File diff r25702:89c61c19a4db → r25703:b906ccb1dc0e
Show inline comments
##name Hindi
##ownname हिन्दी
##isocode hi_IN
##plural 0
##textdir ltr
##digitsep ,
##digitsepcur ,
##decimalsep .
##winlangid 0x0439
##grflangid 0x17


# This file is part of OpenTTD.
# OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
# See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.


##id 0x0000
STR_NULL                                                        :
STR_EMPTY                                                       :
STR_UNDEFINED                                                   :(अपरिभाषित सूत्र)
STR_JUST_NOTHING                                                :कुछ नहीं

# Cargo related strings
# Plural cargo name
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_NOTHING                                        :
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_PASSENGERS                                     :यात्रीगण
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_COAL                                           :कोयला
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_MAIL                                           :डाक
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_OIL                                            :तेल
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_LIVESTOCK                                      :पशुधन
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_GOODS                                          :वस्तुएं
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_GRAIN                                          :अन्न
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_WOOD                                           :काष्ठ
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_IRON_ORE                                       :लौह अयस्क
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_STEEL                                          :इस्पात
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_VALUABLES                                      :मूल्यवान वस्तुएं
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_COPPER_ORE                                     :ताम्र अयस्क
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_MAIZE                                          :मक्के
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_FRUIT                                          :फल

# Singular cargo name
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_NOTHING                                      :
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_MAIZE                                        :मक्का
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_SWEETS                                       :मिठाई
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_TOFFEE                                       :टॉफी

# Quantity of cargo
STR_QUANTITY_NOTHING                                            :
STR_QUANTITY_VALUABLES                                          :{COMMA}{NBSP}मूल्यवान वस्तुओं {P "का थैला" "के थैले"}

# Two letter abbreviation of cargo name
STR_ABBREV_NOTHING                                              :
STR_ABBREV_COAL                                                 :{TINY_FONT}कोयला

# 'Mode' of transport for cargoes

# Colours, do not shuffle
STR_COLOUR_PINK                                                 :गुलाबी
STR_COLOUR_RED                                                  :लाल

# Units used in OpenTTD


@@ -201,49 +216,49 @@ STR_NEWS_CUSTOM_ITEM                    

STR_NEWS_COMPANY_LAUNCH_DESCRIPTION                             :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}{STRING} ने {TOWN} के पास निर्माण शुरु किया!







# Order review system / warnings



STR_NEWS_NEW_VEHICLE_TYPE                                       :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}{ENGINE}





# Extra view window

# Game options window

############ start of currency region
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_CURRENCY_FIM                                   :मार्का, फिनलैंड (FIM)
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_CURRENCY_FIM                                   :फिनलैंड मार्का (FIM)
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_CURRENCY_HKD                                   :हाँग काँग डॉलर (एचकेडी)
############ end of currency region

STR_GAME_OPTIONS_ROAD_VEHICLES_DROPDOWN_RIGHT                   :दाईं ओर वाहन चलाएँ


############ start of townname region
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_TOWN_NAME_FRENCH                               :फ़्रेंच
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_TOWN_NAME_POLISH                               :पोलिश
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_TOWN_NAME_TURKISH                              :तुर्की
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_TOWN_NAME_ITALIAN                              :इटैलियन
############ end of townname region


############ start of autosave dropdown
############ end of autosave dropdown

STR_GAME_OPTIONS_LANGUAGE_PERCENTAGE                            :{STRING} ({NUM}% पूर्ण)





@@ -337,48 +352,51 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SPRITE_ZOOM_LVL_IN_2X                        :२x

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INTERFACE_GENERAL                            :{ORANGE}सामान्य




# Config errors

# Video initalization errors

# Intro window

STR_INTRO_PLAY_HEIGHTMAP                                        :{BLACK}उभार-मानचित्र खेलें


STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_SCENARIO_EDITOR                               :{BLACK}अपनी इच्छानुसार एक क्रीड़ा-विश्व/परिदृश्य बनायें




# Quit window
STR_QUIT_YES                                                    :{BLACK}हाँ

# Abandon game
STR_ABANDON_GAME_CAPTION                                        :{WHITE}खेल छोड़ें
STR_ABANDON_GAME_QUERY                                          :{YELLOW}क्या आप वास्तव में खेल छोड़ना चाहते हैं?
STR_ABANDON_SCENARIO_QUERY                                      :{YELLOW}क्या आप वास्तव में यह परिदृश्य छोड़ना चाहते हैं?

# Cheat window

# Livery window



# Face selection window

STR_FACE_LOAD_DONE                                              :{WHITE}ओपनटीटीडी प्रारूप पत्र से आपका प्रिय चेहरा भर लिया गया है


# Network server list







# Start new multiplayer server


@@ -397,172 +415,179 @@ STR_NETWORK_GAME_LOBBY_INAUGURATION_YEAR                        :{SILVER}उद्घाटन: {WHITE}{NUM}

############ End of leave-in-this-order



# Network company list added strings

# Network client list




# Network set password

# Network company info join/password

# Network chat


# Network messages

############ Leave those lines in this order!!
############ End of leave-in-this-order


# Network related errors
############ Leave those lines in this order!!
STR_NETWORK_SERVER_MESSAGE_GAME_STILL_PAUSED_3                  :खेल अभी भी ठहरा हुआ है ({STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING})
############ End of leave-in-this-order
STR_NETWORK_MESSAGE_CLIENT_LEAVING                              :छोड़ रहा है

# Content downloading window
STR_CONTENT_DETAIL_SUBTITLE_ALREADY_HERE                        :{SILVER}यह आपके पास पहले से मौजूद है
STR_CONTENT_DETAIL_SUBTITLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST                      :{SILVER}यह सामग्री अज्ञात है और इसे ओपनटीटीडी में प्राप्त नहीं किया जा सकता है

# Order of these is important!

# Content downloading progress window

# Content downloading error messages
STR_CONTENT_ERROR_COULD_NOT_DOWNLOAD                            :{WHITE}डाउनलोड असफल हुआ...



