File diff r16430:b3f65f9bc976 → r16431:ec558deca9d7
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@@ -1025,49 +1025,49 @@ SettingEntry *SettingEntry::FindEntry(ui
 * only drawn when another entry follows, that it prevents output like
 * \verbatim
 *  |-- setting
 *  |-- (-) - Title
 *  |    |-- setting
 *  |    |-- setting
 * \endverbatim
 * The left-most vertical line is not wanted. It is prevented by setting the
 * appropiate bit in the \a parent_last parameter.
 * @param settings_ptr Pointer to current values of all settings
 * @param left         Left-most position in window/panel to start drawing \a first_row
 * @param right        Right-most x position to draw strings at.
 * @param base_y       Upper-most position in window/panel to start drawing \a first_row
 * @param first_row    First row number to draw
 * @param max_row      Row-number to stop drawing (the row-number of the row below the last row to draw)
 * @param cur_row      Current row number (internal variable)
 * @param parent_last  Last-field booleans of parent page level (page level \e i sets bit \e i to 1 if it is its last field)
 * @return Row number of the next row to draw
uint SettingEntry::Draw(GameSettings *settings_ptr, int left, int right, int base_y, uint first_row, uint max_row, uint cur_row, uint parent_last)
	if (cur_row >= max_row) return cur_row;

	bool rtl = _dynlang.text_dir == TD_RTL;
	bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL;
	int offset = rtl ? -4 : 4;
	int level_width = rtl ? -LEVEL_WIDTH : LEVEL_WIDTH;

	int x = rtl ? right : left;
	int y = base_y;
	if (cur_row >= first_row) {
		int colour = _colour_gradient[COLOUR_ORANGE][4];
		y = base_y + (cur_row - first_row) * SETTING_HEIGHT; // Compute correct y start position

		/* Draw vertical for parent nesting levels */
		for (uint lvl = 0; lvl < this->level; lvl++) {
			if (!HasBit(parent_last, lvl)) GfxDrawLine(x + offset, y, x + offset, y + SETTING_HEIGHT - 1, colour);
			x += level_width;
		/* draw own |- prefix */
		int halfway_y = y + SETTING_HEIGHT / 2;
		int bottom_y = (flags & SEF_LAST_FIELD) ? halfway_y : y + SETTING_HEIGHT - 1;
		GfxDrawLine(x + offset, y, x + offset, bottom_y, colour);
		/* Small horizontal line from the last vertical line */
		GfxDrawLine(x + offset, halfway_y, x + level_width - offset, halfway_y, colour);
		x += level_width;

	switch (this->flags & SEF_KIND_MASK) {
@@ -1105,49 +1105,49 @@ static const void *ResolveVariableAddres
		} else {
			return GetVariableAddress(&, &sd->save);
	} else {
		return GetVariableAddress(settings_ptr, &sd->save);

 * Private function to draw setting value (button + text + current value)
 * @param settings_ptr Pointer to current values of all settings
 * @param sd           Pointer to value description of setting to draw
 * @param left         Left-most position in window/panel to start drawing
 * @param right        Right-most position in window/panel to draw
 * @param y            Upper-most position in window/panel to start drawing
 * @param state        State of the left + right arrow buttons to draw for the setting
void SettingEntry::DrawSetting(GameSettings *settings_ptr, const SettingDesc *sd, int left, int right, int y, int state)
	const SettingDescBase *sdb = &sd->desc;
	const void *var = ResolveVariableAddress(settings_ptr, sd);
	bool editable = true;
	bool disabled = false;

	bool rtl = _dynlang.text_dir == TD_RTL;
	bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL;
	uint buttons_left = rtl ? right - 19 : left;
	uint text_left  = left + (rtl ? 0 : 25);
	uint text_right = right - (rtl ? 25 : 0);
	uint button_y = y + (SETTING_HEIGHT - 11) / 2;

	/* We do not allow changes of some items when we are a client in a networkgame */
	if (!(sd->save.conv & SLF_NETWORK_NO) && _networking && !_network_server && !(sdb->flags & SGF_PER_COMPANY)) editable = false;
	if ((sdb->flags & SGF_NETWORK_ONLY) && !_networking) editable = false;
	if ((sdb->flags & SGF_NO_NETWORK) && _networking) editable = false;

	if (sdb->cmd == SDT_BOOLX) {
		static const Colours _bool_ctabs[2][2] = {{COLOUR_CREAM, COLOUR_RED}, {COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, COLOUR_GREEN}};
		/* Draw checkbox for boolean-value either on/off */
		bool on = (*(bool*)var);

		DrawFrameRect(buttons_left, button_y, buttons_left + 19, button_y + 8, _bool_ctabs[!!on][!!editable], on ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE);
	} else {
		int32 value;

		value = (int32)ReadValue(var, sd->save.conv);

		/* Draw [<][>] boxes for settings of an integer-type */
		DrawArrowButtons(buttons_left, button_y, COLOUR_YELLOW, state, editable && value != (sdb->flags & SGF_0ISDISABLED ? 0 : sdb->min), editable && (uint32)value != sdb->max);
@@ -1545,49 +1545,49 @@ struct GameSettingsWindow : Window {
		if (widget != SETTINGSEL_OPTIONSPANEL) return;

