diff --git a/src/news_func.h b/src/news_func.h --- a/src/news_func.h +++ b/src/news_func.h @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ void AddNewsItem(StringID string, NewsType type, NewsFlag flags, NewsReferenceType reftype1 = NR_NONE, uint32_t ref1 = UINT32_MAX, NewsReferenceType reftype2 = NR_NONE, uint32_t ref2 = UINT32_MAX, const NewsAllocatedData *data = nullptr); -static inline void AddCompanyNewsItem(StringID string, CompanyNewsInformation *cni) +inline void AddCompanyNewsItem(StringID string, CompanyNewsInformation *cni) { AddNewsItem(string, NT_COMPANY_INFO, NF_COMPANY, NR_NONE, UINT32_MAX, NR_NONE, UINT32_MAX, cni); } @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ static inline void AddCompanyNewsItem(St * * @warning The DParams may not reference the vehicle due to autoreplace stuff. See AddVehicleAdviceNewsItem for how that can be done. */ -static inline void AddVehicleNewsItem(StringID string, NewsType type, VehicleID vehicle, StationID station = INVALID_STATION) +inline void AddVehicleNewsItem(StringID string, NewsType type, VehicleID vehicle, StationID station = INVALID_STATION) { AddNewsItem(string, type, NF_NO_TRANSPARENT | NF_SHADE | NF_THIN, NR_VEHICLE, vehicle, station == INVALID_STATION ? NR_NONE : NR_STATION, station); } @@ -37,17 +37,17 @@ static inline void AddVehicleNewsItem(St * * @warning DParam 0 must reference the vehicle! */ -static inline void AddVehicleAdviceNewsItem(StringID string, VehicleID vehicle) +inline void AddVehicleAdviceNewsItem(StringID string, VehicleID vehicle) { AddNewsItem(string, NT_ADVICE, NF_INCOLOUR | NF_SMALL | NF_VEHICLE_PARAM0, NR_VEHICLE, vehicle); } -static inline void AddTileNewsItem(StringID string, NewsType type, TileIndex tile, const NewsAllocatedData *data = nullptr, StationID station = INVALID_STATION) +inline void AddTileNewsItem(StringID string, NewsType type, TileIndex tile, const NewsAllocatedData *data = nullptr, StationID station = INVALID_STATION) { AddNewsItem(string, type, NF_NO_TRANSPARENT | NF_SHADE | NF_THIN, NR_TILE, tile.base(), station == INVALID_STATION ? NR_NONE : NR_STATION, station, data); } -static inline void AddIndustryNewsItem(StringID string, NewsType type, IndustryID industry, const NewsAllocatedData *data = nullptr) +inline void AddIndustryNewsItem(StringID string, NewsType type, IndustryID industry, const NewsAllocatedData *data = nullptr) { AddNewsItem(string, type, NF_NO_TRANSPARENT | NF_SHADE | NF_THIN, NR_INDUSTRY, industry, NR_NONE, UINT32_MAX, data); }