File diff r23482:de566f8c088d → r23483:3733e6b8ff17
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@@ -151,17 +151,15 @@ struct GUISettings {
	uint16 console_backlog_timeout;          ///< the minimum amount of time items should be in the console backlog before they will be removed in ~3 seconds granularity.
	uint16 console_backlog_length;           ///< the minimum amount of items in the console backlog before items will be removed.

	uint8  station_gui_group_order;          ///< the order of grouping cargo entries in the station gui
	uint8  station_gui_sort_by;              ///< sort cargo entries in the station gui by station name or amount
	uint8  station_gui_sort_order;           ///< the sort order of entries in the station gui - ascending or descending
	uint16 network_chat_box_width_pct;       ///< width of the chat box in percent
	uint8  network_chat_box_height;          ///< height of the chat box in lines
	uint16 network_chat_timeout;             ///< timeout of chat messages in seconds

	uint8  developer;                        ///< print non-fatal warnings in console (>= 1), copy debug output to console (== 2)
	bool   show_date_in_logs;                ///< whether to show dates in console logs
	bool   newgrf_developer_tools;           ///< activate NewGRF developer tools and allow modifying NewGRFs in an existing game
	bool   ai_developer_tools;               ///< activate AI developer tools
	bool   scenario_developer;               ///< activate scenario developer: allow modifying NewGRFs in an existing game
@@ -234,13 +232,12 @@ struct NewsSettings {
	uint8 subsidies;                                      ///< NewsDisplay of changes on subsidies
	uint8 general;                                        ///< NewsDisplay of other topics

/** All settings related to the network. */
struct NetworkSettings {
	uint16 sync_freq;                                     ///< how often do we check whether we are still in-sync
	uint8  frame_freq;                                    ///< how often do we send commands to the clients
	uint16 commands_per_frame;                            ///< how many commands may be sent each frame_freq frames?
	uint16 max_commands_in_queue;                         ///< how many commands may there be in the incoming queue before dropping the connection?
	uint16 bytes_per_frame;                               ///< how many bytes may, over a long period, be received per frame?
	uint16 bytes_per_frame_burst;                         ///< how many bytes may, over a short period, be received?
@@ -274,14 +271,12 @@ struct NetworkSettings {
	uint8  min_active_clients;                            ///< minimum amount of active clients to unpause the game
	uint8  server_lang;                                   ///< language of the server
	bool   reload_cfg;                                    ///< reload the config file before restarting
	char   last_host[NETWORK_HOSTNAME_LENGTH];            ///< IP address of the last joined server
	uint16 last_port;                                     ///< port of the last joined server
	bool   no_http_content_downloads;                     ///< do not do content downloads over HTTP
#else /* ENABLE_NETWORK */

/** Settings related to the creation of games. */
struct GameCreationSettings {
	uint32 generation_seed;                  ///< noise seed for world generation
	Year   starting_year;                    ///< starting date