# Transparency settings window

# Linkgraph legend window

# Linkgraph legend window and linkgraph legend in smallmap

# Base for station construction window(s)

# Join station window


# Generic toolbar

# Rail construction toolbar



# Rail depot construction window

# Rail waypoint construction window

# Rail station construction window


STR_STATION_CLASS_DFLT                                          :मानक स्टेशन
STR_STATION_CLASS_WAYP                                          :पथ-संकेत

# Signal window
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_DRAG_SIGNALS_DENSITY_TOOLTIP                   :{BLACK}खींचते समय संकेतों के बीच की दूरी

# Bridge selection window


# Road construction toolbar


# Road depot construction window

# Road vehicle station construction window

# Waterways toolbar (last two for SE only)
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_CANALS_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}नहर बनायें। अनुमानित मूल्य जानने के लिये Shift दबायें

# Ship depot construction window

# Dock construction window

# Airport toolbar

# Airport construction window


STR_AIRPORT_CLASS_SMALL                                         :लघु विमानतल


# Landscaping toolbar

# Object construction window

STR_OBJECT_CLASS_LTHS                                           :प्रकाश स्तम्भ

# Tree planting window (last eight for SE only)

# Land generation window (SE)


# Town generation window (SE)


STR_FOUND_TOWN_CITY                                             :{BLACK}शहर


# Fund new industry window

# Industry cargoes window
STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_SELECT_INDUSTRY                            :{BLACK}उद्योग चुनें

# Land area window

# Description of land area of different tiles
STR_LAI_CLEAR_DESCRIPTION_BARE_LAND                             :रिक्त भूमि



# Houses come directly from their building names




# Industries come directly from their industry names


STR_LAI_BRIDGE_DESCRIPTION_RAIL_SUSPENSION_STEEL                :इस्पात का रेल झूला पुल




# About OpenTTD window

# Framerate display window
STR_FRAMERATE_MS_WARN                                           :{YELLOW}{DECIMAL} ms
STR_FRAMERATE_BYTES_GOOD                                        :{LTBLUE}{BYTES}
STR_FRAMERATE_BYTES_WARN                                        :{YELLOW}{BYTES}
STR_FRAMERATE_BYTES_BAD                                         :{RED}{BYTES}
############ Leave those lines in this order!!
############ End of leave-in-this-order
############ Leave those lines in this order!!
STR_FRAMETIME_CAPTION_GL_ECONOMY                                :माल प्रबंधन
############ End of leave-in-this-order


# Save/load game/scenario


# World generation

# Strings for map borders at game generation
STR_MAPGEN_BORDER_WATER                                         :{BLACK}जल
STR_MAPGEN_BORDER_RANDOM                                        :{BLACK}यादृच्छिक



# SE Map generation


# Map generation progress
STR_GENERATION_PROGRESS_NUM                                     :{BLACK}{NUM} / {NUM}

# NewGRF settings



@@ -904,74 +929,76 @@ STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE                      :फाइल लिखने में असमर्थ




# Soundset messages

# Screenshot related messages


# Error message titles
STR_ERROR_MESSAGE_CAPTION                                       :{YELLOW}सन्देश

# Generic construction errors

# Local authority errors

# Levelling errors
STR_ERROR_TOO_HIGH                                              :{WHITE}... बहुत ऊँचा

# Company related errors


# Town related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_RENAME_TOWN                                     :{WHITE}नगर का नाम नहीं बदला जा सकता है...
STR_ERROR_TOO_CLOSE_TO_EDGE_OF_MAP_SUB                          :{WHITE}... मानचित्र के किनारों के बहुत समीप

# Industry related errors
STR_ERROR_FOREST_CAN_ONLY_BE_PLANTED                            :{WHITE}... वन केवल बर्फ की सीमा के ऊपर ही लगाये जा सकते हैं।


# Station construction related errors


# Station destruction related errors


# Waypoint related errors



# Depot related errors






# Autoreplace related errors
STR_ERROR_AUTOREPLACE_NOTHING_TO_DO                             :{WHITE}स्वतः नवीनीकरण/बदलाव का कोई भी नियम लागू नहीं किया गया

# Rail construction errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_REMOVE_RAILROAD_TRACK                           :{WHITE}पटरियों को यहाँ से नहीं हटा सकते...


# Road construction errors

# Waterway construction errors

# Tree related errors

# Bridge related errors

# Tunnel related errors

# Object related errors

# Group related errors

# Generic vehicle errors


STR_ERROR_CAN_T_RENAME_SHIP                                     :{WHITE}जहाज का नामकरण नहीं कर सकते...