File diff r15584:5fce62ffde01 → r15585:151b3e97ecca
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@@ -5952,6 +5952,78 @@ static bool ChangeGRFPalette(size_t len,
	return true;


static GRFParameterInfo *_cur_parameter; ///< The parameter which info is currently changed by the newgrf.

/** Callback function for 'INFO'->'PARAM'->param_num->'NAME' to set the name of a parameter. */
static bool ChangeGRFParamName(byte langid, const char *str)
	AddGRFTextToList(&_cur_parameter->name, langid, _cur_grfconfig->ident.grfid, str);
	return true;

/** Callback function for 'INFO'->'PARAM'->param_num->'DESC' to set the description of a parameter. */
static bool ChangeGRFParamDescription(byte langid, const char *str)
	AddGRFTextToList(&_cur_parameter->desc, langid, _cur_grfconfig->ident.grfid, str);
	return true;

/** Callback function for 'INFO'->'PARAM'->param_num->'TYPE' to set the typeof a parameter. */
static bool ChangeGRFParamType(size_t len, ByteReader *buf)
	if (len != 1) {
		grfmsg(2, "StaticGRFInfo: expected 1 byte for 'INFO'->'PARA'->'TYPE' but got " PRINTF_SIZE ", ignoring this field", len);
	} else {
		GRFParameterType type = (GRFParameterType)buf->ReadByte();
		if (type < PTYPE_END) {
			_cur_parameter->type = type;
		} else {
			grfmsg(3, "StaticGRFInfo: unknown parameter type %d, ignoring this field", type);
	return true;

/** Callback function for 'INFO'->'PARAM'->param_num->'LIMI' to set the min/max value of a parameter. */
static bool ChangeGRFParamLimits(size_t len, ByteReader *buf)
	if (_cur_parameter->type != PTYPE_UINT_ENUM) {
		grfmsg(2, "StaticGRFInfo: 'INFO'->'PARA'->'LIMI' is only valid for parameters with type uint/enum, ignoring this field");
	} else if (len != 8) {
		grfmsg(2, "StaticGRFInfo: expected 8 bytes for 'INFO'->'PARA'->'LIMI' but got " PRINTF_SIZE ", ignoring this field", len);
	} else {
		_cur_parameter->min_value = buf->ReadDWord();
		_cur_parameter->max_value = buf->ReadDWord();
	return true;

/** Callback function for 'INFO'->'PARAM'->param_num->'MASK' to set the parameter and bits to use. */
static bool ChangeGRFParamMask(size_t len, ByteReader *buf)
	if (len < 1 || len > 3) {
		grfmsg(2, "StaticGRFInfo: expected 1 to 3 bytes for 'INFO'->'PARA'->'MASK' but got " PRINTF_SIZE ", ignoring this field", len);
	} else {
		byte param_nr = buf->ReadByte();
		if (param_nr >= lengthof(_cur_grfconfig->param)) {
			grfmsg(2, "StaticGRFInfo: invalid parameter number in 'INFO'->'PARA'->'MASK', param %d, ignoring this field", param_nr);
			buf->Skip(len - 1);
		} else {
			_cur_parameter->param_nr = param_nr;
			if (len >= 2) _cur_parameter->first_bit = min(buf->ReadByte(), 31);
			if (len >= 3) _cur_parameter->num_bit = min(buf->ReadByte(), 32 - _cur_parameter->first_bit);

	return true;


typedef bool (*DataHandler)(size_t, ByteReader *);  ///< Type of callback function for binary nodes
typedef bool (*TextHandler)(byte, const char *str); ///< Type of callback function for text nodes
typedef bool (*BranchHandler)(ByteReader *);        ///< Type of callback function for branch nodes
@@ -6035,11 +6107,95 @@ struct AllowedSubtags {
	} handler;

static bool SkipUnknownInfo(ByteReader *buf, byte type);
static bool HandleNode(byte type, uint32 id, ByteReader *buf, AllowedSubtags *tags);