		_settings_main_page.Draw(settings_ptr, r.left + SETTINGTREE_LEFT_OFFSET, r.right - SETTINGTREE_RIGHT_OFFSET, + SETTINGTREE_TOP_OFFSET,
				this->vscroll->GetPosition(), this->vscroll->GetPosition() + this->vscroll->GetCapacity());

	virtual void OnPaint()

	virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count)
		if (widget != SETTINGSEL_OPTIONSPANEL) return;

		uint btn = this->vscroll->GetScrolledRowFromWidget(pt.y, this, SETTINGSEL_OPTIONSPANEL, SETTINGTREE_TOP_OFFSET - 1);
		if (btn == INT_MAX) return;

		uint cur_row = 0;
		SettingEntry *pe = _settings_main_page.FindEntry(btn, &cur_row);

		if (pe == NULL) return;  // Clicked below the last setting of the page

		int x = (_dynlang.text_dir == TD_RTL ? this->width - pt.x : pt.x) - SETTINGTREE_LEFT_OFFSET - (pe->level + 1) * LEVEL_WIDTH;  // Shift x coordinate
		int x = (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL ? this->width - pt.x : pt.x) - SETTINGTREE_LEFT_OFFSET - (pe->level + 1) * LEVEL_WIDTH;  // Shift x coordinate
		if (x < 0) return;  // Clicked left of the entry

		if ((pe->flags & SEF_KIND_MASK) == SEF_SUBTREE_KIND) {
			pe->d.sub.folded = !pe->d.sub.folded; // Flip 'folded'-ness of the sub-page


		assert((pe->flags & SEF_KIND_MASK) == SEF_SETTING_KIND);
		const SettingDesc *sd = pe->d.entry.setting;

		/* return if action is only active in network, or only settable by server */
		if (!(sd->save.conv & SLF_NETWORK_NO) && _networking && !_network_server && !(sd->desc.flags & SGF_PER_COMPANY)) return;
		if ((sd->desc.flags & SGF_NETWORK_ONLY) && !_networking) return;
		if ((sd->desc.flags & SGF_NO_NETWORK) && _networking) return;

		const void *var = ResolveVariableAddress(settings_ptr, sd);
		int32 value = (int32)ReadValue(var, sd->save.conv);

		/* clicked on the icon on the left side. Either scroller or bool on/off */
		if (x < 21) {
			const SettingDescBase *sdb = &sd->desc;
@@ -1610,49 +1610,49 @@ struct GameSettingsWindow : Window {

					/* Increase or decrease the value and clamp it to extremes */
					if (x >= 10) {
						value += step;
						if (sdb->min < 0) {
							assert((int32)sdb->max >= 0);
							if (value > (int32)sdb->max) value = (int32)sdb->max;
						} else {
							if ((uint32)value > sdb->max) value = (int32)sdb->max;
						if (value < sdb->min) value = sdb->min; // skip between "disabled" and minimum
					} else {
						value -= step;
						if (value < sdb->min) value = (sdb->flags & SGF_0ISDISABLED) ? 0 : sdb->min;

					/* Set up scroller timeout for numeric values */
					if (value != oldvalue && !(sd->desc.flags & SGF_MULTISTRING)) {
						if (this->clicked_entry != NULL) { // Release previous buttons if any
						this->clicked_entry = pe;
						this->clicked_entry->SetButtons((x >= 10) != (_dynlang.text_dir == TD_RTL) ? SEF_RIGHT_DEPRESSED : SEF_LEFT_DEPRESSED);
						this->clicked_entry->SetButtons((x >= 10) != (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL) ? SEF_RIGHT_DEPRESSED : SEF_LEFT_DEPRESSED);
						this->flags4 |= WF_TIMEOUT_BEGIN;
						_left_button_clicked = false;

				default: NOT_REACHED();

			if (value != oldvalue) {
				if ((sd->desc.flags & SGF_PER_COMPANY) != 0) {
					SetCompanySetting(pe->d.entry.index, value);
				} else {
					SetSettingValue(pe->d.entry.index, value);
		} else {
			/* only open editbox for types that its sensible for */
			if (sd->desc.cmd != SDT_BOOLX && !(sd->desc.flags & SGF_MULTISTRING)) {
				/* Show the correct currency-translated value */
				if (sd->desc.flags & SGF_CURRENCY) value *= _currency->rate;

				this->valuewindow_entry = pe;
@@ -1732,49 +1732,49 @@ void ShowGameSettings()
	DeleteWindowById(WC_GAME_OPTIONS, 0);
	new GameSettingsWindow(&_settings_selection_desc);


 * Draw [<][>] boxes.
 * @param x the x position to draw
 * @param y the y position to draw
 * @param button_colour the colour of the button
 * @param state 0 = none clicked, 1 = first clicked, 2 = second clicked
 * @param clickable_left is the left button clickable?
 * @param clickable_right is the right button clickable?
void DrawArrowButtons(int x, int y, Colours button_colour, byte state, bool clickable_left, bool clickable_right)
	int colour = _colour_gradient[button_colour][2];

	DrawFrameRect(x,      y + 1, x +  9, y + 9, button_colour, (state == 1) ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE);
	DrawFrameRect(x + 10, y + 1, x + 19, y + 9, button_colour, (state == 2) ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE);

	/* Grey out the buttons that aren't clickable */
	bool rtl = _dynlang.text_dir == TD_RTL;
	bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL;
	if (rtl ? !clickable_right : !clickable_left) {
		GfxFillRect(x +  1, y + 1, x +  1 + 8, y + 8, colour, FILLRECT_CHECKER);
	if (rtl ? !clickable_left : !clickable_right) {
		GfxFillRect(x + 11, y + 1, x + 11 + 8, y + 8, colour, FILLRECT_CHECKER);

/** Widget numbers of the custom currency window. */
enum CustomCurrencyWidgets {