File diff r19845:1a7e8f4e03df → r19846:75a27628493b
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@@ -1088,25 +1088,25 @@ public:

	virtual void OnPaint()
		if (this->vehicle->owner != _local_company) this->selected_order = -1; // Disable selection any selected row at a competitor order window.

	virtual void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const
		if (widget != WID_O_ORDER_LIST) return;

		bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL;
		SetDParam(0, 99);
		SetDParamMaxValue(0, this->vehicle->GetNumOrders(), 2);
		int index_column_width = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_ORDER_INDEX).width + 2 * GetSpriteSize(rtl ? SPR_ARROW_RIGHT : SPR_ARROW_LEFT).width + 3;
		int middle = rtl ? r.right - WD_FRAMETEXT_RIGHT - index_column_width : r.left + WD_FRAMETEXT_LEFT + index_column_width;

		int y = + WD_FRAMERECT_TOP;
		int line_height = this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(WID_O_ORDER_LIST)->resize_y;

		int i = this->vscroll->GetPosition();
		const Order *order = this->vehicle->GetOrder(i);
		/* First draw the highlighting underground if it exists. */
		if (this->order_over != INVALID_VEH_ORDER_ID) {
			while (order != NULL) {
				/* Don't draw anything if it extends past the end of the window. */