File diff r25672:51d57b4c2615 → r25673:4919875a9031
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@@ -400,6 +400,73 @@ struct ChunkHandler {
/** A table of ChunkHandler entries. */
using ChunkHandlerTable = span<const ChunkHandler>;

/** A table of SaveLoad entries. */
using SaveLoadTable = span<const struct SaveLoad>;

/** Handler for saving/loading an object to/from disk. */
class SaveLoadHandler {
	virtual ~SaveLoadHandler() {}

	 * Save the object to disk.
	 * @param object The object to store.
	virtual void Save(void *object) const {}

	 * Load the object from disk.
	 * @param object The object to load.
	virtual void Load(void *object) const {}

	 * Similar to load, but used only to validate savegames.
	 * @param object The object to load.
	virtual void LoadCheck(void *object) const {}

	 * A post-load callback to fix #SL_REF integers into pointers.
	 * @param object The object to fix.
	virtual void FixPointers(void *object) const {}

	 * Get the description of the fields in the savegame.
	virtual SaveLoadTable GetDescription() const = 0;

 * Default handler for saving/loading an object to/from disk.
 * This handles a few common things for handlers, meaning the actual handler
 * needs less code.
 * Usage: class SlMine : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler<SlMine, MyObject> {}
 * @tparam TImpl The class initializing this template.
 * @tparam TObject The class of the object using this SaveLoadHandler.
template <class TImpl, class TObject>
class DefaultSaveLoadHandler : public SaveLoadHandler {
	SaveLoadTable GetDescription() const override { return static_cast<const TImpl *>(this)->description; }

	virtual void Save(TObject *object) const {}
	void Save(void *object) const override { this->Save(static_cast<TObject *>(object)); }

	virtual void Load(TObject *object) const {}
	void Load(void *object) const override { this->Load(static_cast<TObject *>(object)); }

	virtual void LoadCheck(TObject *object) const {}
	void LoadCheck(void *object) const override { this->LoadCheck(static_cast<TObject *>(object)); }

	virtual void FixPointers(TObject *object) const {}
	void FixPointers(void *object) const override { this->FixPointers(static_cast<TObject *>(object)); }

/** Type of reference (#SLE_REF, #SLE_CONDREF). */
enum SLRefType {
	REF_ORDER          =  0, ///< Load/save a reference to an order.
@@ -501,10 +568,12 @@ enum SaveLoadType : byte {
	SL_REFLIST     =  4, ///< Save/load a list of #SL_REF elements.
	SL_DEQUE       =  5, ///< Save/load a deque of #SL_VAR elements.
	SL_STDSTR      =  6, ///< Save/load a \c std::string.
	SL_STRUCT      =  7, ///< Save/load a struct.
	SL_STRUCTLIST  =  8, ///< Save/load a list of structs.
	/* non-normal save-load types */

typedef void *SaveLoadAddrProc(void *base, size_t extra);
@@ -519,11 +588,9 @@ struct SaveLoad {
	size_t size;                    ///< the sizeof size.
	SaveLoadAddrProc *address_proc; ///< callback proc the get the actual variable address in memory
	size_t extra_data;              ///< extra data for the callback proc
	SaveLoadHandler *handler;       ///< Custom handler for Save/Load procs.

/** A table of SaveLoad entries. */
using SaveLoadTable = span<const SaveLoad>;

 * Storage of simple variables, references (pointers), and arrays.
 * @param cmd      Load/save type. @see SaveLoadType
@@ -535,7 +602,7 @@ using SaveLoadTable = span<const SaveLoa
 * @param extra    Extra data to pass to the address callback function.
 * @note In general, it is better to use one of the SLE_* macros below.
#define SLE_GENERAL(cmd, base, variable, type, length, from, to, extra) {cmd, type, length, from, to, cpp_sizeof(base, variable), [] (void *b, size_t) -> void * { assert(b != nullptr); return const_cast<void *>(static_cast<const void *>(std::addressof(static_cast<base *>(b)->variable))); }, extra}
#define SLE_GENERAL(cmd, base, variable, type, length, from, to, extra) {cmd, type, length, from, to, cpp_sizeof(base, variable), [] (void *b, size_t) -> void * { assert(b != nullptr); return const_cast<void *>(static_cast<const void *>(std::addressof(static_cast<base *>(b)->variable))); }, extra, nullptr}

 * Storage of a variable in some savegame versions.
@@ -671,13 +738,13 @@ using SaveLoadTable = span<const SaveLoa
 * @param from   First savegame version that has the empty space.
 * @param to     Last savegame version that has the empty space.
#define SLE_CONDNULL(length, from, to) {SL_ARR, SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_NULL, length, from, to, 0, nullptr, 0}
#define SLE_CONDNULL(length, from, to) {SL_ARR, SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_NULL, length, from, to, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}

