File diff r18781:e1de9a06f7cd → r18782:6453522c2154
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@@ -76,25 +76,25 @@ public:

	 * Get position for fixing a gap (downwards).
	 *  The gap is moved downwards in the binary tree until it
	 *  is in order again.
	 * @param gap The position of the gap
	 * @param item The proposed item for filling the gap
	 * @return The (gap)position where the item fits
	FORCEINLINE uint HeapifyDown(uint gap, T *item)
	inline uint HeapifyDown(uint gap, T *item)
		assert(gap != 0);

		/* The first child of the gap is at [parent * 2] */
		uint child = gap * 2;

		/* while children are valid */
		while (child <= this->items) {
			/* choose the smaller child */
			if (child < this->items && *this->data[child + 1] < *this->data[child]) {
@@ -112,148 +112,148 @@ protected:
		return gap;

	 * Get position for fixing a gap (upwards).
	 *  The gap is moved upwards in the binary tree until the
	 *  is in order again.
	 * @param gap The position of the gap
	 * @param item The proposed item for filling the gap
	 * @return The (gap)position where the item fits
	FORCEINLINE uint HeapifyUp(uint gap, T *item)
	inline uint HeapifyUp(uint gap, T *item)
		assert(gap != 0);

		uint parent;

		while (gap > 1) {
			/* compare [gap] with its parent */
			parent = gap / 2;
			if (!(*item < *this->data[parent])) {
				/* we don't need to continue upstairs */
			this->data[gap] = this->data[parent];
			gap = parent;
		return gap;

	/** Verify the heap consistency */
	FORCEINLINE void CheckConsistency()
	inline void CheckConsistency()
		for (uint child = 2; child <= this->items; child++) {
			uint parent = child / 2;
			assert(!(*this->data[child] < *this->data[parent]));

	 * Get the number of items stored in the priority queue.
	 *  @return The number of items in the queue
	FORCEINLINE uint Length() const { return this->items; }
	inline uint Length() const { return this->items; }

	 * Test if the priority queue is empty.
	 * @return True if empty
	FORCEINLINE bool IsEmpty() const { return this->items == 0; }
	inline bool IsEmpty() const { return this->items == 0; }

	 * Test if the priority queue is full.
	 * @return True if full.
	FORCEINLINE bool IsFull() const { return this->items >= this->capacity; }
	inline bool IsFull() const { return this->items >= this->capacity; }

	 * Get the smallest item in the binary tree.
	 * @return The smallest item, or throw assert if empty.
	inline T *Begin()
		return this->data[1];

	 * Get the LAST item in the binary tree.
	 * @note The last item is not neccesary the biggest!
	 * @return The last item
	inline T *End()
		return this->data[1 + this->items];

	 * Insert new item into the priority queue, maintaining heap order.
	 * @param new_item The pointer to the new item
	FORCEINLINE void Include(T *new_item)
	inline void Include(T *new_item)
		if (this->IsFull()) {
			assert(this->capacity < UINT_MAX / 2);

			this->capacity *= 2;
			this->data = ReallocT<T*>(this->data, this->capacity + 1);

		/* Make place for new item. A gap is now at the end of the tree. */
		uint gap = this->HeapifyUp(++items, new_item);
		this->data[gap] = new_item;

	 * Remove and return the smallest (and also first) item
	 *  from the priority queue.
	 * @return The pointer to the removed item
	inline T *Shift()

		T *first = this->Begin();

		/* at index 1 we have a gap now */
		T *last = this->End();
		uint gap = this->HeapifyDown(1, last);
		/* move last item to the proper place */
		if (!this->IsEmpty()) this->data[gap] = last;

		return first;

	 * Remove item at given index from the priority queue.
	 * @param index The position of the item in the heap
	FORCEINLINE void Remove(uint index)
	inline void Remove(uint index)
		if (index < this->items) {
			assert(index != 0);
			/* at position index we have a gap now */

			T *last = this->End();
			/* Fix binary tree up and downwards */
			uint gap = this->HeapifyUp(index, last);
			gap = this->HeapifyDown(gap, last);
			/* move last item to the proper place */
			if (!this->IsEmpty()) this->data[gap] = last;
@@ -263,31 +263,31 @@ public:

	 * Search for an item in the priority queue.
	 *  Matching is done by comparing adress of the
	 *  item.
	 * @param item The reference to the item
	 * @return The index of the item or zero if not found
	FORCEINLINE uint FindIndex(const T &item) const
	inline uint FindIndex(const T &item) const
		if (this->IsEmpty()) return 0;
		for (T **ppI = this->data + 1, **ppLast = ppI + this->items; ppI <= ppLast; ppI++) {
			if (*ppI == &item) {
				return ppI - this->data;
		return 0;

	 * Make the priority queue empty.
	 * All remaining items will remain untouched.
	FORCEINLINE void Clear() { this->items = 0; }
	inline void Clear() { this->items = 0; }

#endif /* BINARYHEAP_HPP */