diff --git a/src/os/windows/win32.cpp b/src/os/windows/win32.cpp --- a/src/os/windows/win32.cpp +++ b/src/os/windows/win32.cpp @@ -707,38 +707,6 @@ int OTTDStringCompare(const char *s1, co return CompareString(MAKELCID(_current_language->winlangid, SORT_DEFAULT), NORM_IGNORECASE, s1_buf, -1, s2_buf, -1); } -/** - * Is the current Windows version Vista or later? - * @return True if the current Windows is Vista or later. - */ -bool IsWindowsVistaOrGreater() -{ - typedef BOOL (WINAPI * LPVERIFYVERSIONINFO)(LPOSVERSIONINFOEX, DWORD, DWORDLONG); - typedef ULONGLONG (NTAPI * LPVERSETCONDITIONMASK)(ULONGLONG, DWORD, BYTE); -#ifdef UNICODE - static LPVERIFYVERSIONINFO _VerifyVersionInfo = (LPVERIFYVERSIONINFO)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(_T("Kernel32")), "VerifyVersionInfoW"); -#else - static LPVERIFYVERSIONINFO _VerifyVersionInfo = (LPVERIFYVERSIONINFO)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(_T("Kernel32")), "VerifyVersionInfoA"); -#endif - static LPVERSETCONDITIONMASK _VerSetConditionMask = (LPVERSETCONDITIONMASK)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(_T("Kernel32")), "VerSetConditionMask"); - - if (_VerifyVersionInfo != nullptr && _VerSetConditionMask != nullptr) { - OSVERSIONINFOEX osvi = { sizeof(osvi), 0, 0, 0, 0, {0}, 0, 0 }; - DWORDLONG dwlConditionMask = 0; - dwlConditionMask = _VerSetConditionMask(dwlConditionMask, VER_MAJORVERSION, VER_GREATER_EQUAL); - dwlConditionMask = _VerSetConditionMask(dwlConditionMask, VER_MINORVERSION, VER_GREATER_EQUAL); - dwlConditionMask = _VerSetConditionMask(dwlConditionMask, VER_SERVICEPACKMAJOR, VER_GREATER_EQUAL); - - osvi.dwMajorVersion = 6; - osvi.dwMinorVersion = 0; - osvi.wServicePackMajor = 0; - - return _VerifyVersionInfo(&osvi, VER_MAJORVERSION | VER_MINORVERSION | VER_SERVICEPACKMAJOR, dwlConditionMask) != FALSE; - } else { - return LOBYTE(GetVersion()) >= 6; - } -} - #ifdef _MSC_VER /* Based on code from MSDN: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xcb2z8hs.aspx */ const DWORD MS_VC_EXCEPTION = 0x406D1388;