File diff r7710:64254e378532 → r7711:2d9b2a9a2e0b
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@@ -493,24 +493,47 @@ static bool LoadOldOrder(LoadgameState *

	AssignOrder(new (num) Order(), UnpackOldOrder(_old_order));

	/* Relink the orders to eachother (in TTD(Patch) the orders for one
	vehicle are behind eachother, with an invalid order (OT_NOTHING) as indication that
	it is the last order */
	if (num > 0 && GetOrder(num)->IsValid())
		GetOrder(num - 1)->next = GetOrder(num);

	return true;

static bool LoadOldAnimTileList(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
	/* This is sligthly hackish - we must load a chunk into an array whose
	 * address isn't static, but instead pointed to by _animated_tile_list.
	 * To achieve that, create an OldChunks list on the stack on the fly.
	 * The list cannot be static because the value of _animated_tile_list
	 * can change between calls. */

	const OldChunks anim_chunk[] = {
		OCL_VAR (   OC_TILE, 256, _animated_tile_list ),
		OCL_END ()

	if (!LoadChunk(ls, NULL, anim_chunk)) return false;

	/* Update the animated tile counter by counting till the first zero in the array */
	for (_animated_tile_count = 0; _animated_tile_count < 256; _animated_tile_count++) {
		if (_animated_tile_list[_animated_tile_count] == 0) break;

	return true;

static const OldChunks depot_chunk[] = {
	OCL_SVAR(   OC_TILE, Depot, xy ),
	OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT32,   1, &_old_town_index ),

static bool LoadOldDepot(LoadgameState *ls, int num)
	if (!LoadChunk(ls, new (num) Depot(), depot_chunk)) return false;

	if (IsValidDepotID(num)) {
		GetDepot(num)->town_index = REMAP_TOWN_IDX(_old_town_index);
@@ -1414,25 +1437,25 @@ static const OldChunks main_chunk[] = {
	OCL_VAR ( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_U32, 1, &_date ),
	OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT16,   1, &_date_fract ),
	OCL_NULL( 600 ),            ///< TextEffects
	OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT32,   2, &_random_seeds[0] ),

	OCL_ASSERT( 0x264 ),
	OCL_CHUNK(  70, LoadOldTown ),
	OCL_ASSERT( 0x1C18 ),
	OCL_CHUNK(5000, LoadOldOrder ),
	OCL_ASSERT( 0x4328 ),

	OCL_VAR (   OC_TILE, 256, _animated_tile_list ),
	OCL_CHUNK( 1, LoadOldAnimTileList ),
	OCL_NULL( 4 ),              ///< old end-of-order-list-pointer, no longer in use

	OCL_CHUNK( 255, LoadOldDepot ),
	OCL_ASSERT( 0x4B26 ),

	OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT32,   1, &_old_cur_town_ctr ),
	OCL_NULL( 2 ),              ///< timer_counter, no longer in use
	OCL_NULL( 2 ),              ///< land_code,     no longer in use

	OCL_VAR ( OC_FILE_U16 | OC_VAR_U8, 1, &_age_cargo_skip_counter ),
	OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT16,   1, &_tick_counter ),
	OCL_VAR (   OC_TILE,   1, &_cur_tileloop_tile ),
@@ -1545,28 +1568,24 @@ static bool LoadOldMain(LoadgameState *l
	/* Fix some general stuff */
	_opt.landscape = _opt.landscape & 0xF;

	/* Remap some pointers */
	_cur_town_ctr      = REMAP_TOWN_IDX(_old_cur_town_ctr);

	/* _old_map3 is changed in _map3_lo and _map3_hi */
	for (i = 0; i < OLD_MAP_SIZE; i++) {
		_m[i].m3 = _old_map3[i * 2];
		_m[i].m4 = _old_map3[i * 2 + 1];

	for (_animated_tile_count = 0; _animated_tile_count < 256; _animated_tile_count++) {
		if (_animated_tile_list[_animated_tile_count] == 0) break;

	for (i = 0; i < OLD_MAP_SIZE; i ++) {
		switch (GetTileType(i)) {
			case MP_STATION:
				_m[i].m4 = 0; // We do not understand this TTDP station mapping (yet)
				switch (_m[i].m5) {
					/* We have drive through stops at a totally different place */
					case 0x53: case 0x54: _m[i].m5 += 170 - 0x53; break; // Bus drive through
					case 0x57: case 0x58: _m[i].m5 += 168 - 0x57; break; // Truck drive through
					case 0x55: case 0x56: _m[i].m5 += 170 - 0x55; break; // Bus tram stop
					case 0x59: case 0x5A: _m[i].m5 += 168 - 0x59; break; // Truck tram stop
					default: break;