File diff r23022:731ae1300799 → r23023:7b8669afd1db
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@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@
 *  path finder.
template <class Titem_, int Thash_bits_open_, int Thash_bits_closed_>
class CNodeList_HashTableT {
	typedef Titem_ Titem;                                        ///< Make #Titem_ visible from outside of class.
	typedef typename Titem_::Key Key;                            ///< Make Titem_::Key a property of #HashTable.
	typedef typename Titem_::Key Key;                            ///< Make Titem_::Key a property of this class.
	typedef SmallArray<Titem_, 65536, 256> CItemArray;           ///< Type that we will use as item container.
	typedef CHashTableT<Titem_, Thash_bits_open_  > COpenList;   ///< How pointers to open nodes will be stored.
	typedef CHashTableT<Titem_, Thash_bits_closed_> CClosedList; ///< How pointers to closed nodes will be stored.
	typedef CBinaryHeapT<Titem_> CPriorityQueue;                 ///< How the priority queue will be managed.
