File diff r25977:e1f4fbb88a36 → r25978:1911877bcb73
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@@ -27,12 +27,13 @@ enum PacketAdminType {
	ADMIN_PACKET_ADMIN_UPDATE_FREQUENCY, ///< The admin tells the server the update frequency of a particular piece of information.
	ADMIN_PACKET_ADMIN_POLL,             ///< The admin explicitly polls for a piece of information.
	ADMIN_PACKET_ADMIN_CHAT,             ///< The admin sends a chat message to be distributed.
	ADMIN_PACKET_ADMIN_RCON,             ///< The admin sends a remote console command.
	ADMIN_PACKET_ADMIN_GAMESCRIPT,       ///< The admin sends a JSON string for the GameScript.
	ADMIN_PACKET_ADMIN_PING,             ///< The admin sends a ping to the server, expecting a ping-reply (PONG) packet.
	ADMIN_PACKET_ADMIN_EXTERNAL_CHAT,    ///< The admin sends a chat message from external source.

	ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_FULL = 100,      ///< The server tells the admin it cannot accept the admin.
	ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_BANNED,          ///< The server tells the admin it is banned.
	ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_ERROR,           ///< The server tells the admin an error has occurred.
	ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_PROTOCOL,        ///< The server tells the admin its protocol version.
	ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_WELCOME,         ///< The server welcomes the admin to a game.
@@ -161,12 +162,23 @@ protected:
	 * @param p The packet that was just received.
	 * @return The state the network should have.
	virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_CHAT(Packet *p);

	 * Send chat from the external source:
	 * string  Name of the source this message came from.
	 * uint16  TextColour to use for the message.
	 * string  Name of the user who sent the messsage.
	 * string  Message.
	 * @param p The packet that was just received.
	 * @return The state the network should have.
	virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_EXTERNAL_CHAT(Packet *p);

	 * Execute a command on the servers console:
	 * string  Command to be executed.
	 * @param p The packet that was just received.
	 * @return The state the network should have.
	virtual NetworkRecvStatus Receive_ADMIN_RCON(Packet *p);