 * Callback function for 'INFO'->'PARA'->param_num->'VALU' to set the names
 * of some parameter values (type uint/enum) or the names of some bits
 * (type bitmask). In both cases the format is the same:
 * Each subnode should be a text node with the value/bit number as id.
static bool ChangeGRFParamValueNames(ByteReader *buf)
	byte type = buf->ReadByte();
	while (type != 0) {
		uint32 id = buf->ReadDWord();
		if (type != 'T' || id > _cur_parameter->max_value) {
			grfmsg(2, "StaticGRFInfo: all child nodes of 'INFO'->'PARA'->param_num->'VALU' should have type 't' and the value/bit number as id");
			if (!SkipUnknownInfo(buf, type)) return false;

		byte langid = buf->ReadByte();
		const char *name_string = buf->ReadString();

		SmallPair<uint32, GRFText *> *val_name = _cur_parameter->value_names.Find(id);
		if (val_name != _cur_parameter->value_names.End()) {
			AddGRFTextToList(&val_name->second, langid, _cur_grfconfig->ident.grfid, name_string);
		} else {
			GRFText *list = NULL;
			AddGRFTextToList(&list, langid, _cur_grfconfig->ident.grfid, name_string);
			_cur_parameter->value_names.Insert(id, list);

		type = buf->ReadByte();
	return true;

AllowedSubtags _tags_parameters[] = {
	AllowedSubtags('NAME', ChangeGRFParamName),
	AllowedSubtags('DESC', ChangeGRFParamDescription),
	AllowedSubtags('TYPE', ChangeGRFParamType),
	AllowedSubtags('LIMI', ChangeGRFParamLimits),
	AllowedSubtags('MASK', ChangeGRFParamMask),
	AllowedSubtags('VALU', ChangeGRFParamValueNames),

 * Callback function for 'INFO'->'PARA' to set extra information about the
 * parameters. Each subnode of 'INFO'->'PARA' should be a branch node with
 * the parameter number as id. The first parameter has id 0. The maximum
 * parameter that can be changed is set by 'INFO'->'NPAR' which defaults to 80.
static bool HandleParameterInfo(ByteReader *buf)
	byte type = buf->ReadByte();
	while (type != 0) {
		uint32 id = buf->ReadDWord();
		if (type != 'C' || id >= _cur_grfconfig->num_valid_params) {
			grfmsg(2, "StaticGRFInfo: all child nodes of 'INFO'->'PARA' should have type 'C' and their parameter number as id");
			if (!SkipUnknownInfo(buf, type)) return false;

		if (id >= _cur_grfconfig->param_info.Length()) {
			uint num_to_add = id - _cur_grfconfig->param_info.Length() + 1;
			GRFParameterInfo **newdata = _cur_grfconfig->param_info.Append(num_to_add);
			MemSetT<GRFParameterInfo *>(newdata, 0, num_to_add);
		if (_cur_grfconfig->param_info[id] == NULL) {
			_cur_grfconfig->param_info[id] = new GRFParameterInfo(id);
		_cur_parameter = _cur_grfconfig->param_info[id];
		/* Read all parameter-data and process each node. */
		byte sub_type = buf->ReadByte();
		while (sub_type != 0) {
			uint32 sub_id = buf->ReadDWord();
			if (!HandleNode(sub_type, sub_id, buf, _tags_parameters)) return false;
			sub_type = buf->ReadByte();
		type = buf->ReadByte();
	return true;

AllowedSubtags _tags_info[] = {
	AllowedSubtags('NAME', ChangeGRFName),
	AllowedSubtags('DESC', ChangeGRFDescription),
	AllowedSubtags('NPAR', ChangeGRFNumUsedParams),
	AllowedSubtags('PALS', ChangeGRFPalette),
	AllowedSubtags('PARA', HandleParameterInfo),