File diff r26470:40beb4ba4113 → r26471:07663e681e9c
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@@ -27,6 +27,15 @@ void ShowSmallMap();
void BuildLandLegend();
void BuildOwnerLegend();

/** Enum for how to include the heightmap pixels/colours in small map related functions */
enum class IncludeHeightmap {
	Never,      ///< Never include the heightmap
	IfEnabled,  ///< Only include the heightmap if its enabled in the gui by the player
	Always      ///< Always include the heightmap

uint32 GetSmallMapOwnerPixels(TileIndex tile, TileType t, IncludeHeightmap include_heightmap);

/** Structure for holding relevant data for legends in small map */
struct LegendAndColour {
	uint8 colour;              ///< Colour of the item on the map.