{BLACK}View readme STR_TEXTFILE_VIEW_CHANGELOG :{BLACK}Changelog STR_TEXTFILE_VIEW_LICENCE :{BLACK}License +###length 3 +STR_TEXTFILE_README_CAPTION :{WHITE}{STRING} readme of {STRING} +STR_TEXTFILE_CHANGELOG_CAPTION :{WHITE}{STRING} changelog of {STRING} +STR_TEXTFILE_LICENCE_CAPTION :{WHITE}{STRING} license of {STRING} # Vehicle loading indicators @@ -4630,51 +4901,61 @@ STR_ERROR_GROUP_CAN_T_ADD_VEHICLE STR_ERROR_GROUP_CAN_T_ADD_SHARED_VEHICLE :{WHITE}Can't add shared vehicles to group... # Generic vehicle errors + +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_ERROR_TRAIN_IN_THE_WAY :{WHITE}Train in the way STR_ERROR_ROAD_VEHICLE_IN_THE_WAY :{WHITE}Road vehicle in the way STR_ERROR_SHIP_IN_THE_WAY :{WHITE}Ship in the way STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_IN_THE_WAY :{WHITE}Aircraft in the way +###length VEHICLE_TYPES +STR_ERROR_RAIL_VEHICLE_NOT_AVAILABLE :{WHITE}Vehicle is not available +STR_ERROR_ROAD_VEHICLE_NOT_AVAILABLE :{WHITE}Vehicle is not available +STR_ERROR_SHIP_NOT_AVAILABLE :{WHITE}Ship is not available +STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_AVAILABLE :{WHITE}Aircraft is not available + +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_ERROR_CAN_T_REFIT_TRAIN :{WHITE}Can't refit train... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_REFIT_ROAD_VEHICLE :{WHITE}Can't refit road vehicle... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_REFIT_SHIP :{WHITE}Can't refit ship... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_REFIT_AIRCRAFT :{WHITE}Can't refit aircraft... +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_ERROR_CAN_T_RENAME_TRAIN :{WHITE}Can't name train... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_RENAME_ROAD_VEHICLE :{WHITE}Can't name road vehicle... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_RENAME_SHIP :{WHITE}Can't name ship... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_RENAME_AIRCRAFT :{WHITE}Can't name aircraft... +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_START_TRAIN :{WHITE}Can't stop/start train... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_START_ROAD_VEHICLE :{WHITE}Can't stop/start road vehicle... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_START_SHIP :{WHITE}Can't stop/start ship... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_START_AIRCRAFT :{WHITE}Can't stop/start aircraft... +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SEND_TRAIN_TO_DEPOT :{WHITE}Can't send train to depot... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SEND_ROAD_VEHICLE_TO_DEPOT :{WHITE}Can't send road vehicle to depot... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SEND_SHIP_TO_DEPOT :{WHITE}Can't send ship to depot... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SEND_AIRCRAFT_TO_HANGAR :{WHITE}Can't send aircraft to hangar... +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUY_TRAIN :{WHITE}Can't buy railroad vehicle... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUY_ROAD_VEHICLE :{WHITE}Can't buy road vehicle... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUY_SHIP :{WHITE}Can't buy ship... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUY_AIRCRAFT :{WHITE}Can't buy aircraft... +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_ERROR_CAN_T_RENAME_TRAIN_TYPE :{WHITE}Can't rename train vehicle type... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_RENAME_ROAD_VEHICLE_TYPE :{WHITE}Can't rename road vehicle type... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_RENAME_SHIP_TYPE :{WHITE}Can't rename ship type... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_RENAME_AIRCRAFT_TYPE :{WHITE}Can't rename aircraft type... +###length VEHICLE_TYPES STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SELL_TRAIN :{WHITE}Can't sell railroad vehicle... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SELL_ROAD_VEHICLE :{WHITE}Can't sell road vehicle... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SELL_SHIP :{WHITE}Can't sell ship... STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SELL_AIRCRAFT :{WHITE}Can't sell aircraft... -STR_ERROR_RAIL_VEHICLE_NOT_AVAILABLE :{WHITE}Vehicle is not available -STR_ERROR_ROAD_VEHICLE_NOT_AVAILABLE :{WHITE}Vehicle is not available -STR_ERROR_SHIP_NOT_AVAILABLE :{WHITE}Ship is not available -STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_AVAILABLE :{WHITE}Aircraft is not available - STR_ERROR_TOO_MANY_VEHICLES_IN_GAME :{WHITE}Too many vehicles in game STR_ERROR_CAN_T_CHANGE_SERVICING :{WHITE}Can't change maintenance interval... @@ -4725,9 +5006,11 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_CHANGE_SIGN_NAME STR_ERROR_CAN_T_DELETE_SIGN :{WHITE}Can't delete sign... # Translatable comment for OpenTTD's desktop shortcut +###external 1 STR_DESKTOP_SHORTCUT_COMMENT :A simulation game based on Transport Tycoon Deluxe # Translatable descriptions in media/baseset/*.ob* files +###external 10 STR_BASEGRAPHICS_DOS_DESCRIPTION :Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition graphics. STR_BASEGRAPHICS_DOS_DE_DESCRIPTION :Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (German) edition graphics. STR_BASEGRAPHICS_WIN_DESCRIPTION :Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition graphics. @@ -4817,6 +5100,7 @@ STR_INDUSTRY_NAME_SUGAR_MINE ############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame ############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! + ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Unnamed @@ -4825,6 +5109,7 @@ STR_SV_ROAD_VEHICLE_NAME STR_SV_SHIP_NAME :Ship #{COMMA} STR_SV_AIRCRAFT_NAME :Aircraft #{COMMA} +###length 27 STR_SV_STNAME :{STRING} STR_SV_STNAME_NORTH :{STRING} North STR_SV_STNAME_SOUTH :{STRING} South @@ -4853,9 +5138,11 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_LOWER STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Heliport STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Forest STR_SV_STNAME_FALLBACK :{STRING} Station #{NUM} + ############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x8000 +###length 116 # Vehicle names STR_VEHICLE_NAME_TRAIN_ENGINE_RAIL_KIRBY_PAUL_TANK_STEAM :Kirby Paul Tank (Steam) STR_VEHICLE_NAME_TRAIN_ENGINE_RAIL_MJS_250_DIESEL :MJS 250 (Diesel) @@ -4973,6 +5260,8 @@ STR_VEHICLE_NAME_TRAIN_WAGON_MAGLEV_TOY_ STR_VEHICLE_NAME_TRAIN_WAGON_MAGLEV_BATTERY_TRUCK :Battery Flatcar STR_VEHICLE_NAME_TRAIN_WAGON_MAGLEV_FIZZY_DRINK_TRUCK :Fizzy Drink Flatcar STR_VEHICLE_NAME_TRAIN_WAGON_MAGLEV_PLASTIC_TRUCK :Plastic Flatcar + +###length 88 STR_VEHICLE_NAME_ROAD_VEHICLE_MPS_REGAL_BUS :MPS Regal Bus STR_VEHICLE_NAME_ROAD_VEHICLE_HEREFORD_LEOPARD_BUS :Hereford Leopard Bus STR_VEHICLE_NAME_ROAD_VEHICLE_FOSTER_BUS :Foster Bus @@ -5061,6 +5350,8 @@ STR_VEHICLE_NAME_ROAD_VEHICLE_WIZZOWOW_P STR_VEHICLE_NAME_ROAD_VEHICLE_MIGHTYMOVER_BUBBLE_TRUCK :MightyMover Bubble Truck STR_VEHICLE_NAME_ROAD_VEHICLE_POWERNAUGHT_BUBBLE_TRUCK :Powernaught Bubble Truck STR_VEHICLE_NAME_ROAD_VEHICLE_WIZZOWOW_BUBBLE_TRUCK :Wizzowow Bubble Truck + +###length 11 STR_VEHICLE_NAME_SHIP_MPS_OIL_TANKER :MPS Oil Tanker STR_VEHICLE_NAME_SHIP_CS_INC_OIL_TANKER :CS-Inc. Oil Tanker STR_VEHICLE_NAME_SHIP_MPS_PASSENGER_FERRY :MPS Passenger Ferry @@ -5072,6 +5363,8 @@ STR_VEHICLE_NAME_SHIP_YATE_CARGO_SHIP STR_VEHICLE_NAME_SHIP_BAKEWELL_CARGO_SHIP :Bakewell Cargo Ship STR_VEHICLE_NAME_SHIP_MIGHTYMOVER_CARGO_SHIP :MightyMover Cargo Ship STR_VEHICLE_NAME_SHIP_POWERNAUT_CARGO_SHIP :Powernaut Cargo Ship + +###length 41 STR_VEHICLE_NAME_AIRCRAFT_SAMPSON_U52 :Sampson U52 STR_VEHICLE_NAME_AIRCRAFT_COLEMAN_COUNT :Coleman Count STR_VEHICLE_NAME_AIRCRAFT_FFP_DART :FFP Dart @@ -5121,22 +5414,30 @@ STR_FORMAT_DATE_SHORT STR_FORMAT_DATE_LONG :{1:STRING} {0:STRING}, {2:NUM} STR_FORMAT_DATE_ISO :{2:NUM}-{1:STRING}-{0:STRING} -STR_FORMAT_BUOY_NAME :{TOWN} Buoy -STR_FORMAT_BUOY_NAME_SERIAL :{TOWN} Buoy #{COMMA} STR_FORMAT_COMPANY_NUM :(Company {COMMA}) STR_FORMAT_GROUP_NAME :Group {COMMA} STR_FORMAT_GROUP_VEHICLE_NAME :{GROUP} #{COMMA} STR_FORMAT_INDUSTRY_NAME :{TOWN} {STRING} + +###length 2 +STR_FORMAT_BUOY_NAME :{TOWN} Buoy +STR_FORMAT_BUOY_NAME_SERIAL :{TOWN} Buoy #{COMMA} + +###length 2 STR_FORMAT_WAYPOINT_NAME :{TOWN} Waypoint STR_FORMAT_WAYPOINT_NAME_SERIAL :{TOWN} Waypoint #{COMMA} +###length 6 STR_FORMAT_DEPOT_NAME_TRAIN :{TOWN} Train Depot STR_FORMAT_DEPOT_NAME_TRAIN_SERIAL :{TOWN} Train Depot #{COMMA} STR_FORMAT_DEPOT_NAME_ROAD_VEHICLE :{TOWN} Road Vehicle Depot STR_FORMAT_DEPOT_NAME_ROAD_VEHICLE_SERIAL :{TOWN} Road Vehicle Depot #{COMMA} STR_FORMAT_DEPOT_NAME_SHIP :{TOWN} Ship Depot STR_FORMAT_DEPOT_NAME_SHIP_SERIAL :{TOWN} Ship Depot #{COMMA} +###next-name-looks-similar + STR_FORMAT_DEPOT_NAME_AIRCRAFT :{STATION} Hangar +# _SERIAL version of AIRACRAFT doesn't exist STR_UNKNOWN_STATION :unknown station STR_DEFAULT_SIGN_NAME :Sign