File diff r24173:f85cb81531a9 → r24174:493f00d11e30
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@@ -770,6 +770,19 @@ static inline bool IsSavegameVersionBefo

 * Checks whether the savegame is below or at \a major. This should be used to repair data from existing
 * savegames which is no longer corrupted in new savegames, but for which otherwise no savegame
 * bump is required.
 * @param major Major number of the version to check against.
 * @return Savegame version is at most the specified version.
static inline bool IsSavegameVersionUntil(SaveLoadVersion major)
	extern SaveLoadVersion _sl_version;
	return _sl_version <= major;

 * Checks if some version from/to combination falls within the range of the
 * active savegame version.
 * @param version_from Inclusive savegame version lower bound.