/** Translate values ingame to different values in the savegame and vv. */
#define SLE_WRITEBYTE(base, variable) SLE_GENERAL(SL_WRITEBYTE, base, variable, 0, 0, SL_MIN_VERSION, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0)

#define SLE_VEH_INCLUDE() {SL_VEH_INCLUDE, 0, 0, SL_MIN_VERSION, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, [] (void *b, size_t) { return b; }, 0}
#define SLE_ST_INCLUDE() {SL_ST_INCLUDE, 0, 0, SL_MIN_VERSION, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, [] (void *b, size_t) { return b; }, 0}
#define SLE_VEH_INCLUDE() {SL_VEH_INCLUDE, 0, 0, SL_MIN_VERSION, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, [] (void *b, size_t) { return b; }, 0, nullptr}
#define SLE_ST_INCLUDE() {SL_ST_INCLUDE, 0, 0, SL_MIN_VERSION, SL_MAX_VERSION, 0, [] (void *b, size_t) { return b; }, 0, nullptr}

 * Storage of global simple variables, references (pointers), and arrays.
@@ -689,7 +756,7 @@ using SaveLoadTable = span<const SaveLoa
 * @param extra    Extra data to pass to the address callback function.
 * @note In general, it is better to use one of the SLEG_* macros below.
#define SLEG_GENERAL(cmd, variable, type, length, from, to, extra) {cmd, type, length, from, to, sizeof(variable), [] (void *, size_t) -> void * { return static_cast<void *>(std::addressof(variable)); }, extra}
#define SLEG_GENERAL(cmd, variable, type, length, from, to, extra) {cmd, type, length, from, to, sizeof(variable), [] (void *, size_t) -> void * { return static_cast<void *>(std::addressof(variable)); }, extra, nullptr}

 * Storage of a global variable in some savegame versions.
@@ -739,6 +806,14 @@ using SaveLoadTable = span<const SaveLoa
#define SLEG_CONDSSTR(variable, type, from, to) SLEG_GENERAL(SL_STDSTR, variable, type, 0, from, to, 0)

 * Storage of a structs in some savegame versions.
 * @param handler  SaveLoadHandler for the structs.
 * @param from     First savegame version that has the struct.
 * @param to       Last savegame version that has the struct.
#define SLEG_CONDSTRUCT(handler, from, to) {SL_STRUCT, 0, 0, from, to, 0, nullptr, 0, new handler()}

 * Storage of a global reference list in some savegame versions.
 * @param variable Name of the global variable.
 * @param type     Storage of the data in memory and in the savegame.
@@ -748,6 +823,14 @@ using SaveLoadTable = span<const SaveLoa
#define SLEG_CONDREFLIST(variable, type, from, to) SLEG_GENERAL(SL_REFLIST, variable, type, 0, from, to, 0)

 * Storage of a list of structs in some savegame versions.
 * @param handler  SaveLoadHandler for the list of structs.
 * @param from     First savegame version that has the list.
 * @param to       Last savegame version that has the list.
#define SLEG_CONDSTRUCTLIST(handler, from, to) {SL_STRUCTLIST, 0, 0, from, to, 0, nullptr, 0, new handler()}

 * Storage of a global variable in every savegame version.
 * @param variable Name of the global variable.
 * @param type     Storage of the data in memory and in the savegame.
@@ -783,6 +866,12 @@ using SaveLoadTable = span<const SaveLoa
#define SLEG_SSTR(variable, type) SLEG_CONDSSTR(variable, type, SL_MIN_VERSION, SL_MAX_VERSION)

 * Storage of a structs in every savegame version.
 * @param handler SaveLoadHandler for the structs.

 * Storage of a global reference list in every savegame version.
 * @param variable Name of the global variable.
 * @param type     Storage of the data in memory and in the savegame.
@@ -790,12 +879,18 @@ using SaveLoadTable = span<const SaveLoa
#define SLEG_REFLIST(variable, type) SLEG_CONDREFLIST(variable, type, SL_MIN_VERSION, SL_MAX_VERSION)

 * Storage of a list of structs in every savegame version.
 * @param handler SaveLoadHandler for the list of structs.

 * Empty global space in some savegame versions.
 * @param length Length of the empty space.
 * @param from   First savegame version that has the empty space.
 * @param to     Last savegame version that has the empty space.
#define SLEG_CONDNULL(length, from, to) {SL_ARR, SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_NULL, length, from, to, 0, nullptr, 0}
#define SLEG_CONDNULL(length, from, to) {SL_ARR, SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_NULL, length, from, to, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}

 * Checks whether the savegame is below \a major.\a minor.