diff --git a/src/lang/galician.txt b/src/lang/galician.txt --- a/src/lang/galician.txt +++ b/src/lang/galician.txt @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ STR_UNITS_VOLUME_LONG_SI :{COMMA} m³ STR_UNITS_FORCE_IMPERIAL :{COMMA}x10³ lbf STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :G. beneficios operativos STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Gráfica de ingresos STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Gráfica de carga entregada @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ STR_0158_COMPANY_VALUE_GRAPH :Gráfica do Valor da Compañía STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Taxas de pago polas cargas STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Táboa da Liga de compañías STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Puntuación de rendemento detallado -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Acerca de OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Grabar Partida @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ STR_01A9_NONE :Ningún STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Nome STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1º STR_01AD_2ND :2º STR_01AE_3RD :3º @@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ STR_01C7_28TH :28º STR_01C8_29TH :29º STR_01C9_30TH :30º STR_01CA_31ST :31º -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ STR_02C1_VEHICLE_DESIGN_NAMES_SELECTION :{BLACK}Selección de nomes dos deseños dos vehículos STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Graba-los nomes dos deseños dos vehículos persoalizados no disco STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Opcións da Partida STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Configuración de Dificultade STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Configuración dos Parches @@ -760,16 +760,16 @@ STR_02D0_FULL_ANIMATION :{SETX 12}Animación completa STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Detalle completo STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Edificios transparentes STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Sinais de estación transparentes -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Información de área de terreo STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Des/Activar Consola STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Captura de Pantalla (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Capt.Pant. Xigante (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Acerca de 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Off STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}On @@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ STR_0310_SELECT_SUB_TROPICAL_LANDSCAPE STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Selecciona-lo estilo da paisaxe 'Xoguetelandia' STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Fundar unha nova industria -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Directorio de Industrias STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Fundar unha nova industria ############ range ends here @@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_DANISH :Danés STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turco STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italiano STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Catalán -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Libras (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dólares ($) @@ -1801,11 +1801,11 @@ STR_4824_BUBBLE_GENERATOR STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Canteira de Toffee STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Mina de Azucre -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Require: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Require: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Require: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Producción no último mes: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% transportado) @@ -1878,8 +1878,8 @@ STR_5806_CAN_T_PURCHASE_THIS_LAND :{WHITE}Non se pode compra-la área de terreo... STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...¡xa é da túa propiedade! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Sen Nome @@ -1922,7 +1922,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_LOWER STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Heliporto STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Bosque -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Nivel de Dificultade